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    Objectivism Is The Everyman's Philosophy

    In the universe, what you see is what you get,

    figuring it out for yourself is the way to happiness,

    and each person's independence is respected by all

  • Rand's Philosophy in Her Own Words

    • "Metaphysics: Objective Reality"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed/Wishing won’t make it so." "The universe exists independent of consciousness"
    • "Epistemology: Reason" "You can’t eat your cake and have it, too." "Thinking is man’s only basic virtue"
    • "Ethics: Self-interest" "Man is an end in himself." "Man must act for his own rational self-interest" "The purpose of morality is to teach you[...] to enjoy yourself and live"
    • "Politics: Capitalism" "Give me liberty or give me death." "If life on earth is [a man's] purpose, he has a right to live as a rational being"
  • Objectivism Online Chat

    Executive rewriting of The Constitution

    By DavidOdden,
    The most significant first salvo in Trump’s attack against foreigners is his interpretative directive regarding “citizen”, which says that             Among the categories of individuals born in the United States and not subject to the jurisdiction thereof, the privilege of United States citizenship does not automatically extend to persons born in the United States:  (1) when that person’s mother was unlawfully present in the United States and the father was not a United States citizen or

    Regarding Inclusive Institutions

    By human_murda,
    As a continuation of this comment and response to the following statement: I benefited from anti-Western movements in Kerala. The reason you have property rights (enforced by your government) is different from the reason I have property rights. You may have property rights as a result of renaissance but I have property rights as a result of anti-Western, anti-caste, anti-imperialist and anti-colonial political movements in Kerala. Anti-Western movements here aren't against European renais

    Reblogged:GOP Ignores Inaugural Lesson at Own Peril

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    Conservative columnist Rich Lowry correctly notes how the Democrats paved the way for Donald Trump to win the last election. He concludes:This is about the same Trump who angered enough voters to get a nonentity like Biden elected in the first place. It is interesting to note that Lowry earlier mentioned how Democrats cut less "progressive" voters out of their nomination process, but that there is no mention of the extremely foreshortened Republican primary process. I don't know if it's Lowry'

    Suppression in Belarus

    By Boydstun,
    Will Putin Save Lukashendo? State Suppression of Press Coverage of the Protests  

    Trump Talking Up New US Imperialism - Any Visual-Show Greatness Will Do

    By Boydstun,
    Tony posted this interesting poll of people in Greenland in a thread on tariffs, and I think it needs this new thread topic. Let's join the US For some years, I've urged the merger of the US and Mexico.* The 31 States of Mexico would become additional US States. There's some resistance to my idea. I think the results would go along lines of the results from the reunification of West and East Germany. (West revolutionized East for the better.) Even without a US-Mex unification, the proh

    What are you listening at the moment?

    By Uriah,
    Admins - please give it a try. This topic is for the members to share the music they are listening to, it supposed to be updated constantly. And this is what's keeping me awake: Air - Love 2 The French duel is now out with a new album. It is rare to hear this kind of statement from a professional musician but Dunckel and Godin thought that their last album Pocket Symphony wasn't satisfying, partly because of their recent project with Charlotte Gainsbourg 5.55 which took a lot

    Reblogged:Four Quick Laughs

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    A Friday Hodgepodge Every sentient being needs a break now and then... 1. Future poet laureate John Betjeman wrote the poem "Summer" as a prep exercise at the age of 13. A stanza:2. An article in Irish Archaeology, a publication from the other side of the Pond, remarks on "remarkably modern looking haircuts in Albrecht Druer's woodcut of 1521 AD." The piece is over a decade old, but an American forum resurfaced it recently, as the style is now current among tweens and teens over here. As

    Anarcho-Capitalism = the true Objectivism

    By Solvreven,
    This is not my view, but theres a prominent figure who makes those arguments in a newly made video that I thought some people here would be interesting in watching. I also would be interested in hearing your thoughts. Video below:    

    Universals and Measurement

    By Boydstun,
    This essay of mine was first published in V5N2 of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies – 2004. Universals and Measurement I. Orientation Rand spoke of universals as abstractions that are concepts (1966, 1, 13). Quine spoke in the same vein of "conceptual integration—the integrating of particulars into a universal" (1961, 70). Those uses of universal engage one standard meaning of the term. Another standard meaning is the potential collection to which a concept refers. This is the colle

    Capitalism and the Proper Role of Government

    Thomas M. Miovas Jr.
    By Thomas M. Miovas Jr.,
    Governments and Individual Rights Capitalism Requires a Strong Government Copyright 2011 by Thomas M. Miovas, Jr. 12/03/2011 Some of my FaceBook friends and others I know via the Internet seem to think that if only we didn’t have a government, then people would get along and no rights would be violated. Hence, they are for what they call “anarcho-capitalism” – a type of freedom from force that would occur if there were no governments. I think this is an incorrect assessment of what

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