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Posts posted by Geoff

  1. Well, if the man did not wish to have a kid, he should have used birth control, or ensured that the woman was using birth control. If she was "one of those" who wanted to get pregnant and was tricking him into it (who admittedly are few and far between, but for the purpose of the hypothetical...) then that is partially his fault--his misjudged her character. Either way, his actions had consequences that he must pay. If he wanted to be very certain, he would have talked to her about abortion beforehand, and whether or not she would get one if she became pregnant.

    So, the chick can always get out of her mistake because she can always have an abortion, but the guy must be forced by law to pay for the mistake if the women goes through with it? We'll since the embryo has no rights. I will just slip something into her drink to kill my sperm cell. Do I not have a right to the sperm cell? I just happened to misplace it inside her vagina. It was never my intention to get her pregnant. It would be like if I let my dog off his leash and he ran into my neighbors yard and they kept him, but still made me buy dog food. :thumbsup:

  2. If you want to work on your abilities to introspect, think about why this event would cause a feeling of pride. What did you do that you should be proud of? "Be attractive to women" isn't something that you do, but it could be an effect caused by something that you do.

    I see. I do enjoy working out and taking care of my body. Makes sense. ;)

    You tell us: why should you care if one or more women find you desirable?

    It reaffirms that I am on the right path to obtaining my goal of being healthy and fit when someone who is healthy and fit finds me desirable.

    Does it matter to you what kind of women they are?


    it should, basically, be rooted in their objective recognition of virtue, and should not be the result of irrational adoration.

    Ok, I think I got it. There are many features that are simply a matter of luck when it comes to being found attractive or desirable, but there are also things that are within our control such as being in shape, so when a beautiful women who is in great shape finds me desirable it is the recognition of a virtue that we both share in common. Am I on the right track? But then again it might not be and could just be "irrational adoration".

    suppose you were really dumb and plug-ugly but you happened to win the lottery and had $10,000,000 (and all the girls know this). What would their adoration mean to you?

    We'll if I was really dumb it would mean the world too me, but I am not, so nothing.

    By "isn't destructive", do you mean "doesn't kill you instantly"? For example, the hot chick who sells mortadella may not kill you instantly, but it may turn out that she has a toxic personality which will slowly poison you if you snuggle up to her too closely.

    Yes I did mean that, but now I realize it is ridiculous.

    Being happy is not a goal, it is a consequence of achieving goals.

    But isnt the goal of achieving goals to be happy? Otherwise why would I want to acheive goals?

    What exactly is it that the hot chick does for you that makes you happy? So how does the hot chick relate to your goals? And how do do your goals relate to the somewhat frumpy but brilliant chick?

    Shes hot. She dosen't really. Common values.

    Thanks this helped a lot.

  3. Turn this around; what happens to that good feeling (that 'self-esteem') when some day a specific girl, or bunch of women, don't even notice you? If that's your source of pride -- disaster.

    Good point.

    Thanks for the reply it helped shed some light on my situation. Introspection is definitely difficult, but I'm sure I will get a solid grasp on it in time. Thanks.

  4. I have been struggling for awhile trying to figure out my emotions and my values and I am just flat out confused. I do not have any Ayn Rand books on hand, so I thought I would post my questions on here to see if anyone has any advice or has experienced what I am going through.

    Lately I have been going through a lot of depression which has lead me to reevaluate my values and what makes me happy. I've come to the conclusion that I have been deceiving myself for many years when it comes to figuring out my emotions and whether or not they are in line with my values. I have never really introspected before. I've never sat down and tried to figure out why I feel a certain way. I've just allowed myself to float through life on a sort of whimsical rollercoaster. Where sometimes I am happy and sometimes I am sad, but never stopped to ask why. We'll I am finally over it. I realize that I can never obtain long term happiness if I never stop and evaluate. The problem is that since I've evaded introspection for so long, I am now so confused about the entire process. Lately I have been asking myself what do I feel? and why do I feel it? This has helped me tie my emotions to a value, but I cannot decide if the value is irrational or not. Here is an example.

    As I was grocery shopping earlier today, I started talking to the girl at the deli counter and could tell that she was starting to get flirtatious with me. After about a minute or two I left and went on about shopping because A.) I have a girl friend and am not looking to flirt with other women and B.) I'm a wuss . :( Afterward though I couldnt help but feel a feeling of pride and self-esteem. I'm just trying to figure out why I felt this way and if I am right about the way I felt. I would assume that it stems from wanting to be found desirable by other women and that this situation reaffirmed that I am or atleast I am to this girl, but is this right? Should I care if women find me desirable or not? I guess I'm just confused about whether or not a value can be irrational and if so, how would I know? If something makes me happy and isnt destructive to me than is it ok? And how exactly do I know if the happiness that I'm feeling at a moment in time isnt just a whim?

  5. Explosions in the Sky is an amazing band. The music they create is absolutely beautiful. It's such a relief to hear a post-rock band that plays uplifting music. Seems that the majority of post-rock bands today are too concerned with suffering, but they are definitely worth a listen. Also an amazing band to see live.

  6. I'm not sure exactly what I want, what's with the questioning?

    Why did you ask this question in the first place? I'm merely trying to figure out your situatuion. It's hard to give someone advice when you don't exactly know what it is they want. I'm a recent fim grad myself and I'm trying to gain some insight, so that I may give you some advice, but if you are not interest thats fine.

    Creepy. Maybe he wants a part in your first movie. :o

    Damn! You got me. I surf the internet all day looking for potential film school attendees and then I slowly coax them into giving me valuable information. :D

  7. Well, I am uncertain because I have not done it in a long time, and don't know if I will like it in the same way. Should though. Also, I plan on attending DeAnza college in California.

    What exactly did you do and what exactly do you want to do specifically within the film industry? I assume you intend on working in the actual film industry, not just studying film history and then teaching it. Have you ever worked on a production? If so, what did you do? Why not try and get a job as a Production Assistant? That is an entry level position that someone without much experience or any can take. Do you intend to make your own films or do you want to work on big budget motion pictures?

  8. Like the title says, can application in college increase your self-esteem as much as getting a job?

    Yes. It most certainly did for me.

    I wonder because Rand says specifically "productive work" should be one's purpose, not learning.

    I would consider it to be productive if you value the subject and intend to pursue a career. If you truly value film then learning and mastering your craft is certainly productive.

    Not really 100% certain I still like it, but I am going to be going to school shortly for film

    What makes you uncertain and why? What school do you plan on attending?

  9. I was into this game for a bit, but I gave it up. I really don't like the time it takes to train for certain upgrades. Even after training your learning upgrades. It still takes a considerable amount of time. For instance some upgrades take weeks and sometimes as long as a month to train. It wouldn't be so bad, but it makes it not worth paying the subscription fee if I can't even use the ship or piece of gear I want for another month. Most other mmorpgs you have some control over this. You get what you put in. If you quest or level all day you actually get somewhere. With EVE it's set in stone amount of time you must wait. I think I made the mistake of choosing the mining path in the beginning. I assumed I could mine make alot of money and switch over to pirating, but I didn't realize the amount of training time it would take. I eventually gave it up for WOW.

  10. I'm still waiting for Czar Czar, the Czar to oversee all other Czar's. I guess Obama has filled that position though. I'm also waiting for Grocery Czar. Safeway can't just charge people 10 dollars for a box of cereal and expect everyone to be ok with that.

  11. Wait ... didn't they go back and re-film a lot of the movie because kids were crying at the test screenings?

    I know Warner Brothers wasnt happy with the direction Spike Jonze was taking the movie, but whether or not they re-shot anything I'm not sure. I remember hearing that they wanted to re-edit a lot of scenes months ago, but havent heard anything about it since, but It seems very likely that re-shoots could have taken place considering this movie has been labled in post-production for what seems like ages now, but even so. Still looks like an interesting movie.

  12. My senior quote.

    "The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it."

    I like this one a lot.

    "Every movement that seeks to enslave a country, every dictatorship or potential dictatorship, needs some minority group as a scapegoat which it can blame for the nation's troubles and use as a justification of its own demands for dictatorial powers. In Soviet Russia, the scapegoat was the bourgeoisie; in Nazi Germany, it was the Jewish people; in America, it is the businessmen."

  13. I havent seen that one. I'll have to Netflix that. I just recently watched Hidden Fortress which I really enjoyed. You should check that out if you havent already. Apparently it had a big influence on Lucas when he made the original Star Wars. I always wondered why Lucas used those terrible editing transitions, then I watched Hidden Fortress.

  14. I find it odd how, for many Oists, the drug of choice is alcohol, like it's the only one christened by objectivism.

    I think someone else touched on this, but it could have something to do with alcohol being legal and the fact that doing drugs isn't worth the risk of going to jail.

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