Objectivism Is The Everyman's Philosophy
In the universe, what you see is what you get,
figuring it out for yourself is the way to happiness,
and each person's independence is respected by all
Rand's Philosophy in Her Own Words
- "Metaphysics: Objective Reality" "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed/Wishing won’t make it so." "The universe exists independent of consciousness"
- "Epistemology: Reason" "You can’t eat your cake and have it, too." "Thinking is man’s only basic virtue"
- "Ethics: Self-interest" "Man is an end in himself." "Man must act for his own rational self-interest" "The purpose of morality is to teach you[...] to enjoy yourself and live"
- "Politics: Capitalism" "Give me liberty or give me death." "If life on earth is [a man's] purpose, he has a right to live as a rational being"
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Water Supply Question
By Praxus,
Under a pure Capitalist system the water supply would all be privatized. Say they poured waste in it from another part of the companies industry and it harms the consumers and the company didn't tell them about it.
Would this be considered the initiation of force and thus banned?
Right to Life
By Praxus,
Objectivists justify the killing of civilians by saying they refused to overthrow their Government therefore, they are supporting their Government and forfeit their right to life.
Do we not forfeit our right to life by passively supporting actions of the Government that deprive people of their right to life and property, such as the draft and taxation.
What do you think about this?
The Abolition of Man
By Skywalker,
Is anyone familiar with C.S. Lewis's essay series "The Abolition of Man"? It's an argument for objective morality, but from a Christian standpoint. Obviously problematic, but my question is: I believe Rand is said to have commented on this book, and these comments are reprinted in the collection of her marginalia. As I can't find a copy of this book and I don't have a credit card to order it, I was wondering if anyone who's read it would be willing to discuss her comments and the book's subject
South FL. O'ist
By beselfish,
Hello everyone!
I just happened to find your forum while checking Google for quotes on volition; glad I found you guys.
I've been reading Rand since the early 90's and was hooked from the moment I opened Virtue of Selfishness. I was amazed to find all the explanations for the unorganized thoughts and feelings I had been grappling with for several years. I paricularly appreciated Rand and Peikoff for helping me put into words my disagreement with religion. As a kid, I never bought th
The Discipline of Happiness
By reason_on,
With the world swirling around us in spasms of seemingly inexplicable irrationality, it does the soul good to recall that happiness is ours to develop and maintain, with this is mind, I want to include this annoucement from Devers Branden.
Best Regards,
R. Christian Ross
The Discipline of Happiness
A five-day workshop with Devers Branden
June 13-18, 2004
Esalen Institute
Big Sur, Califor
Collapse of TOC
Over at Noumenalself.com are two articles covering TOC and its misfortunes over the last eighteen months. Dated April 11, 2004 and September 28, 2003.
Looking at TOC's tax returns, they have been sinking for awhile.
Last open ones are for the year ending 2002.
Contributions in 2002 fell 19.95% to $844,676 from 1,055,259.
Program services(events that non-profits charge for) was up only 2%(inflation) from 2001, but 2001 was a 25% drop from 2000.
2002 was so bad, TOC's net worth
Good Book on Physical Anthropology?
By JRoberts,
An area that really interests me right now is anthropology and the evolution of the conceptual faculty. Does anybody know of a good book that would be of value to me in studying this? I'm looking for a book that speaks in detail of the different varients of Hominids and their evolution. I'd also like it to be heavy in facts (Meaning more textbook than "Anthropology for Idiots").
Thanks for the help .
Yet Another Bush Misfire
By AutoJC,
You can find Elan Journo's excellent commentary on that here.
Second Law of thermodynamics predicts God?
I ran across this web site today
A Practical Man's Proof of God - Does God Exist?
I am concerned here only with his opening argument, entitled "THE BEGINNING", since the rest of his essay rests on its premises.
Here he implies that since the objects in the Universe consume fuel, i.e, the sun converts hydrogen into helium (which)=energy; the fuel (hydrogen) should have been used up long ago if the Universe is eternal. He is saying that the Universe is a closed system.
"GOP Convention Program"
By ragnarhedin,
Brian Leiter, a philosophy and law professor at the University of Texas at Austin (and a leftist), has published on his blog Amy and Leonard Peikoff's "GOP Converntion Program."
Worth a look.