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  1. Thanks i just got The Fountainhead few days ago.Can't wait to read it. I appreciate your answer.Regards.
  2. Thanks for the answer Stephen i understand you perfectly. I didn't write details, but the thing is when i say "survive" i mean to live decent on my own terms.The problems is, most of the jobs in my country are a jobs created by the government, so basically i can't speak anything against their system or i will lose my job or have some other bad treatment. So i have to fake relationships, lie that is "all good",etc. support their pathetic system, just so i can earn the money. Other option is to find another job or start my own business.
  3. It's difficult indeed.It's not about fitting in, the situation is worst because you need to be part of the group so you can survive, and play their "game". I don't like to be alone and it's them which are not showing respect for individiuality. But i will do my best.Actually considering to move the another country. I will try to get that book. Thanks a lot for the answer. Regards.
  4. Hi, So i'm getting introduced with objectivism, i started learning about it few months ago. I'm not from the U.S. I'm from one small contry in Europe which has very collectivist society. Individuality basically can't exist. Actually i think that a man can't survive if he is not part of the group. I'm in that period of my life when i don't want to lose my individiuality but society where i'm living is making me lose it on various ways. I don't want to lose myself just so i can fit in. But also, i feel bad because i can't make mutual understanding with almost anybody.Their minds and feelings are very collectivist. They are negating rationality. So i'm looking for advice on how to pass those challenges if somebody had similar experience but also if you can recommend me objectivist guide(book,article or similar) or you thoughts on,is it possible to be objectivist in a collectivistic society? Thanks
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