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Everything posted by rdrdrdrd

  1. I'm not understanding the irony comment? Are you saying its odd I understand the issues I am mad about? But yes, I am disgusted by the spending and irresponsibility, to solve the problems three things should be done. Preferably in this order: institute one term limits to get rid of the hesitance by many conservative members to do anything controversial, then massively deregulate through both bills and the declaring of most of the federal government's programs unconstitutional, then rule all entitlement programs unconstitutional and set up a plan to pay people back but not admit anyone new to the system. Tax rates could stay the same, but instituting a flat tax, or even better a poll tax would be a bonus.
  2. Damn I did, it just goes to show that the number is too big to be an AAA rating
  3. Ahh thanks for explaining that.
  4. I think a better solution would be to give the option for prisoners to live on an island on their own with only natural materials, and have maybe one or two small coastal patrol craft shoot anyone trying to leave on a raft. let them run their own society and televise the whole thing on pay per view to offset the cost of shipping and the small boats.
  5. Why not cut spending, taxes, and regulation? Taxes are amoral so any reduction in taxes is a moral goal.
  6. So after reading this article, I find myself at a loss for words to describe just how damn corrupt the government is. With a finance sheet that would have forced any business into bankruptcy long long ago, when the government finally gets downgraded from an AAA rating, after ~$14,000,000,000 of debt and they are claiming the ratings agency isn't doing it right! Then they use their DOJ lackeys to muscle a company (not to mention suing states that try to protect their borders) that is doing what it should have done long ago. If they are going to investigate anyone it should be the other agencies that reaffirmed the AAA rating! Check them out for the bribes of some sort they are surely getting! Such stupidity! [/rant]
  7. He did it wrong, he shouldn't have told anyone about it, although I would love to move there. It reminds me of rapture from Bioshock, hopefully the writers of the game got the outcome wrong.
  8. Honestly I don't think it matters who gets elected president this time around, while I can wish for at best Ron Paul to win, he wont, and the downward spiral will continue until there is a revolution, not necessarily soon, but eventually. I think the best thing to do at this point is to buy a house, even if it is a crappy one, in a rural area, fortify it, build a fallout shelter in the basement, and stockpile food, water, fuel, and weapons for when it all goes to shit oh thought it be a laugh to mention obomneycare
  9. I think only you can make that choice, as we do not know you or your situation allowing strangers on the internet to decide a major life choice would be no better, if not worse, than flipping a coin. If you can not emigrate then I suggest you serve as a non combatant, such as a medic, if it is possible.
  10. I would say that if from your understanding of something it seems to be a pyramid scheme or a trap that would be a rational reason to stay away from it would it not? It rewards people who come earlier in the game, the algorithms they use gradually become harder to solve, by their own admission, and once they reach a certain number of bit coins the supply will no longer grow. I would bet that the founders of bit coin mined many of them early on to keep till the supply stopped, or just programmed themselves more "money" to start with. That is another reason I don't like the idea, it has no real value and is totally fiat, and a savvy hacker could destroy the entire system. This is different from say online banks where they are usually backed by cash reserves and have a very vested interest in keeping their data safe, with thousands of security workers monitoring the system, i doubt these levels of protection exist for bit coin. While I don't like the idea, I still think it should be legal as I don't see what harm it can do to you unless you choose to participate.
  11. thanks for the tip, while i only had vuage intentions that was defiantly not one of them
  12. Bitcoins seem to be a pyramid scheme, form the computer standpoint, they are using your processing power for something and it is very sketchy. I won't waste my power and time computing something where I don't know what its doing or where it came from/
  13. Yay Walmart, I hope they set standards for other business to follow.
  14. The magic of house elves is not fully explained though, they may very well have to learn how to snap their fingers or something else to go along with it.
  15. if they pay for this surgery then I might just start my own country somewhere... anyone own a valley in Colorado?
  16. Well i got all of them right, it seemed easy. Then i looked at the percentages and now I don't wonder why people can believe in that Keynesian crap .
  17. Kinda scary, but I still want to be a patent attorney and part time inventor. Great video by the way, i enjoyed it a great deal.
  18. Wow thanks for the link, awesome stuff there. (@zip IE-7 has no spell check XD) The worst part of it all is that people put these awards down on college applications, and colleges think they mean something!
  19. Well today I had to sit through an utterly pointless awards ceremony at a public high school. The awards were named "rising star in (subject)", or "outstanding in (subject)". While I am in favor of awards to commemorate merit, these were anything but. Most awards were given as pity or for popularity, and several people I tooter received awards in subjects in which I am much more competent then them and I did not receive any. The ethics of this are disturbing, why should we reward mediocrity and even sub-par performance? Is it to increase their self esteem because they “need it”? (/rant) So now that I’ve finished ranting, what are your opinions on this kind of pointless waste of time and effort rewarding people who don’t deserve it.
  20. hmm, nice, I guess the most physically beautiful woman around at the moment is Emma Watson. I am also partial to Emily Haines, although she is aging.
  21. I didn't begin with an intended message, but I followed my inspiration. The words are patriotic: Hope, Prosperity, Peace, Freedom, and Liberty. I guess it evolved into "America is the Atlas that holds our modern ideals up". I feel like the background images should be more positive, less somber.
  22. To me the whole abortion debate is loaded with problems. For one thing the argument centers about the womans rights, but what of the man's rights? I believe that abortions are simply murder, to explain my reasoning: Bacteria are considered living, therefore any single cell that is reproducing is considered living, therefore a fetus is alive. A fetus is undeniably human. (as a species) A fetus does not have a choice in becoming a fetus, it is forced into it by the mother and fathers actions. Therefore a fetus is incable of violating a mothers right to her body, as she is responsible for it being there. (you may say in cases of rape that that is not her responsibility, but she could have prevented the pregnancy by taking contraceptive pills, something I believe is a pragmatic thing women should do just in case, and to manage PMS) It is not like a mentally retarded individual firing a handgun in a mall, it is like kidnapping someone off the street, locking them in your basement, then claiming they are violating your property rights. While a fetus may not be currently capable of rational thought, it will become capable. Newborns are not capable of ration thought at the moment of birth, yet they will become capable of rational thought. Disposing of a newborn is murder. Therefore disposing of a fetus is murder. There is also the issue that if a woman is in a consenting relationship with her partner, whether the partner should be allowed to prevent the abortion. I believe that if we are going to hold men responsible for their children through child support ( a broken system that needs a major overhaul) then they should be allowed to ensure they are born. As for the example of a three year old with liver cancer, that is different as the government is compelling you to act, not preventing you from acting. Abortions are a conscious action to end the life of a human, not donating organs is a conscious inaction, which may not even result in the death of the individual. The difference between action and inaction is paramount here.
  23. Oh thats what you meant by purpose, I feel like it has evolved from just a quick collage to more of an inspirational picture just to have around for a desktop as well as for possibly printing it to hang on the wall. I think I may add some more inspirational vistas for the background to replace the stirring ones, such as a bridge or dam.
  24. I was bored one day, and decided to make a collage using images I found interesting or inspiring, I had a feeling that the dark colors and background imagery would make it harder for me to display the kind of image I wished. Do you have any background replacement ideas?
  25. Well I've worked on this picture for several hours, and just want to share it. What could I do to make it better? I have a higher resolution image if anyone would like to view it.
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