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Everything posted by Fireball

  1. Price reduced to $50 Heavy Duty I & II books and Mentzer workout DVD were purchased earlier this year. These items are in storage and are in like-new condition.
  2. New Year’s resolutions are about a month away, and gyms nationwide will be filled with people intent on getting fit and trim. They will go to the gym enthusiastically day after day, week after week, month after month...only to abandon the whole effort, perhaps by summer. Why? Mike Mentzer provided the answer: overtraining. More important, Mentzer provided the solution: downregulating the volume and frequency of your workouts as you progress. Mike Mentzer read Atlas Shrugged in 1977. He then went on to win the Mr. Universe title (1978) and the heavyweight class in the Mr. Olympia contest (1979) before being knocked out of the sport by establishment favorite Arnold Schwarzenegger and his judges in the 1980 Mr. Olympia contest. Mentzer all but disappeared from the bodybuilding scene after his disappointing 4th place in the 1980 Mr. Olympia contest despite being at his all-time peak conditioning. During his absence he mastered Ayn Rand's Objectivist philosophy and Arthur Jones’ "Less is More" bodybuilding philosophy. He then began applying this material to his personal training clients. This would enable him to evolve his own bodybuilding philosophy from Heavy Duty to High-Intensity Training. Mike Mentzer was the first and only person to rip out mysticism from weightlifting and bodybuilding exercise science. He then integrated his new findings into a complete system of bodybuilding that is free of mysticism, irrationality, distortions, pragmatism. Mentzer revealed earth's first-and-only fully conceptual, non-mystical system of weightlifting and bodybuilding science. It is valid and applicable to every human being regardless of body type. Tragically, Mentzer died hours after completing his final masterwork -- never being able to see the success of his lifelong effort. The following materials reveal the evolution of his philosophy as well as reveal his numerous expositions on epistemology, ethics, politics, environmentalism and more. But most important, he reveals a rational approach to exercise that anyone can use to get in shape without the debilitating effects of overtraining. The following items for sale are used but in excellent condition: 1) Heavy Duty I (1993, 69 pages, $30 new) 2) Heavy Duty II (1996, 163 pages, $30 new) 3) High-Intensity Training (2001, 224 pages, $20 new) 4) Mike & Ray in the Gym (Late 1970s, 1 hour DVD, $40 new) Readers can see how Mike evolved and refined his bodybuilding philosophy via a rigorous application of logic, experimentation, and correction. The DVD contains an interview Mike did in 1994 that reveals detailed information that is helpful to beginners and advanced trainers alike. See Mentzer incorporate Ayn Rand's ideal of Man as Heroic in his posing routines captured in the pages of the above books. The above items new cost $120 + $17 shipping for a total of $137. You can purchase the above items used but in excellent condition for just $60. You will get free shipping. Call 585-200-2735 to purchase this uniquely valuable Mike Mentzer Collection to read Mentzer's written words, hear his spoken words and see him in action in the gym. This material is inspiring, informative and incredible. PS: Choose one of the following Objectivism lectures and you will receive it for free along with the Mike Mentzer collection: * The American School: Why Johnny Can’t Think by Leonard Peikoff * Capitalism's Economist: The Life and Ideas of Jean Baptiste Say by Richard Salsman
  3. Price Reduced: $145 for both DIM I & DIM II lecture sets (a $290 value) plus free shipping. Will also include a bonus item for FREE
  4. These lectures provide an outline of the entire book and go into a detailed analysis only on a portion of the book's content. Detailed sections in these lectures include a DIM analysis of history, education, literature and politics. It is helpful for the listener to be familiar with Peikoff's works on history, education, literature and politics. This is a breathtaking scope of information with a radically new way of looking at the past, present and future. I was doubtful about Peikoff's hypothesis before listening to these lectures. After completing this entire set, I fear he is correct. At least I cannot refute his sweeping analysis and logical conclusion. I will not reveal what his hypothesis is here; I will let listeners (and later, readers) discover this for themselves. My guess is the DIM Hypothesis book will contain about 500 pages after all the editing is completed. But I have not seen the manuscript, so I do not know how much material will make the final cut. On another note, I made some errors in my original post but do not know how to edit it. If anyone knows how I can edit the original post, please inform me. I paid about $300 for these two lectures, DIM I & II, not $600 as stated above. I'm lowering the price for both of these lectures to $175. This price includes shipping anywhere in America. I will also include one of the bonus lectures listed above for free. Your choice.
  5. This is the final Objectivism lecture by Dr. Leonard Peikoff. It is the most advanced application of Objectivism to date. This 24-CD set contains nearly 20 hours of material from 2007 and 2010 lectures by Peikoff. Not only does he reveal the essentialized content of his upcoming book The Dim Hypothesis, but he provides contextual material such as who helped shaped the book and why. His final farewell to Objectivism and special thank you section are worth the price of admission. This is a two-part set, Dim Hypothesis I and II, each set containing 12 CDs. Both sets are in excellent condition. I purchased this set earlier this year for approximately $600. Your price is $245. Free shipping anywhere in America. I will also include one of the following bonus lectures on CD. Pick one: * The American School: Why Johnny Can’t Think by Leonard Peikoff * The Inductive Method: An Epistemological Revolution by David Harriman * Capitalism's Economist: The Life and Times of Jean Baptiste Say by Richard Salsman Call 585-200-2735 if you are interested in purchasing The Dim Hypothesis I & II lecture series and let me know which bonus lecture you would like.
  6. I agree that organized religion -- in this case Christianity -- is a serious problem when admixed with government, and so I agree with Objectivists that Republicans should be punished by being ousted from the reigns of political power due to their explicit and genuine religiosity. But the more fundamental problem here is mysticism rather than one particular theology. In other words, if we drive Christians out of political power, but put in other mystics, what might arise could be equally bad...or worse.
  7. Pew Research recently conducted a poll on religious & mystical practices in America. Prominent Objectivists have been denouncing Republicans because of their inclination towards religious mysticism while praising Democrats because of their inclination toward secular reality. Pew's recent poll results reveal the opposite: Democrats believe in reincarnation more than Republicans (30% vs. 17%). Democrats believe in spiritual energy more than Republicans (30% vs. 17%). Democrats believe in astrology more than Republicans (31% vs. 14%). Democrats believe in Yoga spirituality more than Republicans (30% vs. 15%). Democrats believe in communicating with the dead more than Republicans (36% vs. 21%). Democrats believe in ghosts more than Republicans (21% vs. 11%). Democrats believe in fortune tellers more than Republicans (22% vs. 9%). Source: http://pewforum.org/docs/?DocID=490
  8. Barack Hussein Obama is making good on this 2007 presidential campaign promise: Source: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CN...;show_article=1
  9. Source: http://forum.ObjectivismOnline.com/index.p...8670&st=120 Objective Bodybuilding If most bodybuilders are stuck on the body side of the mind/body dichotomy, then most intellectuals are stuck on the mind side of the mind/body dichotomy. Neither situation is desirable. If you are an intellectual, you can develop your body in the most efficient manner possible by using Mike Mentzer's High-Intensity Training protocols. First, it has been said by some people that Mentzer was not a scientist and thus his work is invalid. Such people cite scientists who have never lifted weights to disprove Mentzer's protocols. The fact is Mike Mentzer developed his bodybuilding protocols based upon his successful 30+ year career of weightlifting/bodybuilding and personally training thousands of clients. After extensive note taking, careful observation and a dedication to rational thinking, Mentzer assembled a program of objective bodybuilding. The common approach to weightlifting & bodybuilding that is promulgated by the establishment is a high-volume/supplements approach. This has its origin in Europe -- particularly Germany -- during the early 20th century. Budding athletes such as Arnold Schwarzenegger & Franco Columbu adopted this approach in Germany in the mid-20th century. Upon immigrating to America, such people popularized it around the globe via magazines, books & seminars. The high-volume/supplements approach is based upon German Idealism. This is expressed by the notions that you can "will" yourself into becoming muscular or "mind over muscle" or as Arnold says, "you must keep the muscles guessing". In practice, this translates into mindless activity: endless repetitions, endless sets, endless exercises, endless workouts. "If you will it, it will happen." The problem with this approach is that it is subjective. Not being anchored in reality, adherents quickly burnout via overtraining and must turn to supplements to help the body recover from the exhaustive effects of chronic energy expenditure. Eventually supplements are not enough so adherents must turn to illegal/dangerous drugs such as steroids and growth hormones to endure endless exercise. Adherents that do not use copious amounts of supplements or illegal substances stagnate in their physical development. This is referred to as "hitting a plateau". Such people usually quit weightlifting within their first two years. The frustration is too much -- not to mention the chronic aches, pains & injuries. The genius of Mike Mentzer was to take a road less traveled. He was viciously denounced and attacked for deviating from bodybuilding orthodoxy. Yet he was committed to a rational course of action even if the rest of the bodybuilding world rejected him. After extensive study, practice, experimentation and refinement, Mentzer developed a high-intensity/natural approach to bodybuilding. This literally took his entire life to complete. He died just hours after completing what he claimed was the final evolution of his High-Intensity Training protocols. The high-intensity/natural approach to bodybuilding is based upon the research of Arthur Jones, Ayn Rand's Objectivism and Francis Bacon's scientific method. After much trial and error -- after developing theories and testing them in reality -- Mentzer revised & refined his protocols into an objective approach to bodybuilding. Contradicting the arbitrary assertions from the bodybuilding establishment such as "4 sets of 10", Mentzer propounded the idea of "1 set to failure". Yet the entire bodybuilding establishment, being based upon Subjectivism, was ensconced in supplements/drugs to keep it going. Mentzer's assertion meant that endless supplements/drugs were not necessary. So Mentzer was attacked and dismissed as crazy. Advocates of subjective bodybuilding launched ad hominem attacks at Mentzer, even claiming he drank his own urine. In 1980 Arnold Schwarzenegger summoned his influence to "teach Mentzer a lesson". Yet reality cannot be denied for long. Thus people eventually learned his protocols and made consistent progress from minimal work. And this is the key to objective bodybuilding. Nature is stingy when it comes to building muscles. A person will not build muscles by lifting a pencil 10 times or 100 times or a 1000 times. Such activity merely wastes time & energy. The key is doing the minimal amount of work necessary to stimulate muscular growth and then do no more. The rest of the body's energy is used in (1) recovering from the workout and later (2) repairing the damaged muscle fibers in a manner that causes a slight increase in their size and strength. That's it. Upon integrating Mentzer's most developed works -- High-Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way (book) and Mike Mentzer's HIT Exercise DVD -- I've summarized his ideal workout: Week 1: Torso (3 sets, 25 minutes) Week 2: Legs (4 sets, 12 minutes) Week 3: Shoulders/Arms (4 sets, 15 minutes) Week 4: Legs (4 sets, 12 minutes) This 4-week workout cycle takes approximately one hour per month and is repeated from month to month. Below are the actual exercises. Torso Workout Chest: 1 set chest flye (6-10 reps) superset with incline press (1-3 reps) Back: 1 set straight-arm pull-down (6-10 reps) superset with palms-up pull-down (6-10 reps) Entire body: 1 set deadlift (5-8 reps) Legs Workout Quadriceps: 1 set leg extension (8-15 reps) superset with leg press (8-15 reps) Hamstrings: 1 set leg curls (8-15 reps) Calves: 1 set standing calf raise (12-20 reps) Abs: 1 set sit-up (12-20 reps) Shoulders/Arms Workout Shoulders: 1 set lateral raise (6-10 reps). 1 set bent-over raise (6-10 reps) Biceps: 1 set curl (6-10 reps) Triceps: 1 set cable press-down (6-10 reps) superset with dip (3-5 reps) Here are some tips for implementing Mentzer's High-Intensity Training protocols: * Do the minimal amount of warm-up required to get your mind & body prepared. * Machines such as Nautilus & Smith Machine are recommended for safety, good form & working the muscles in the fully contracted (isometric) position. * Use Mentzer's 4-2-4 count on each rep: count 1, 2, 3, 4 on the positive portion of the lift then count 1, 2 on the isometric or contracted position and count 1, 2, 3, 4 on the negative portion of the lift. This works each aspect of the muscle fully and increases the intensity of the exercise by removing momentum (and makes each exercise safer). * Workout approximately once per week -- some people might be ready for another workout in 6 days, others in 8 days or longer. * Keep notes of each workout and make sure you progress in strength each workout. If you are not progressing, you might require more time between workouts. * Beginners (0-1 year of lifting experience) should perform basic compound movements like the squat, deadlift, power clean, military press, bench press, bent-over row & chin-up to develop a basic foundation of strength and muscle mass. * After 1 year or more of lifting experience, a person is ready to use High-Intensity Training protocols. * According to Mentzer, you can fulfill your genetic potential for muscular development in 1 year using HIT protocols properly. * Consult Mentzer's HIT book (2002) & HIT DVD (2004) for more information. * Supplements such as creatine & protein powder are not inherently bad, but they should not be used to overcome improper training methods. Illegal drugs such as steroids & growth hormones should be avoided because they can distort body parts and permanently damage organs. Source: http://forum.ObjectivismOnline.com/index.p...8670&st=120
  10. Leftists have linked human sexual activity with global warming. It might not be long before the government appoints a Sex Czar to control this "problem". Source
  11. Right after September 11, 2001 Dr. Savage said this on his radio show: "We have a man I agree with thoroughly... We have a man I agree with totally which is why I invited him on the show. I don't ever invite anyone on the show unless I agree with him. It's pointless. His name is Dr. Leonard Peikoff. He's the founder of the Ayn Rand Institute..." Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9sdQcwmdCs
  12. Source: http://talk910.com/pages/blog.html?feed=33...article=5988487 Dr. Michael Savage launched his radio career on radio station WKNEW 910 AM in San Francisco, California 15 years ago. This was his flagship radio station where he held the top spot. Today he was removed from this radio station because of his views and opinions -- namely for calling Obama a Marxist and comparing Obama and the Democrats to Nazis. Michael Savage has been banned in Great Britian for criticizing the British Labor Party and how they have ruined Great Britian. Now he is being banned from American airwaves.
  13. Here is what to expect in the next four years with an Obama/Pelosi/Reid government: * Time Magazine's Man of the Year: Barack Obama * Islamic terrorists will hit America hard, perhaps with Iranian nuclear devices, wiping out between 100,000 to 10,000,000 Americans * Super inflation for consumer goods * Destruction of domestic auto industry by government forcing US auto makers to make cars most people do not want to buy * Increase in income, capital gains, dividends, corporate, estate taxes * Greatly expand number of citizens dependent on government for survival * Rise of political entrepreneurs as market entrepreneurs withdraw from society * Curtail military while expanding entitlement programs * Silence political opposition via Fairness Doctrine, Hate Speech laws, approval committees for radio stations * And finally, blame Bush for society's ills
  14. Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20081102/pl_politico/15166
  15. Barack Obama is an intellectual lightweight, a puny mind indeed. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger said Obama needs to put some meat on his ideas -- and on his arms & legs. You might say Obama graduated from Harvard, yet Bush graduated from Harvard & Yale. You might say Bush's daddy got him into Harvard & Yale, but Obama's daddy's skin color got him into Harvard via affirmative action. Anyone can read Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto and then pit the bourgeoisie (business-owning class) against the proletariat (working class) as a way to rise to power. Very little minds have done this throughout history: Obama's relative Odinga in Kenya, Chavez in Venezuela, Castro in Cuba, Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Mao in China, Lenin in Russia. Barack Obama is a media-created phony, a power-luster who would call his own grandmother a white racist if that would help him gain power. He is a non-entity, an anti-American cipher whose mentors are intellectually bereft: * Frank Marshall Davis (Communist Party USA member) * Saul Alinsky (radical socialist) * Jeremiah Wright (religious Marxist) * William Ayers (Marxist/Leninist) * Bernardine Dohrn (Marxist/Leninist) Obama wrote in his autobiography that he sought out his friends and Marxist professors carefully. His father Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was an Islamic socialist. His brother is an Islamic socialist. His relative Odinga is an Islamic socialist. In fact, Obama is the first anti-American presidential candidate in American history. He despises America and wants to change it to the small-minded socio-fascism of his mentors. But all is not lost. Obama can leave Plato's cave of shadowy illusions to enter the real world of reality, honesty, productivity, individual liberty and happiness that America's Founding Fathers established. Then Obama can grow into full human stature with a mature mind and someday perhaps become a great statesman.
  16. After hearing Barack Obama espouse his political views during the primaries and now during the presidential race, I would say he is a socio-fascist. By that I mean Obama advocates controlling the fuel of production (capital) while dictating what citizens must do: use fluorescent light bulbs, drive gas misers, eat healthy foods, watch digital TV, get healthcare for children, ride a bike rather than drive a car, give mortgages to the poor, suspend foreclosures, etc. This centralized dictating to American citizens is the opposite political philosophy of the Founding Fathers. Obama is based in Plato, Kant, Marx, Keynes, Davis, Alinsky, Ayers, Wright. The Founding Fathers are based in Aristotle, Spinoza, Locke, Jefferson. Hence if Obama wins, he will shift America away from its ideological roots of individualism and toward collectivism. None of this is meant to imply John McCain is good. McCain is a mix of Plato & Aristotle.
  17. Today Obama told 100,000 people in Missouri, "I think every single American has a right to affordable accessible health care." http://my.barackobama.com/page/community/p...g2xq/commentary
  18. Liberal Democrat & Obama supporter Steve Branchflower determined Sarah Palin abused her power with his finding: http://www.adn.com/troopergate/story/552799.html
  19. This Investor's Business Daily editorial in today's paper confirms my post yesterday:
  20. Source: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/...th-merchandise/ Red highlight is mine.
  21. Yes. Looking at this situation more broadly, one realizes that decades ago democrats figured out that by pandering to blacks, Hispanics and other minorities, they could bring them into their voting block along with gays, environmentalists, socialists, communists, anti-Christians, etc. So liberal democrats set up government-sponsored housing such as Section 8 housing for blacks, Hispanics & minorities. These minority groups, blacks in particular, simply had to vote democrat in exchange for free housing, food stamps, etc. When liberal democrats realized they merely trapped blacks & minorities in government housing projects, they decided to put them into homes in order to strengthen the black vote. So in 1977 democrat Jimmy Carter and his democratic congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) which prohibits banks from "discriminating" against poor people when making home loans. After two decades of the CRA, the Clintons decided to get more aggressive with this Act. In 1995 Democrat Bill Clinton revised the Act, forcing banks to lend money to people who could not qualify for a mortgage in the free market. This led to burgeoning subprime mortgages and securitizing these into financial instruments called derivatives. Well, Carter and Clinton succeeded in getting many more people into homes who could not afford them, and this boosted the popularity of democrats during voting season. But it resulted in an artificially high percentage of home ownership that could not be sustained in the free market. All this new home ownership drove the price of houses up and up and up...until reality exerted itself and the housing bubble burst. What happened is that millions of people who could not afford a home but got into one anyway simply could not pay their mortgages. Thus mortgage derivatives held by investment companies like Bear Sterns & Lehman Brothers became worthless and triggered their demise. Ironically, liberal democrats such as Obama use this situation to say the free market has failed and now it is time for government intervention in the housing market.
  22. The Fifth column is now parading the lineup of left-wing shills, hacks and stooges: John Kerry: Sarah Palin doesn't believe in man-made global warming! That's insulting! Ed Schultz: Sarah Palin's teenage daughter is pregnant! What a hypocrite! Stephanie Miller: Sarah Palin has zero foreign policy experience! First, global warming is a left-wing hoax, so this shows Mrs. Palin is not gullible. Second, Obama's mother was a teenager when she gave birth to Obama, yet democrats are fine with that. Third, Bill Clinton had zero foreign policy experience when he took office in 1993, but democrats said that didn't matter because he presided over Arkansas' National Guard. Be prepared for liberal democrats to smear and slander Sarah Palin with spectacular brutality. Yet this approach could backfire. Hillary had 18 million supporters and 5 million were expected to vote for Sarah as of last Friday. Right or wrong, many of those female supporters will vote based on sex; they want to see a woman in the White House during their lifetime. And such untempered hatred aimed at Sarah could sway even more undecided women to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.
  23. Tomorrow's New York Times article will confirm my post from yesterday and reveal Dem's plan of attack: And Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/31/us/polit...SdT7D7UGE7SCQSw
  24. Democrats say republicans caused the Katrina hurricane disaster. But today republican John McCain launched a political tsunami. Liberal democrats like to say republicans are the party of racism, sexism and bigotry; only democrats help blacks, Hispanics & women. Pundits in the liberal mainstream media from CNN to MSNBC to left-wing blogs & rags to left-wing newspapers prepared ammunition to launch at John McCain's most-certain vice presidential pick of another white male: Pawlenty, Romney, Ridge, etc. Yet when John McCain announced his VP pick today, the liberal media was caught as off-guard as victims of the Indonesian tsunami. A tidal-wave of hysteria broke out almost immediately from the ranks of liberal democrat supporters: "She's inexperience!" "She's unethical!" "She's a right-wing extremist!" "She's pro-drilling!" Liberal democrat media pundits infiltrating ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Time, Newsweek, NYTIMES, WASHPOST were prepared to viciously attack yet another white republican male. Only problem is John McCain didn't choose a white male for his running mate. Thus the left-wing media did not have any ammunition prepared for his VP pick of Sarah Palin. Thus arose a storm of protest -- a political tsunami -- from the American Left. Within minutes liberal attack dogs were scrambling to conjure up attacks. The Obama campaign, having prepared attacks for Romney & Pawlenty, had at first nothing to counter McCain's pick. Eventually they cobbled together a press release saying Sarah Palin lacks experience. Pot.Kettle.Black Now this political tsunami is having ripple effects throughout the left-wing of the Democrat Party. First, democrats in the media threw the female Hillary Clinton under the bus this past spring. Then the Obama campaign ran her over when they rejected her for VP. Female Hillary supporters who were offended by how Hillary was treated now have more than one reason to support John McCain. And women make up the majority of American voters. Moreover, Obama's claim that McCain equals Bush disintegrates into nothingness when you consider that neither Bush nor any other republican has ever nominated a female to co-run America. Indeed, liberal democrats in the media, Hollywood and elsewhere were preparing to rain on John McCain's parade. Instead, they got caught up in a political tsunami that will have ripple-effects lasting weeks, months or longer.
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