Objectivism Is The Everyman's Philosophy
In the universe, what you see is what you get,
figuring it out for yourself is the way to happiness,
and each person's independence is respected by all
Rand's Philosophy in Her Own Words
- "Metaphysics: Objective Reality" "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed/Wishing won’t make it so." "The universe exists independent of consciousness"
- "Epistemology: Reason" "You can’t eat your cake and have it, too." "Thinking is man’s only basic virtue"
- "Ethics: Self-interest" "Man is an end in himself." "Man must act for his own rational self-interest" "The purpose of morality is to teach you[...] to enjoy yourself and live"
- "Politics: Capitalism" "Give me liberty or give me death." "If life on earth is [a man's] purpose, he has a right to live as a rational being"
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Tired of Canadian left-ism

By Guest Darc,
hey all, first time ere.
I'm a high-school student in Atlantic Canada (alot of socialism out here, and I am a capitalist) and I'm tired of everyone targeting President Bush and calling him evil, or even satanic. I personally believe in the Bush administration and what they have done. I'd like to see what you think of all the left-ism up here.
fundamental conflict between science and religion

By Godless Capitalist,
Many people subscribe to the view that science and religion do not conflict because they deal with different areas of knowledge. My counter to that argument is to point out that science is based on reality and reason, whereas religion is not. They are incompatible because they are based on contradictory premises. If you think that reality and reason are the proper basis for knowledge in science, you should think that they apply to all areas of knowledge. Most people reject this because they thin
Objectivism and Theoretical Physics

By Godless Capitalist,
I get the Ayn Rand Institute's op-eds e-mailed to me. Most of them are pretty good, but this one seemed to be pushing a point way too far:
I'm not a physicist, but my wife is. Her comment was:
"Seems like he's complaining about string theory and its 'applications'. Did he forget that string theory is just one branch of physics (albeit the frontier one). There is a fascinating history that mathematicians go about their work and decades
US Selling Arms

By sanchopanza,
For some bizarre reason I'm the only right-winger in a class of leftists, a sociology class. While I can argue my side very well I need some help in providing a great backlash to the leftist lecturers who are quite light hearted generally and don't mind arguing with me at all. Anyway I'm looking for information on the retaliation to the age-old arguement that America sponsors terrorism by supplying terrorists with arms and training. Any suggestions regarding books, websites, essays, etc. will be

By ernie,
Ayn Rand states that one should never initiate force for any reason. But in Atlas Shrugged, when Dagny, Francisco, and Hank go to rescue John Galt, she shoots and kills the guard. The other three characters tie their opponents and throw them into the bushes. She tells the guard to consider his options and make a choice. Dagny's motivation for shooting the guard seems to have been her anger at his refusal to choose. Doesn't this decision show a moment of weakness for Dagny Taggart? Or was sh
Interview with CapitalistChicks.com Co-founder

By Guest Joshua,
The Atlasphere is pleased to announce its interview with CapitalistChicks.com co-founder Debbie Branningan.
In the interview, Debbie shares her thoughts on capitalism, political culture, her own discovery of Atlas Shrugged, and the meaning of femininity.
The interview is available to all here:
The Atlasphere

By AshleyAyn,
I am a student of Objectivism and as of yet have found nothing that I cannot agree with in Rand’s philosophy. It was refreshing to first read _The Fountainhead_ and later _Atlas Shrugged_ and see an answer to all of my “why’s” I asked while growing up.
My main goal – everything I do – is aimed at writing. I have already written one book, which I started before I really began to integrate Objectivism into my life. Now that I read my book I see too many fallacies in my plot/theme str
parents being responsible

By sdm1277,

My name is Shelly and I just found this froum and I am very interested in getting as many responses as I can from this topic.
I am a student at the University of Southern Maine and I am looking for as much info as possible for a debate I will be doing in my Ethics class. I am no the side that says that parents should be responsible for any crime that the child commits. I am looking for anything if anyone wants to help me out. I understand that age is an issue and that will be part of the deba
Happy Birthday Ash!
Delegating the right of self-defence

By Godless Capitalist,
In Rand's essay "The Nature of Government" she explains why people should not be able to enforce laws themselves:
"There is only one basic principle to which an individual must consent if he wishes to live in a free civilized society: the principle of renouncing the use of physicial force and delegating to the government his right of physical self-defense, for the purpose of an orderly, objective, legally defined enforcement.”
It seems odd to me to say first that a person has a right