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Hernan Dayoleary

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Everything posted by Hernan Dayoleary

  1. Do you not realize many posters overlooked this. Besides you everyone else blindly accepted it was. I simply proved my point. Culture matters. There are people here who can't tell the difference between yeah + yeah and 1 + 1, when a cultural twist is introduced. Including the very poster who was most loudest about culture didn't matter. I simply proved his hypocrisy. I already adressed this. People always buck the system. Doesn't mean the system isn't racist. There were black senators and congressmen and millionaires in jim crow. So does that mean jim crow wasn't racist? An exception to a rule, doesn't mean there is no rule.
  2. Its not racist to state fact. Most whites aren't qualified to teach black students. They simply aren't and the evidence is the poor results and great difficulties black students suffer under white teachers. If the white teachers were qualified, they'd be doing a better job. They don't have the proper training.
  3. I am judging them on the fact they attack black children (character) not that their skin is white. If you could find me a white with afrocentric training and anti-racism training who doesn't behave racistly, then sure they could be in the classroom, find me a white person like tim wise, he can teach blacks, but most whites aren't near qualified.
  4. Yes but can you read hindi? Can you read chinese? If I give you a test in swahili can you pass this test? Stop trying to deny that culture matters. If you cannot read what is being said, then you cannot answer the question. Yeah because grand jury is some how the be all and end all of facts. Half the time when a cop is charged the prosecutor hides evidence from the grand jury to make the cop look less guilty. And the grand jury comes out of sequester and finds out the real facts from the media and says well if I knew this and that which was hidden then I would have indicted. There is a reason most other countries moved away from a grand jury. Even the term "Charged" by someone. What does this even mean. So you mean of some kid or jogger is running on the street in my direction I should be able to shoot them in the heart? The problem with Wilson's story is its just grossly unbelievable. Who would charge someone who shot them a bunch of times? After running away? Then turn around mid stride, and "Charge" ie run in the general direction of the person shooting you six times. If you just look at it as two people ignore race, and other factors. It is just highly unlikely. There could be a trial in the future, but its unlikely to happen anytime soon or until there is a new prosecutor who is actually willing to take the case seriously. And without a trial we will never know the truth. But the evidence and common sense doesn't support Wilson's account. It is not racist to point out when people are behaving in a racist manner.
  5. Studies demonstrate that non-whites UNDER-REPORT racism of whites because they quickly learn the typical reaction to complaint of racism is WHITE DENIAL. Further, no one gets more discriminated against then middle class non-whites. They are the ones who get the worse brunt of racism, the bamboo ceiling, the denial of bank loans, denied jobs. Poor people aren't even working or applying for loans. As a white person, you struggle to see your white privileges, you struggle to see the structural racism designed against non-whites, and you won't know when a teacher is behaving racistly because the behaviour isn't directed at you. I have no clue about your Aristotle point meaning. White is not a poor nomenclature for "Caucasians". When a sign said white only in North America, it wasn't letting in these so called dark Caucasians. I always get a kick out of people who come with these dark caucasian arguments. Because if "caucasian" is the real race, then what are these blonde flat nose white people.... LOL Most normal humans would call these people white. They aren't really within the definition of causasians their noses are too flat. I find the caucasian system to be too problematic. You end up with some very weird classifications that often are illogical. You end up with much of the northern euorpean contries where flat noses are common being no longer caucasian and much of eastern europe with slant eyes goes too. Then you start including random groups of people who seemingly have the right facial features into the group. White is a far more logical classification. You have white skin, you come from the germanic or slavic tribes, or in some cases the non-racially admixed indo-europeans tribesm you white. The same proof you'd use to consider that eurocentric schools are better. If you wanted to prove afrocentric schools are not more moral show me why. Present some argument. You could for instance show white students perform poorly in afrocentric schools because they are some how biased against whites and explain how they are biased against whites and other non-blacks. I haven't come across many whites in HCBUs but the few I have read about all report positive academic and learning experiences. You won't find a bunch of black kids singing we'll never let a cracker or a honkey into our hcbu club. Who are the real race baiters, the one who engage in racism and then get mad for it being pointed out to them, or the ones who suffer racism and point out what they are suffering? Your view confirms my intial hypothesis. European white culture and african americans cultures are incompatible. The two groups simply bring out the worse in each other, and there is a very strong argument for separate but equal schooling systems.
  6. Your analysis is flawed. I simply paralleled your previously flawed reasoning to demonstrate how flawed your reasoning is. The fact you agree the reasoning was flawed simply demonstrates you now admit you were wrong. Prove that afrocentric school would be no less immoral. O yes the Arabs just loved blacks so much they decided to re-write the white man's history and repaint them selevetively as blacks. HA HA HA, gimme another one. You ignored that one mosaic was in greek and portrayed aristotle as black. Speaking of which, what evidence do you have that Aristotle was not black? Where did Aristotle write I am a white man? These are the minoans, the earliest greeks, do they look white to you? The ancient greeks and macedonians were UNDOUBTEDLY blacks
  7. Yup, they do it racially, psychologically, and thanks to cameras we are catching it more and more on tape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfBario5H-I I could go on and on, there is no more dangerous place for a black child to be than anywhere near a white teacher. White teachers are statisitcally most like to attack and racially abuse black children. Which is why black parents in canada have just left the white system in the dust and opened their own africentric school with black only teachers publicly funded.
  8. This is not necessarily a bad take, the problem is the mainstream eurocentric curriculum denies this all. They erase the blacks out the history books and replace black shakespeare with a white one, just to attack black culture and history. The eurocentric and afrocentric should simply have their own seperate but equal curriculums and schools.
  9. Again, I never said that you cannot have EXCEPTIONS. I already agreed there can be exceptions to most general rules and that there are blacks who have and always had been exceptions to white general racism. Heck there were black senators when whites were still rolling around the south and hanging blacks and dragging them through the streets more openly and the KKK was very powerful. There were black congressmen when jim crow was the norm. Doesn't change the facts that the nation was still racist. Obama is black, did well in school went to harvard, doesn't change the problem with a eurocentric education system. Even if the majority of black students outperformed whites, it still wouldn't fix eurocentric education and the problem.
  10. Speak for your own kind and your own culture. Maybe people in your highly individualistic westernized culture where you drop off your children in day care and your parents in old folks home and only care about yourselves and not your family feel that it is the individual only but no man is an island. Really we are speaking of culture than race proper here. white culture, black culture. Not entire races for the most part. Americans strong Individualism is a social construct, so stop playing games.
  11. No they aren't. According to U.S. Census Bureau data, in an analysis performed by the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, African immigrants here were more likely to be college educated than any other immigrant group. Not only that, but African immigrants are also more highly educated than any other native-born ethnic group including white Americans. The 48.9% of all African immigrants that have earned a college degree is slightly higher than the percentage of degreed Asian immigrants, twice the rate of native-born whites, and four times the rate of native-born African Americans. Of the African-born population in the United States age 25 and older, 86.4% reported having a high school diploma or higher, compared with 78. 9% of Asian-born immigrants, and 76.5% of European-born immigrants, respectively. These figures contrast with 61.8% percent of the total foreign-born population. Immigrant groups in general tend to have higher high school graduation rates than the native-born general American population which averages about 70% African immigrants out-graduate American Caucasians and Asians - Chicago Public Education | Examiner.com All this demonstrates is blacks outside the eurocentric system, black immigrants, outperform every other ethnic and racial group in schooling, which is no surprise. I can rig a deck of cards so that a certain playing style will lose and I'd be more likely to win. But if someone new with an unexpected playing style shows up, I cannot go back so easily and re-rig the deck to screw the new player. This is what we are seeing in modern Americas. The whites long ago tried to rig the deck against non-whites who were mainly aboriginals, blacks, hispanics. But then when the card game was in full swing asians showed up to the table. They couldn't very well just re-rig the entire deck. Although, there is a very simple way that whites could screw over the vast majority of Asian students. I've seen it done but don't want to give any ideas to any racist who might be reading this. Now the whites very well couldn't go and re-rig the entire deck infront of everyone openly anymore. So they came up with affirmative action to keep white numbers a majority in the elite schools and use "Soft skills" like intellectual vitality and leadership potential to keep down the number of wins by the Asians. If a race other than whites perform better than whites, despite white rigging the system in their own favour it simply mean the white effort was not entirely successful. When you rig a deck of cards, its not to win every hand, its just to win most of them. And I don't mean to say there is a big conspiracy and all whites are meeting in a big room and are in on this. Most whites TODAY aren't even aware of this. It is about getting an unfair advantage and not competing on a level playing field. A top poker player can still probably whip you on your own rigged deck. It would be impossible to prove the system wasn't designed to favour whites, because this is what they were designed to do. I do find it weird, how white people design things for whites, and then pretend as if these are designs that were meant to be universal. If you go to an aboriginal university, you'd recognize it was built for aboriginals. If you go to a chinese university you'd recognize it was design for chinese success. If you go to a HCBU or Hispanic university you'd likely recognize it was designed for black and hispanic success. But when we come to white schools and white school system established, designed, created and made for and by whites, suddenly you cannot see it anymore. It is like you are blind to anything that might benefit you for being white. And this is what is typically called white privilege. A chinese person wouldn't be so folly as to pretend like a Chinese university was not designed for the success of chinese but was designed for "Everyone" If you are going to demonstrate a system not designed to favour white cultures, you are going to have to show a system where the driving and predominant forces who created didn't do so for and by whites.
  12. I think we can all agree racism exist. I am saying their are cultural differences between how european whites learn and african americans. If different cultures learn differently, is it racist to point this out? I doubt, it is no more racist to point out that white europeans prefer a certain style of education that suited their needs in the past but has since become archaic, than Africans, than it is to say Chinese and American students have different curriculum and learn in different ways. Different cultures have different curricula and learn in different ways. Sadly, your last comment is how many whites have come to view the world. I already addressed the point of why color blindless is wrong and a more subtle form of racist ideology. You can go back and read it, no need for me to repost. Why is it so hard to respect people's differences rather than deny them?
  13. Without going very deeply into the study and its sampling methods, there'd be no way. But I'd take the numbers at face value. Its not the numbers I dispute. Its the erroneous conclusion being drawn from them. If Asians perform better at math, that doesn't mean the system is geared towards them. In fact it is much more likely that the eurocentric system when it was being designed simply didn't take in mind asians (ignored them due to their small numbers compared to the other groups after all jim crow wasn't directed at asians was it?) so it is not specifically constructed against them like the eurocentric system is constructed against blacks, hispanics and aboriginals in north america. Although the eurocentrics are now getting clever and have in the last 20-30 years made things like "leadership", "Creativity" and other soft skills which whites are said to possess and asians are said to lack, as a large part of the university application process to weed out Asians. This is why an Asian student needs higher sat than a white student to gain entrance to the same school. But most whites don't want to have that conversation. It doesn't fit the narrative of other races are lazy. What I do find weird though, is many white posters obsessions with asian students on a topic that doesn't really involve them. This is a discussion between whites and blacks and on those races and cultures. Anything else is a red herring, a wild goose chase and a diversion. But its almost like they erroneously believe well if one minority beats a certain part of a racist system, then the system isn't racist. So Hollywood is racist. It has a long history of racism. But by their logic because there are alot of blacks in Hollywood, then Hollywood isn't racist to Asians despite portraying them in a highly negative and racist manner? Jeremy lin was called racial slurs by espn and several other media white companies. He was overlooked because he was not white and because he was asian. He was discriminated against. Yet blacks in basketball generally don't face this type of discrimination. Because whites have a "positive" stereotype about blacks in this regard. Would it be fair to conclude whites in basketball and sports are never racist? I doubt it. What you are seeing is the dichotomy of white racism. Where white racism says blacks are good athletes, blacks may enjoy a small advantage compared to OTHER MINORITIES. And it may very well be the reverse occuring in the educational system. Asians may enjoy a small advantage in this regard to OTHER MINORITIES. The white teachers don't attack Asian students in the same way they attack other minorities because of white racial stereotypes about Asians. Just like it'd be unlikely a black would be racially attacked by a white on the basketball court. In otherwords, white racial stereotyping picks minorities as favourites in certain parts of society that the whites choose. And in some ways these can even become self fulfilling prophesies.
  14. I guess we could agree the public school system should be displaced. In canada the child has to be sent to school. I think homeschooling is legal as an alternative. Many parents don't have the time to create a whole curriculum in addition to working and monitor their kids. If the issue was for me personally, it would be a non-issue. You have not identified any contradiction. And being forced to pay for public schools is not a different matter it is the same matter, eurocentrick education. Why should non-whites pay for white only education and then bare the additional cost of home and or private school. Why not a fair system for all, ie. voucher style or speciality schools. 1. Your question is about us public schools systems in general. The topic are about canada. So we are kinding talking past each other here. I have not argued from intimidation, I simply pointed out their inability to see the obvious. If you cannot see 1+1= 2, what else do you call it? I never started the mike brown thing it was the other poster who is likely a troll. I did not plea ignorance, the truth is its all a speculative thing, none of us was there so it is useless to endlessly speculate. 2. Yes I believe aristolte was indeed a black man based upon the accurate picture of him I have seen throughout museums not under eurocentrick history re-writing. I have gone to museums where they put a white aristotle painting in the front and when me and the curator go to the back they have the original and he is portrayed as black. And they say, it would create to much issues to put the black one on display even though it is the original because many people want to believe that aristotle and the ancient greeks were white, when they were not. 3. If it is your claim the French did not do the Rwandan genocide, you need to demonstrate evidence which contradicts the findings of the courts and commissions who found precisely that. The onus is not on me because it is common knowledge and I presented the links and evidence which shows the courts have already determined french guilt. If you want to argue the opposite of what the courts and commissions have found and to oppose what the french have apologized for you better have some damn good evidence. Was there a court who found the french responsible for murdering 6 million jews? And if they were collaborting with Hitler, I'd sure imagine they have quiet a bit of responisbility. The only straw man have been the ones you are manufacturing in your straw factory, the argument you presented was indeed grossly invalid and non-sensical to compare apples and coconuts. You made a terrible analogy and its not at all logical. The fact that you are now admitting the analogy is bad, is only proof you know your own argument was bad. Afrocentrism of public schools is a necessary and required step to improve the educational system. After all if eurocentric education is so wonderful, why is the american educational system so deeply in the toilet. If our system is so great, why aren't we number one? Not only are non-whites doing poorly in the system, white students are doing poorly in the eurocentrick system and more of the same bad system won't fix America. Ironically africentric school outperforms eurocentric schools here in toronto and canadian education system outranks american eurocentric system. Just accept your 25 in the world educational model stinks. Stop being so stubborn and hard of learning. America isn't always number 1.
  15. No they aren't doing the best now. And because someone performs well in spite of eurocentrism, doesn't prove eurocentrism is non-existent or not problematic nor its not designed in favour of whites. Its entirely plausible that eurocentricks have simply performed worse in their own system than another group. Your argumentation is along the lines that 1 exception proves an entire concept is invalid. So 1 black senator in reconstruction proves jim crow america wasn't racist. Or Obama proves America isn't racist. Don't quit your dday job though, but keep trying.
  16. I am not suggesting afro-centric program is best for hispanic or non-african cultured peoples. You are right, I say nothing of the other racial and cultural minorities groups because I don't pretend to be able to solve their problems. I suspect though a hispanic would be best qualified to solve a hispanic cultural problem. Unlike Eurocentrism, afrocentrism does't claim to be able to solve the problems of cultures it may not fully understand. You should ask the hispanics what education system works for them. You are mistaken if you think I am arguing everyone should be forced into africentric schools the same way they are forced into eurocentric schools. i do agree that would just be tantamount to a reversal of the racist eurocentrick system. I don't advocate equality but rather equity. hernanday said: It is ironic you with your numerous broken sentences and poor English attempts to criticize my own. I don't oppose a voucher style system. The schools only acknowledge the students but denies them in the curriculum which are white centric. The whole point of the eurocentric school system is to train children to be future soldiers. Paying for education runs counter to this because rich people no longer want to fight wars. hernanday said Most of what you claim to be fallacies is attributed to what I notice are your poor reading skills or most often eurocentrick blinders. You make statements like well the arabs discovered algebra and Greeks discovered math. Without considering the possibility that the africentrics disagree with your premise that the Arabs and Greeks are whites. Rather they hold the black moors invented these "Arab" achievements and the ancient Greeks were blacks. Because you are incapable of considering the moors were black or that the Greeks were black any argument with such a premise appears to you as a flaw. When in fact the argument isn't flawed, you just disagree with the premise.
  17. I don't know if Mike Brown had a record, if he did I was unaware. The problem is past behaviour is no solid predictor of future behaviour. Because if it is, there are allegations against darren wilson abusing his power in the past and working with a police department so racist it was disbanded. While Brown seemingly did take cigars, he wasn't stopped for that, Darren Wilson didn't know that according to the sheriff and himself. Wilson claims he stopped him for walking in the street. The claim of him charging the officer is difficult for me to believe. Firstly Johnson who is an eye witness said it didn't go down like that. The other factor is using common sense. Wilson said that Brown called him a pussy and said you won't shoot me. But then Wilson shot him and shot at him several times. Brown ran away. Wilson claims Brown turned around after running away and then tried to run through the hail of bullets Brown let off. That story sounds more like something from a movie than reality. Who runs away, turns around mid-stride from a cop chasing them with a gun who already shot them, and tries to run through bullets? Such a story makes no sense. It is just far more believeable a man who was punched in the face, showed he was trigger happy,got pissed off enough to jump out his van and chase someone down the street (Rather than call for backup and wait for back up and tail him in the car) and then decided to execute the guy. A person who was shot in the finger and shot at 3 times and ran away. It seems odd they'd turn around after being shot and try to run through bullets, I amsure after the first 3-4 shots hit him, he didn't think he was a pussy anymore. You are the biggest collectivist here. You can only see skin color, you can't understand the concept of a cop just getting angry and shooting someone who ran from them. But then again, if this wasn't on tape, you'd whine collectivism and play the race card as is your expertise.
  18. Do you think there is no cultural differences that the average person can easily understand the difference between 1+1=2 ১+১= ২ We all know 95% of Americans or more know 1+1 = 2 but don't know what the second lines means. pretend culture doesn't matter is foolish. Why can't you own up to truth?
  19. No proof brown was a "known criminal". No proof officer defended himself, no cop admits to murdering civilians so his own account can hardly constitute "proof". The only thing known for certain is Wilson shot Brown and killed him, that is the only fact here. Everything else is speculative on our parts, we weren't there. He claims it was self defense, which seems dubious at best. Brown's friend said Brown was executed. Brown was murdered, so he has no say. Other eye witnesses give conflicting accounts. No one really knows what the facts of the day were except Brown, Wilson and Johnson. Brown is dead, and Wilson and Johnson give conflicting accounts. When you ignore race, color, history, and collectivism you have a situation where one man, shot a teen who was walking with his friend. The man who did the shooting claims it was self defense, the teens friend said he was executed. The forensic evidence isn't grossly inconsistent with either account. Both could be PLAUSIBLE. This is likely why you have so much anger. Then throw all the collectivism on it and you get an even more heated situation. 1+1=2, but culture matters. And to pretend it doesn't matter in education is in and of it self the ultimate form of collectivism
  20. Sure we could agree the purpose of education is to gain knowledge and thinking skills. Actually I have cited peer reviewed studies from Harvard University explaining why africentric learning is the ideal cultural learning experience for black students in public schools. So you either didn't read what I wrote, or forgot it. In pre-colonial period Africa was following the africentric model. It is the model that gave us the 2nd largest empire of its time after genghis khan and the richest nation and richest man in the world the mali empire and mansa musa. Most of Africa followng a eurocentric system has no choice. Many Africans are simply unaware, other Africans have been put through a colonial system which is indeed eurocentric and erases their own history or ignores it so have no knowledge. Take for instance someone going to a missionary school. Well the missionaries are white eurocentricks. So what are the students learning? Eurocentrism. Your argument rest on not only faulty but actually conflicting premises. On the one hand you admit most of africa is not using africentric education but eurocentric education. Then you turn around and attempt to blame not eurocentrism but africentrism for its ills. The wars and disease can be entirely blamed on the colonial experience and "World war 3" aka the cold war, which was a war fought out between the usa and its allies against communism over the 3-rd world aka any non-nato non soviet country. And who is to say colonialism has ended in africa. It is quiet clear the french army is still in control of over a dozen nations in africa where the french army still has bases and controls the governments as puppets. Rwanda is the perfect example of French controlling africa and running it into the ground and committing and carrying out genocide through the french 5th brigade which was murdering the french's long time enemy the tutsi who opposed french colonials from day one. Thankful Paul Kagame was able to defeat the french and throw them out of Rwanda and now Rwanda is able to start to prosper. It is also quiet ridiculous you try to blame Africans for Rwandan genocide which france's president has already apologized for France conducting! The independent commission in Rwanda found France was the one training all the killers and commanding them http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7542418.stm http://www.thenational.ae/news/world/africa/france-finally-apologies-for-rwandan-genocide http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/06/rwandan-president-france-genocide Again Eurocentrism blinds eurocentricks to their own destructive role in destroying other countries and carrying out genocide in Rwanda. It is the kind of thing that allows you to bomb afghanistan and a dozen other middle eastern countries for decades and then wonder why anyone would want to bomb twin towers/america. Rwanda was a French ethnic cleansing of their political opponents, this is what all the evidence shows and what the independent commissions have found. Why not any child who wants to continue eurocentrick education go to the private system? O yes because eurocentrism is the norm right? Why should eurocentrism be the only publicly funded system, why should non-whites have to pay into a system that denies their existence? I am not sure where you get the idea in a multicultural country that only white culture should get public funding or any recognition, it sounds alot like the same old US based segregation. Luckily in Ontario we don't have that problem. Any group of parents can get a school so long as they can get 40 students to sign up here, publicly funded. The only exceptions are jewish, muslim and non-catholic, non-protestant christian schools. In Toronto we have over 70+ centric schools, mostly, white centric or eurocentric, english, italian, ukranian, greek, german, chinese, indian, french africentric, all boys, all girls, lgbt centric, gay centric, catholic centric, aboriginal centric. So to bring the discussion back round again. It comes to an issue of basic fairness and hypocrisy. If you are going to have 12 different eurcentric schools, and several asian centric schools. Don't cry when african and carribeans open their own school. School should be about learning first. Whichever method is most effective should be used. We cannot allow political correctness to stand in the way of children's education. And if seperating boys from girls and asians from whites and blacks from non-blacks is the best way for children to learn. Then so be it. They'll have their who adult lives to meet different people. Too many educated people is a problem in several african countries and canada is experiencing as well. What happens when you have too many engineers, doctors, lawyers, accountants bankers, stem majors etc. No jobs for highly skilled people. That is when a society becomes dangerous because you have alot of smart people who are angry with no jobs. They did everything society told them to and still they are screwed. Americans don't think of having too many educated people. I know there is a large sub culture of americans who love to do auto-work and are good with their hands and building things. What happens when few people want to work in the trades
  21. Firstly, when Asian (particularly vietnamese refugees and early chinese immigrants) first started showing up here, they were not doing the best in these disciplines. There are numerous studies on the issues in particular the loatian, vietnamese, and pacific islanders and hawaiians had in us schools. Secondly, the fact that one group who is afflicted by many issues like low self esteem and socialization issues performs well in the eurocentrick system isn't proof the system isn't eurocentric. I'll always get a kick out of people so immersed in white privilege they make statements like "America isn't racist they elected a black president, racism is over" "I can't be racist I have a black friend/girl friend" "School system can't be racist because Asians outperform whites" Asian cultures, well lets rephrase, we are really speaking about Chinese foreign students and immigrants, but not long time immigrants because chinese immigrants from the 1800s here are on average as bad off as the blacks and mexicans and american indian maybe even worse. Many of whom put all their eggs and basket in education and are focused on scoring highly in grades and nothing else. But their redeeming trait is coming from a culture where rote memorization is highly valued and frankly the only way of learning. Creativity is given a back seat, class discussion not common at all. They need rote memorization, chinese has no alphabet, they have to remember every stroke of every word. So what does this mean. Well despite a racist eurocentric school system, Chinese are able to overcome it simply because their culture just so happens to mesh well into to it in many areas. Rote memorization will get you through most US classes and math and science pretty well. But when it comes to creativity, they are sorely lacking, even to their neighbours like the japanese. China has around 36,000 patents, Japan over 1 million. China has 10 times the population and about 10 times the land mass and far more natural resources. So despite the discrimination asian students face, they can still beat europeans in their own system just through rote memorization of facts. I disagree with you that Japanese people and Japanese culture does not appear in Japanese science textbooks. And your comparison is flawed because you are trying to compare two different cultures as if they were alike. This is a comparison flaw. Asian culture is not African culture, African culture is not asian culture. Your flaw is like saying, Apples grow on trees(Asian is a minority culture), Coconuts grow on trees (African is a minority cultures). Both are fruits (both are minority cultures). Therefore if Apples grow in Canada (asians do well in eurocentric system) then coconuts should also grow well in canada (African cultured people should also do well in the eurocentric system). Anyone can see why this is an extremely flawed argument. The other thing here is where are comparing a diasporic culture (african canadians) a people who were enslaved by white people, had their names, cultures, religion, history, social mores, values stolen from them by whites and were forced to be indoctrinated with white supremacist systems. It is likely far more damaging to such a people to show them these types of eurocentric systems than it is to say the Japanese, who themselves colonized other asians and are an imperial society themselves. You might say o hooeey. But do Asians have to read books in english class like to kill a mocking bird, black like me, mark twain racist books were every 5th word is a racial slurs against asians and showing asians as perpetual victims of whites? I didn't think so. It is alot easier to get through content went the content isn't saying your a sub-human. The more apt comparison would be native americans and aboriginals or aboringes to african canadian and americans, that would be more similar, and its not even close who is worse off. The white man just completely destroyed those natives entire identities and cultures. You are falsely assuming because two things are alike in one respect, they ought be alike in all respects. African Scientist invented the entire disciplines that Newton and Einstein (who it is highly questionably if he is white or not but certainly was born in europe) studied in. No self respecting discipline could ignore its founders, african scientist. Without africans, there'd be no math and no calculus and no physics. It is pretty silly eurocentricks can write entire books and ignore the founders of the actual disciplines. It'd be like writing a book on the founding of America and leaving out all the white people. It'd be a pretty silly book. Which is what eurocentrism usually does. Not sure how Ferguson relates to this at all. Last I checked mike brown and darren wilson both went to eurocentrick schools. Perhaps if they had both gone to africentric schools the boy still be alive. But it is quiet obvious that 40% drop out rate is the best white teachers in canada can do. They are either purposely screwing blacks education, or just can't do better. I choose the later, so it is best blacks leave a system with a 40% failure rate. I also find it funny that the highest dropout rate in toronto is among the 43% dropout portuguese who profess to be whites. Then you have the quebec province with a drop out rate of the same amount which is even more embarassing given how much more easy it is to graduate in quebec than ontario (you just have to show up and they'll pass you was my experience). If the white man's own solution to his own education system can't get the white man better than a 43% drop out rate, how is the white man's solution going to get blacks better than a 40% dropout rate. -What I do find of interest, is that none of these posters who claim how much they care about education actually asked or considers here what is in the best interest of the kids dropping out? What if Africentric schooling will keep them in school and graduated and engaged in the learning process? -I also find it interesting than rather consider how eurocentrism is damaging to non-whites they look for any other excuse that it is not racism in the system and then revert to racially charged stereotypes of blacks. Mainly that they are lazy. But when I ask a eurocentrick supporter, why are blacks lazy. They say they don't want to do the school work. Then when I ask them. Why don't they want to do the school work. They claim because their parents don't make or want them or they have some baby mama drama and the black father ran away and they are uneducated. Then when I cite the states that 21% of Jamaican canadians have college degrees compared to just 15% of canadians overall and 19% of african canadians have ph.d and master degrees compared to just 15% of canadians overall (statscan). And that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that black fathers are "more involved with their kids on a daily basis than fathers from other racial groups." http://mic.com/articles/90965/6-actual-facts-shatter-the-biggest-stereotypes-of-black-fathers. Thus black canadians are on average more educated than their white counterparts (and this is no surprise because most are recent immigrants or no more than 3rd generation). -At this point it becomes quiet clear that it isn't bad parents, no it is something else. And usually then the eurocentrick, if they are reasonable is willing to consider it may be eurocentrism. -And then I propose an alternative explanation, which is perhaps the eurocentrick system which is biased against students of color and particularly against african and carribean students, perhaps it is the latent and often blatant biases cause these students to lose interest in the subjects and eurocentrick education at large. Perhaps seeing books full of people who look like the people who colonized and enslaved their ancestors, or portraying their race and culture in a constantly negative light causes them to become disinterest. And they lose the desire to continue in and participate in a system which is clearly biased against them. This would offer a far better explanation. For instance, studies demonstrate that black children ENTER school with a HIGHER enthusiasm for learning than white students. But by around grade 3 this trend reverses and blacks students interest declines. Studies also demonstrate that black students at all socio-economic levels by this point are under-performing their white counter parts on median. Including up to and over 350k+ income per year. Perhaps this is because no tutor nor amount of money can make up for a broke system which is anti-black and eurocentric. What eurocentrick people view as laziness is actually disinterest. I also understand why eurocentricly educated people are inclined to confuse disinterest with an anti-black system with laziness or rather be completely unaware of how eurocentrism is anti-black in the first place. In the eurocentric view, if someone doesn't want to do work they are lazy. End of discussion, that is it. and it is true of a white student from that culture. But not of someone from a different culture. Eurocentrism. attempts to treat everyone through the lens of color blindness and that lens pretends that all are white and everyone is treated as if they where white. That is your culture shouldn't matter, And this is dangerous because culture does matter. Because culture differences no longer become just differences. Cultural differences now become wrong. Because if culture doesn't exist, you can't have different culture. You are wrong and I am right. And this ends up vilifying an entire culture rather than embracing it. It is essentially a form of cultural intolerance and cultural imperialism. In otherwords, culture color blindness is a subtle form of structural racism, while not intended to be racist by its practicers, usually the opposite, it assigns white to be the norm and pretends colors don't exist. Well if you are a person of color, and I am white, and I am color blind, and I cannot see your color. Then I cannot see you. And if I cannot see you, i certainly cannot respect you and I will likely write you out of my history books and ignore your culture. Which is precisely what happens in eurocentrick mainstream schools The question I have is, if the white man's solutions can't even solve his own dropping out problems, how is the white man's solution going to solve black people's dropping out problems?
  22. Wow. Simply wow. I missed this the first time and color me horrified. I weep for the continued collectivization of society into such group think rot that pretends 1+1=2 is somehow dependent on anything more than the basic child-like facts of reality. I fear we will see superstitious warding against evil and fetishes to go along with our tribal formation of concepts. When you are part of a majority culture, whose values and beliefs are constantly affirmed it is easy to say that the only factor is 1+1= 2. But what if you were given a test where I highly doubt you'd turn around and say that well clearly I am just too stupid to add. There are cultural biases in the test. ১ + ১ = ২ Or what about these? 呀 + 呀 = 廿 x 廿 = 皕 I think you'd agree to give these as math solutions would be culturally biased against an english speaker? Thus I think it is fair to say we all accept even math, an objective discipline, can be written in a way to appear culturally biased. Thus educational systems can have biases in them. And to deny that would be to deny truth. And we should not accept policies which deny truth. Reidy, on 20 Apr 2015 - 7:21 PM, said: It's new to me, too. Thomas Sowell pointed out somewhere that whenever individuals, minorities or entire nations (19th-century Japan is his example) have striven successfully to catch up with some role model, they have done whatever they could to emulate that role model: learn the language, read the books, wear the clothes and generally acquire the ethos. Thus, he observed, we can expect programs like this one, promoting cultural separatism, to fail, as in fact they have. Your premise counters your conclusion. I had to read it several times over just to ensure I was reading it right. Unless this is irony. You point out Japan, a highly nationalistic society who engaged in the highest form of cultural separatism of its time and possibly known to man and who expelled europeans multiple times and even to this day still regards it self as homogeneous culturally and engages in cultural seperatism as an example of integration? Do you think the Japanese are emulating americans and learning English? They have some of the lowest rates of English speaking! What the experts in business find are the most successful groups are the ones like the jews and chinese and japanese and etc. who stick to their own kind against a broader majority culture. Further the overwhelming evidence demonstrates africentric schools as having been succesful. Quote "The study, conducted by Ming-Te Wang and James P. Huguley of the University of Pittsburg and Harvard University respectively, found that “racial socialization”—teach ing kids about their culture and involving them in activities that promote racial pride and connection—helps to offset the discrimination and racial prejudices children face by the outside world. Wang explains: “Our findings challenge the notion that ‘race blindness’ is a universally ideal parenting approach, especially since previous research has shown that racially conscious parenting strategies at either extreme—either ‘race blindness’ or promoting mistrust of other races—are associated with negative outcomes for African American youth. "They found racial pride to be the single most important factor in guarding against racial discrimination, and discovered it had a direct impact on the students’ grades, future goals, and cognitive engagement. Despite fewer instances of multicultural and inclusive learning in school and the increased frequency in which black students are treated more harshly than their peers, Wang’s study shows that teaching kids, especially black children, to take pride in their culture is an integral part of their success. Wang sums it up: “Our study provides empirical evidence that the longstanding practice in the African American community of cultivating racial pride and preparing children to face racial bias in society should be considered among appropriate and beneficial practices in parenting Black children.” "Wang’s study surveyed 630 adolescents from middle class backgrounds to explore how racial discrimination and prejudice in school affects their G.P.A., educational goals, and future aspirations. They found racial pride to be the single most important factor in guarding against racial discrimination, and discovered it had a direct impact on the students’ grades, future goals, and cognitive engagement." http://www.clutchmagonline.com/2013/01/new-study-black-students-who-are-taught-racial-pride-do-better-in-school/ The concept of forced integration into a eurocentrick system does not do well for black students. the broader eurocentrick system vilinizes and vilifies their culture which causes them to lose interest and be susceptible to a variety of social ills which many whites turn around and mistakenly believe are the CAUSE of their poor performance. Most whites cannot see their own culture around them. This isn't because whites are bad or racist per se, it is quiet normal. Go to japan, and a japanese cannot see how his cultural practices are even japanese. H'ed just see it as normal. In a multi-cultural society, you will have different cultures with different concepts of normal. and to put one group into a school system which views their culture and practices and way of life as abnormal is a sure way to get alot of them to drop out. Repairman, on 20 Apr 2015 - 10:04 PM, said: Hernan Dayoleary, Would you say that there are more than several Africentric public elementary schools in Africa? My unstudied guess is that there are. And yet, Africa relies on foreign medical teams, construction contractors, and other foreign advisers to lift them out of their blighted and impoverished state of affairs. (And by "foreign", I do not mean only European or American; many are from Asia, and post-colonial states.) Are you suggesting that their schools could furnish Sub-Saharan Africa with more doctors, engineers, and a stable justice system if they would only advance more Afro-centric studies into their public schools? Then please tell me how that sort of change would benefit the United States? In dealing with Africa we are dealing with 53 or so countries. There are many other factors there than just education. Here we can have rural areas where people have to pay to go to school. In other parts there can be issues of going to school as in physically getting there. Some of these countries which have war going on or ebola haven't had school in the last calendar year. Now when dealing with the countries who aren't in war and with students who don't have issues getting in to school and can afford all the supplies and don't have issues at home like no electricity. Things that we as westerners take for granted without even thinking about usually. When dealing with these students in the africentric educational system, we find that not only are they amongst the highest performing and best educated in the world, often there are issues that we are just starting to experience here in canada, and that is having TOO MANY educated people. But to answer your question most directly. Most african countries are NOT using africentric learning systems ANYMORE. Many were until colonialism, but most of them are trying to work within the colonial model and often receive donated textbooks from the west! I would agree that africentric curriculum would benefit africans, most of whom are still using colonial era texts and teaching. I am not in the united states. But given the research cited above and American history, African americans would stand alot to gain from entering into the africentric school curriculum. Do african countries sometimes pay foreigners to build things, sure of course. But we still do that here in canada too. In fact even the wealth arab oil states largely rely on westernize firms to run much of their oil facilities and western educated people. And we are talking some oil countries who are on average richer than the richest american states.
  23. This is what the white schools teach too though. That is why all the images in the textbook are of western european white males. these curriculum were set in a time when only boys went to school. I could accept your argument all school systems are racist or ethnocentric, that is not even far fetched. but to pretend eurocentric education is some kind of objectively centered discipline and all others are lies, betrays the truth. Only whites can see themselves through the mainstream lens. Because non-whites quickly learn that anything that is not specified as non-white means white. Unless you say the cop was a black cop, I and you will assume he is white. Unless you say the server is asian, we will both usually assume she is white. This is the way most people's minds function in the west. The view that the pre-dominant achievers are white is a white world view. But again, most whites have been conditioned by their educational system to see this not as a white world view but simply as the only objective truth. But if you think kids in China and Japan are opening textbooks with images full of white people and not slant eyed yellow skin people, you are grossly enamored in white privilege and white culture to the point you cannot consider another view point. And that goes to show how dangerous a eurocentrick education is, it makes one incapable of even CONSIDERING that others may view the world differently.
  24. The subjects you name can be taught from an afrocentric view. In the math textbooks for instance when they show the image of the person who they will grant is an important contributor to math they'd be a black person instead of an old dead white man from the middle ages. Same for science. ie. where they'd usually show newton as making some big discovery in physics in a physics text they can instead show african civilizations like the egyptians or songhai or malians who also had important contributions to physics. Again, Eurocentric scholars claim shakespeare is white. Africentric scholars claim he is black. A eurocentric english class will use eurocentric and western european white authors. An africentric curriculum will use black authors that are more appealing to the african-carribean children. There is certainly differences here. If you think the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and Indian are not gloryfying their own peoples in their history books you have a gross misunderstanding of these cultures. In particular the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans are among the few people probably more highly nationalistic than any other on the planet. A eurocentrick system that is stacked against african and carribean children will never succeed no matter how many times you reshuffle the card deck. You could put all black teachers but if the system is still eurocentrick, they' ll still fail. The problem isn't even individual white racist teachers, students and principals per se, it is the entire system. No system perpetuates that myth more than the eurocentrick system which portrays blacks as bumbling baffoons who need a white man to fix all their problem. It tells you blacks were slaves, then a white man freed you. But then they hated you and were racist against you and took all your rights, then they sicked their racist police dogs on you, and spreayed you with some houses when you asked for the ability to sit on a bus. Then the white man let you free. Do you not see how this eurocentric narrative might cause blacks to believe they are simply passive victims of white man? This is basically what they keep repeating. They are telling black children their peoples are simply passive in the human experience and should sit around for a white to do it because they have no freedom. Would black-centric be preferable to you? Do you not see how it is problematic that you are trying to define the name that an ethnic group calls itself in light of the fact that it was white people who beat them in slavery and took their birth names? There are essential differences between african-carribeans and europeans. Many european/white have been raised in this concept to be color blind. Do you not understand that if someone is a person of color and you are blind to them, how it can be problematic. You are saying you cannot see them or their achievements of their peoples. Thus you are writing them out the history books. Of course this was not your intent, but this is the effect and why eurocentric schooling has produced abysmally low graduation rates for not just black but various other ethnic minorities in canada including french canadians, aboriginals, portuguese etc. It is easy for a white person to say your race isn't important in a society of white privilege and the teacher is white and the principal is white and the board is white and all the people in the textbook are white and the curriculum and rules are designed by and for whites. I agree, multiculturalism promotes racism, so it is time we divide into our own little corners before we all turn more racist. The africentric school is a step in the right direction. The 40% drop out rate stems from the eurocentric curriculum and the eurocentric school rules/system which for lack of a better word are anti-black. There are also a small minority of white teachers, principals and pupils who are racist against blacks, some openly others covertly. This doesn't help the situation. Many studies have been conducted and all recommend opening the africentric school (about 8 since 1989). Due to Canada's immigration system, many of the parents have college or university degrees, at least higher than the Canadian national average. Africans have 19% ph.d+masterss in canada compared to just 15% of canadians. Jamaicans have 21% college degrees compared to just 15% of Canadians all according to stats can so they are on average MORE educated than the white canadians and other canadians who their children are underperfoming. This is why the reports conclude it is systemic problem of systemic racism against the children. These two groups form nearly all blacks in the city of toronto. This means even if you put a black teacher in the class, the system would still have the child fail! The africentric system is a step forward, from an outdated colonial system designed by and for white western europeans students and to "keep blacks in their place" or from "becoming uppity". It was actually designed for them to fail by showing only negative images of blacks where they seldom appear and mostly positive images of whites. As for why not just an africentric course. This would miss the point, you have an entire system designed for black students to fail. A single course cannot overcome an entire system, you need a NEW SYSTEM, to combat an old system that stinks. It would be like if your computer system was wrought with worms and viruses and purposely programmed to fail for the end user. Even the top computer expert in the world, wouldn't go through 10 billion lines of code line by line trying to fix it all. At a certain point he'd say dude, just buy a new computer. They have several caucasian centric schools in toronto, greek, russian, french, italian, roman catholic, protestant irish, english school board etc. They all celeberate the value of being white and white cultures. Strangely, no one cares nor bats an eye. Segregation = involuntary separation Separation = voluntary separation What are you going to do, pass a law that black students must all hang around x number of non-blacks and be a perpetual minority in every aspect of their life? Its pretty silly when you consider the other side of the coin, the only thing worse than segregation would be forced integration. Because you are still seperating people based on race, just in the opposite direction. Ie. If there are 10 whites and 20 china men. And the 10 whites sit together. And the forced integration officer comes by. And says hey, too many whites together. 5 whites must go sit with 10 china men here, and another 5 whites must sit with 10 china men there. Well you just divided whites up based on race! To force integration, you still are segregating up whites on race, so its hypocritical really. There is no opportunity to learn from each other when 40% are dropping out and another 10% regularly don't show up to school.
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