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    Objectivism Is The Everyman's Philosophy

    In the universe, what you see is what you get,

    figuring it out for yourself is the way to happiness,

    and each person's independence is respected by all

  • Rand's Philosophy in Her Own Words

    • "Metaphysics: Objective Reality"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed/Wishing won’t make it so." "The universe exists independent of consciousness"
    • "Epistemology: Reason" "You can’t eat your cake and have it, too." "Thinking is man’s only basic virtue"
    • "Ethics: Self-interest" "Man is an end in himself." "Man must act for his own rational self-interest" "The purpose of morality is to teach you[...] to enjoy yourself and live"
    • "Politics: Capitalism" "Give me liberty or give me death." "If life on earth is [a man's] purpose, he has a right to live as a rational being"
  • Objectivism Online Chat

    Reblogged:Four Wins From the Past Month

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    A Friday Hodgepodge 1. Before we moved, I had been working to incorporate more walking into my routine, with the goal being about five hours each week. I'm close to having that routine back, but trips into New Orleans looked like they might make that challenging. One day, I had to go to a mall to pick up a gift for my wife's birthday only to discover that the store would be closed for another 45 minutes after I'd arrived. Circumnavigating the mall while timing my walk, I found that it took ab

    Reblogged:Caplan on Finding "The One"

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    I sometimes bookmark good advice in anticipation of wanting to be able to factor it in if my kids ask for similar advice later on. Bryan Caplan's "She's the One," on evaluating romantic partners, is a good example. Caplan wrote the piece in response to a reader's question, and he artfully combines his own life experience with his knowledge of markets to answer the question. And don't let our culture's hatred of capitalism cause you to dismiss that combination as inhuman or calculating: The pi

    Suppression in Belarus

    By Boydstun,
    Will Putin Save Lukashendo? State Suppression of Press Coverage of the Protests  

    Amy Peikoff interviewed about the extradition of Julian Assange

    By Dupin,
    Video on this page.  (Start viewing at 1:30 because the video begins with an excerpt which you will see later in its place.)  She did a great job, very impressive.  

    Reblogged:A Non-Regulatory Way to Make Cars Safer

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    Regulars here know that I take issue with the way touchscreens are deployed in many (if not most) newer cars. Granted, they provide a viewer for a back-up cam, cut costs for controls, and allow for greater dashboard functionality through software. But because much of this software is written poorly and controls are indiscriminately moved to the touchscreen, the result is often a frustrating mess of poorly laid-out controls and nested menus that is a real safety hazard because many simple thin

    Closing of the topic "Remembering the CG Computer-Generated Pandemic Tyranny"

    By AlexL,
    You @EC unexpectedly closed the thread "Remembering the CG Computer-Generated Pandemic Tyranny" and did not provide a reason.  I was waiting for an important answer from @monart... Some more transparency would be welcomed...

    Reblogged:Warren, Wingers Wrong on Wendy's

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    Editor's Note: Ars Technica substantially revised its coverage of this story, as can be seen in the screenshots of an archived version (left, below) and a later edition (right), which also changed the headline, but not the URL.*** Wendy's will experiment with dynamic surge pricing for food in 2025: Surge pricing test next year means your cheeseburger may get more expensive at 6 pm. As soon as I saw this headline at Ars Technica, I immediately thought that might be one of the shortest experiment

    My Verses

    By Boydstun,
    . These Words These words we read from some desire . . that someone live . . the this entire. Read is our reach, . . our grasp, our be . . life that is know . . wings that are free.   Copyright Stephen C. Boydstun 2016    

    Reblogged:Who 'Slow Walked' Trump's Immunity Claim?

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    An attorney, annoyed at the cacophony of clueless babbling about the court deliberations over Donald Trump's dubious immunity claim, explains (original thread) the "slow" timetable and identifies who is really to blame for the proximity of these proceedings to the election.Dilan Esper's commentary on these "delays" that actually aren't goes on in some detail, and make for educational reading. (And it was good to see that I wasn't imagining things when I recalled the glacial pace of other court p

    What Can One Do?

    By monart,
    [The following article is inspired by Ayn Rand's "'What Can One Do?'" and "Don't Let It Go" (in The Ayn Rand Letter Vol I-Nr7,4,5 republished in Philosophy: Who Needs It). This article is a philosophical, perpetually youthful, romantic resolution for real noble best living.] ===   What Can One Do?                                                                                      1 Jan 2024   When one is faced with the challenges of life, or when sometimes d

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