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Objectivism Online Forum
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    Objectivism Is The Everyman's Philosophy

    In the universe, what you see is what you get,

    figuring it out for yourself is the way to happiness,

    and each person's independence is respected by all

  • Rand's Philosophy in Her Own Words

    • "Metaphysics: Objective Reality"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed/Wishing won’t make it so." "The universe exists independent of consciousness"
    • "Epistemology: Reason" "You can’t eat your cake and have it, too." "Thinking is man’s only basic virtue"
    • "Ethics: Self-interest" "Man is an end in himself." "Man must act for his own rational self-interest" "The purpose of morality is to teach you[...] to enjoy yourself and live"
    • "Politics: Capitalism" "Give me liberty or give me death." "If life on earth is [a man's] purpose, he has a right to live as a rational being"
  • Objectivism Online Chat


    By galt,
    Hello everyone, Howard Roark in ‘The Fountainhead’ says, “We inherit the product of the thought of other men. We inherit the wheel. We make the cart. The cart becomes an automobile. The automobile becomes an airplane. But all through the process what we receive from others is the end products of their thinking. The moving force is the creative faculty, which takes this product as material, uses it and originates the next step” And a question arose in my mind: how do we take the end

    Are there differences between Wittgenstein & Rand?

    By Treylis,
    I was describing Objectivism to a friend of mine--who has a philosophy degree--and he said that it seems to be pretty much Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (what a clunky title, heh), which he apparently repudiated later. Unfortunately, I'm a philosophy dilettante--engineer, actually--and I'm pretty much totally in the dark insofar as this man and his philsophy. I tried looking online for a comparison between TLP and Objectivism, but I didn't find anything really informative. The

    In the progression from sensation to perception,

    By AndrewSternberg,
    In OPAR, in the section on “The Perceptual Level as the Given”, Peikoff explains the progression from the chaotic flux of sensations that one experiences as an infant to the awareness of entities through perception as an adult: My questions pertain to the implication of the "complex past mental content" that he refers to. Does one's conceptual framework play any role here as well? For instance, if you view this progression of awareness going from the sensory level to the perc

    In Defense Of Dresden

    By aynfan,
    IN DEFENSE OF DRESDEN By Robert Wolf Collateral damage has been the subject of much discussion as it relates to the Iraq war; but debate on this topic is certainly not new. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the decision by the RAF to carpet bomb during WWII are the usual examples in the debate. Objectivists justify collateral damage during wartime as a way of demoralizing the enemy and foreshortening the war. They rightly argue that attempts to shield civilians unneces

    Are William Whewell's views consistent with O'ism?

    By Tom,
    William Whewell argues that scientific induction requires concepts: from the Mechanical Euclid, Section 2, paragraph 55 or from Theory of Scientific Method, copyright 1989, 1968, Robert E. Butts emphasis mine ibid., paragraph 59 Has anyone else read any works by Whewell? How compatible are they with Objectivism?

    Books For Fluid Mechanics

    By tommyedison,
    I have first semester college level knowledge of physics. Which would be the best books to read with as I want to go into aeronautics and astronautics

    Tower Of Babel

    By aynfan,
    As many of you know, who haunt this place, I am relatively new to it. I find the format annoying, in that one is never addressing a single point or individual, but rather the herd. This is the way on-line chats work and I avoid them. De gustibus non disputandem est. I think the format is a mistake primarily because quotes are too often taken out of the context in which they were written. It is not necessarily malicious, it is nearly impossible here to determine the origin of an argument or

    Music and objectivity

    By Frihetsfisken,
    Can music be judged by objective means? Can we say that (for instance) Britney Spears's music is bad, while (for instance) Johan Sebastian Bach's music is good? Or is the grasp of music subjective? Hoping for good answers.

    The U.n. And Voting Day

    By oldsalt,
    In the middle of an article by James Lileks, I found this little gem (which I have not seen yet in any news story): "Behold this story from Agence France-Presse: 'Several members of the House of Representatives want the United Nations to send observers to monitor the Nov. 2 U.S. presidential election to avoid a contentious vote like that in 2000. Recalling the long, drawn out process in Florida, nine lawmakers sent a letter to U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan asking that the Internat

    Hello All

    By OldGrayBob,
    Hello all, I am an 'old-bugger' who after 30+ years rediscovered the writings of Ayn Rand. I have gone through many changes from being a Christian Young Republican in the late 60's, to a card carrying Democrat in the 80's, to an avowed atheist in the 90's. The irrationality of both the left and the right in the last few years has thoroughly disgusted me and I felt very alone in demanding rationality in my life. Then thanks to Audible.com, I downloaded the 'Virtues of Selfishness' an

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