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Everything posted by ruveyn1

  1. There are only two origins of unsound arguments: 1. false premises and 2. invalid inference. ruveyn1
  2. The character so described in the prior post sound like a loose canon. ruveyn1
  3. Here is a snippet I got from Wikipedia on the English Law concerning undertakings; Duties arising out of a relationship It has long been held that a parent owes a duty to their child to ensure they do not suffer any unreasonable detriment to health or safety. Thus a parent who omits to feed or properly care for their child may face criminal repercussions for subsequent death or injury. An early example of this principle was given by the case of R v Gibbins & Proctor,[16]where the court ruled that it was so self-evident that it did not require analysis or authority.[17] In upholding convictions for murder resulting from two parent's starvation of their child, Darling J quoted from the earlier case of R v Instan,[18]a case of similar neglect for a vulnerable individual, that: "There is no case directly in point, but it would be a slur upon, and a discredit to the administration of, justice in this country if there were any doubt as to the legal principle, or as to the present case being within it." [19 ] Following R v Gibbins & Proctor, and the passing of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, it became a criminal offence to neglect a child in a way which would likely cause injury or risk to health. It is still likely however that following the more recent case of R v Stone & Dobinson,[20] a conviction for manslaughter or murder would arise, where the neglect or lack of care by a parent is either intentional, or grossly negligent.[17] Other instances in which a duty may arise include spousal relationships, and family relations, where they are of sufficient proximity.[21] A recent case affirming a duty to a spouse is R v Hood,[22] where the Court of Appeal upheld a husband's conviction of gross negligence manslaughter, where had failed to summon medical attention to his wife – a sufferer of osteoperosis – after she fell and broke a number of bones. Familial relationships have been found to infer a duty to act where the proximity of the two family members is that of the same household, as shown by the cases of R v Stone & Dobinson and R v Chattaway,[23] where neglect for an elderly sister and a daughter resulted in convictions of murder and manslaughter. The general principle is that undertaking the care of a party which creates a dependence constitutes an actionable contractual obligation. ruveyn1 [edit]
  4. I make this distinction by capitalization: Republican for the party member. "republican" for the generic advocate of a representative republic. Ditto for Libertarian and libertarian. How about Objectivist and objectivist. Use the lower case instance for the generic meaning. ruveyn1
  5. Jews were doing these things (during the Babylonian diaspora) 500 years before there were any Christians. Perhaps that is why Jews are better "Christians" than are the Christians Christian. It is amazing how one becomes moderated and enlightened by having the living shit kicked out of one. Pain is a great teacher. Christianity became sane after the Enlightenment. Well almost sane. ruveyn1
  6. How about taking care of the little one he brought into the world? ruveyn1
  7. Am I to assume the "ideal man" would resort to explosives if he were double crossed? ruveyn1
  8. Isn't Democracy grand? What alternative would you recommend. A benign dictatorship? A monarchy? An aristocracy based on merit? If so, who measures merit? I propose that any scheme of government anyone can thing of, will within three generations devolve into a tyranny. The revolution must re-emerge in every other generation. Thomas Jefferson wrote: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Blood is its natural manure. ruveyn1
  9. Roarke and Peter Keating entered into a contract. Roarkes design would be used and Keating would use his "pull" to get the thing built. Keating failed to keep his end of the bargain so Roark dynamited the building which was based on a corruption of his design. ruveyn1
  10. Abandoning the protection and sustenance of a helpless child that one has brought into the world is a vicious breach of contract. It is the foulest form of criminal negligence. ruveyn1
  11. How to we objectify or quantify "well being"? We can do so for health, for longevity, for strength, for durability. I do not see how we can do it for happiness or well being. One man's well being is another man's misery. ruveyn1
  12. I would get away from him asap and check my pockets to see if I still had my wallet. ruveyn1
  13. Force? Nay. quid pro quo. An annoyance for an annoyance. ruveyn1
  14. I seriously doubt whether John Galt would waste precious minute of his life mocking me. But if he did, I would spit in his eye. I do no take kindly to unjust and unnecessary insults, even from a Hero of Production. ruveyn1
  15. Since death is unavoidable, try to be more serene about it. Live carefully, live well, but realize that you are not coming out of it alive. Nobody is. I nearly died of an asthma attack back in 1966. I went through the 5 Kuebler-Ross stages in under an hour. The Good News, I survived. The better news, I lost my -terror- of dying. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. ruveyn1
  16. Get your money back (or your parent's money back) any legal way you can. Why be a sucker twice. First they fleece you. If you don't get it back you are fleeced twice. ruveyn1
  17. More like the State of Despair, wouldn't you say? If we had all voted for C'thulu we would not be much worse off. ruveyn1.
  18. H.P. Lovecraft taught me who to vote for in Presidential Elections. I vote for C'thulu. (write in) I say: Why settle for the lesser of evils? ruveyn1
  19. We are born with a truck load of reflexes and capabilities. There is even some evidence that fetuses (at a late stage of development) can hear their mother's voices in utero and can recognize the voice after they are born. The brain starts to work somewhere in the fifth month. Fetuses can be startled by loud noises, which mean they can hear, even in utero. On the other hand fetuses do not come into the world loaded with philosophical judgement and opinions. That has to be learned gradually. ruveyn1
  20. Indeed there is. Mathematics works and produces useful results. As to infinity, the precise definition of an infinite (or better still a transfinite) cardinal number is NOT humongously so big that you wouldn't believe how big it is! It goes like this. A set is infinite if it is non-empty and it can put into one to one correspondence with a proper subset of itself. By this definition, the set of integers is infinite because it can be put into one to one correspondence with the set of even integers, a proper subset. Here is the correspondence: n <-> 2*n. On of the consequences of this is that there is no maximal integer. Given any integer n there is always one larger than it, n + 1. ruveyn1
  21. Cantor proved there is no 1-1 onto map from the set of integers to the set of real numbers. But the integers are a proper subset of the set of real numbers. Ergo there are fewer integer than real numbers. A humble example. A is a pile of ten object B is a pile of 20 objects we can map A into a proper sub set of B but there is not 1-1 map between A and B. Since A matches a subset of B but B cannot match A we conclude that A has fewer objects than B. This kind of (mis) match can be extended to transfinite sets. ruveyn1
  22. What happened to Bill Gates? He ended up with lots of money, most of which he earned honestly. I should have as bad luck as he does. ruveyn1
  23. It is an attempt to comfort one's self by fraudulent means. It may be selfish, but it is also futile (in the long and medium run). Reality is what it is and sooner or later that fact will manifest itself. ruveyn1
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