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Everything posted by Haemp

  1. I'd suggest you read "Economics in one Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt, it deals with nearly all of the fallacies used to discredit capitalism.
  2. Is there no other way to renew the rights? Sounds like a waste of money...
  3. Lee Doren from "How the World Works", infiltrating one of the coffee party meetings.
  4. Could you please explain the relationship of reason and volition. How do you define reason, and why does it depend on volition. I feel like this is really knocking on the door to my understanding of free will. PS: Yes I realize that this is an old post, and sorry for hijacking.
  5. No there is nothing misleading about it. How do they do that? Adjust the meta tags on the whitehouse site?
  6. The bottom line as I see it: If you are drinking because of the alcohol part - the numbness, not because you like the taste of the drink, you are seeking pleasure from subduing your mind. Then you are "enjoying" life through the premise of death, and that looks like a contradiction to me.
  7. Paul Krugman and about a million other economists of that kind. Judging by what he advocates he has a deeper knowledge about the fundamentals of economics.
  8. I'm looking for contemporary non-fiction Objectivist literature. I'm mainly interested in Objectivist takes on psychology and self improvement. Any suggestions?
  9. Arthur Vining Davis of Alcoa Aluminum
  10. Watching Bullshit was a great push for me into political and philosophical ideas. Such an awesome show. In episode 6-09 they did a great job explaining how to best achieve wold peace. And here is a great from the ground zero episode.
  11. But why stay here? I'm a fellow Swede too, I know exactly what you are talking about, people always look the pragmatic way for every answer. I'm studying economy in Lund right now but the second I get my degree I'll be as far from this place as humanly possible. Get out of this hell hole, become the best you can be, and show people that your way really does work - then people will listen. Where will you be getting your engineering degree?
  12. Haemp


    How is it Capitalism's problem that people view it as unfair? Is soccer by its nature unfair, just because it rewards the best players? If my team preforms bad in a soccer league is this "a problem of soccer"? I don't get your point there. This argument eventually ends where the initial problem is that man are not created equal.
  13. The big leap in the American economy came from capital intense industries NOT slave labor. The US was built on the backs of the great industrial minds who took productivity to levels no one ever could have imagined.
  14. How is that? Give me an argument to work with here I don't see your logical connection: Premise 1: "Our current market situation is heavily regulated". Premise 2: "Our current market system is breaking down". Argument: "Therefore We shall impose more regulations". Here is a little preview of how the mechanics of the free market works: You sell shoes and demand 60 hour work week from your workers. This signals other entrepreneurs that there is a high demand in the shoe-manufacturing workforce, which means that its easy to hire people. Entrepreneurs flock to the shoe-manufacturing industries ---> labor becomes more scarce ---> wages and working conditions go up as a natural result. I see so therefore we must substitute with a system that prolongs the recessions 10 years as in the Depression?
  15. In the 30's crash there was initially a big influence on economists by the Austrian theory (free market), much by the help of Hayek and Mises. Sadly, thanks to Keynes, the economic trend got back to government invention. In the 70's the Keynsian system broke down. And people like Hayek and Freidman where once again in the spotlights, sadly Friedman advocated for a big central government run bank and though its better than the pure Keynsian theory - economic theory today is still terribly disintegrated and wrong. The crash and coming depression of 2010 will leave them completely bankrupt, yet again. But this time they KNOW that Socialism won't work, the KNOW that Keynsianism won't work and hopefully they will draw some logical conclusions and realize its time for a change. I think its important to make people realize the fact that modern economist DON'T know what they are doing and to see this financial crisis as a proof of just that. As to how that is going to be achieved more concretely, I don't know.
  16. I thought this lecture spread some light on the subject. http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/videos/bobcarter.html
  17. I attended the Blizzard Invitational event this year and got a chance to try out SC2. With a few tweaks and further development that game is going to be truly amazing - both the physics engine and the new game mechanics are so hot. Yea a Starcraft 1.5 would be great, seeing how Blizzard never takes the roast out of the oven till its done - we still have a while to wait for Starcraft 2 .
  18. Big big fan of Starcraft. I Can't play it well (I am/was a warcraft 3 player), but I do enjoy the strategic depth in it. Are you following the Avertech intel classic at GOMtv.net? Hoping for another Flash domination tour , that boy is a genius.
  19. I don't know whether this is relevant to your theory but: when I was in junior high, there was a big project in Swedish schools to "reach out" to the eastern block, we would donate money and so on. But from what I recall they were always seen as a sort of homogeneous country with the same kind of culture - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
  20. How is the project comming? They mentioned May 08 in the start of this thread, what happened?
  21. Haemp

    Diablo 3

    I was at Blizzard World Wide Invitational this year, when they announced Diablo III. I'm amazed by almost everything in it (not being a serious Diablo player at all), physics engine looks fabulous and there are allot of new features and mechanics to look forward to. I had a great time at WWI - marketing a new community site for Starcraft 2, and although a bit "nerd-tight" there was allot of calm, cool and professional people. The icing on the cake has to be the rock concert in the end though - only Blizzard can make computer game developers look like rock stars.
  22. How do you mean "a calling"? I think its a confused term that could be translated into "what you are good at" and then you do the mistake of looking for something to be easy.
  23. Why bother arguing in specifics - schools, budget, business? If you must waist your time on this guy, take it down to the core issue - Individualism vs Collectivism. From what you have written of your conversation, he sounds like the emotional-concrete-bound socialist and would be in deep water defending his core values rationally. Then, when you realize that there is a huge gap between the meaning of his words and his understanding of them, you can retire your frustration into a calm smile of condescendence. I'd love to hear the continuation of the conversation.
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