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Posts posted by ex_banana-eater

  1. HDers or as we are often called HIT Jedi are often accused of being dogmatic. But that is simply not true. I tried the volume approach but I never saw any results. Just because we are not as pragmatic as the Volume guys does not mean we are dogmatic.

    Most people who do HIT tend to think of the world as "HIT'ers vs high volume trainers," whereas people who read the scientific literature tend to think in terms of "what is supported by the scientific literature vs everything else." My guess is that you probably did some pretty retarded training and did not see results, which you call "high volume training," and then lump every type of training that has a similar amount of volume in as "ineffective for you" when those types of training may be significantly different in other factors that are unrelated to volume.

    Say for example, X causes muscle gain. You do a retarded type of training that is high volume and only 0.1X, then you do HIT which is 0.3X. You get better gains from HIT. You blame the *volume* of your retarded training on not giving you enough gains, when in reality the problem was that your original retarded training did not have enough X. Since HIT has less volume, you assume that less volume from HIT gave you more muscle gains, when in reality it was the increased X in HIT which gave you more muscle gains.

  2. Quercetin, for example, may stimulate the growth of brain mitochondria.

    2. Quercetin


    If you could provide scientific evidence that quercetin causes any improvements in memory or cognition in healthy human volunteers, I would love to see it That would mean a double blind, placebo controlled trial in healthy young human volunteers, not rats, nor seniors with cognitive deficits. Unfortunately, if you were recommended quercetin from a supplement provider then they are likely trying to sell you something on the "hope" that a study in rats or people with cognitive deficits can then be extended to healthy humans. I've looked into a lot of nootropics and have generally been dismayed by their promises after seeing the scientific literature.

    As you mentioned in a post above, I did like dextroamphetamine which is likely what Rand used as well, for getting myself into a sustained mood to be productive. I don't think it enhanced any actual thinking abilities, but simply increased my ability to focus without distraction. Since focus without distraction is probably the bottleneck in most people's ability to get productive work done, you might consider it a useful tool. Others have found that the anti-narcoleptic modafinil / provigil to be useful without as much of a jittery feeling. I'm currently in a country where stimulants of all types are highly illegal, including ones that are prescribed to millions of American children, so I do not use any right now.

    You should first think about what your goals are and where your bottlenecks are. Everyone has the capability of being rational, so processing speed (IQ) doesn't seem to matter that much in terms of productivity. What matters is mainly volitional, which is your ability to focus and concentrate (for the difference between the two, see Harry Binswanger's "Volition as Cognitive Self-Regulation" pamphlet). Most tasks do not really max out your "intelligence" but instead require sustained attention, integration, and time.

    Instead of leaving you without anything to look into, I'll refer you to both Dual-N-back training and spaced repetition software such as Anki or Supermemo. Also look up the book "The Power of Full Engagement" by Tony Schwartz. They are not pills but I think they might provide the real world results that you are looking for. You did not state your reasons for wanting to "accelerate concept formation," but if I assume you just want to get stuff done in the real world, those will help. Be sure to look up the Jaeggi et al study on dual-n-backing and single-n-back (more recent). There's a lot you can train yourself to do in terms of memory and computation, so look up stuff on mnemonics and mental math as well.

  3. I would say the minimum wage is harmful to all the people forced to be unemployed who have a productivity rate below the minimum wage. Also, because of the now reduced production in society as the government has forced a large number of people on the margin to be unemployed, I would say the minimum wage is harmful to the entire society in that it reduces production--ie the amount of wealth/goods within the whole society--by mandating that people do not produce.

  4. Because your premise is wrong. In a world without stock fund managers, the uninformed small investors would be investing in all kinds of nonsense. The management fees would be eliminated along with any knowledge and effort put into what is and what isn't worth an investment.

    Uninformed investors would still have the opportunity to invest in index funds which outperform managed funds, and require no managers (I believe they do some type of computational rebalancing every so often).

    But ideally uninformed investors would just be able to stay out of the stock market and keep their money in cash, which would be backed by gold, and increase in purchasing power every year. They're unfortunately forced into a stock market they don't understand by inflationary monetary policy, which provides a larger market for fund managers.

  5. The way to pay the least amount of taxes is to be nearly self-sufficient and not engage in much trade with others.

    I recommend the book and website "Early Retirement Extreme" by Jacob Lund Fisker as an example on how to do this.

    The solution consists in becoming a "renaissance man" who solves most of his own problems instead of outsourcing them. For example, instead of hiring a plumber on call to unplug your toilet for $120, invest a minimal amount of time to understand the most recurring pipe problems and fix them yourself. Thus you can fix them faster because you don't pay the transactional cost of waiting for the outsourced help to arrive, and cheaper, because you will not pay high fees which exist mainly due professional licensing laws.

    Gardening, like mentioned above, is also an answer. But garden the things that have the greatest effort to reward ratio for you (this is not just on prices). For example, unless you really love the taste of a fresh sweet potato dug from your garden, modern mechanized farming will produce them comparatively efficiently for you. But herbs on the other hand taste much better when fresh, are somewhat expensive at the store, and do not go bad when you just pluck them and throw them into your soup rather than sitting at the bottom of your vegetable crisper. Also keep in mind the transactional costs: time spent going to the store shopping, money spent on transportation there, etc. Most people see the time invested in gardening but not the time and money invested in shopping and transporting oneself. If I need herbs, it is much more convenient for me to pluck them off my window sill than get dressed and go to the store to buy them.

    Also, as much as you can, avoid the items that are taxed at absurd rates: typically alcohol, tobacco, and gasoline in most industrialized countries. If you want to have these, you can make them yourself very cheaply, except for the latter. For gasoline, think of creative solutions to reduce your gasoline use, such as living biking distance from where you work and buy groceries.

    If you have systematically organized your life in such a way, you will find that you can live a middle class lifestyle on only a few thousand dollars per year. In many industrialized nations, you will fall under the minimum income tax rate, or on the lowest income tax bracket. In many cases you will be able to provide for yourself solely through dividend income (which is often penalized less than employee income). Then you might want to devote all of your free time that you don't have to spend working on non-renumerated activities that reward you spiritually or physically but not in monetary form. Examples are exercise, intellectual activism, human relationships, et cetera, that cannot be penalized by the government. For example, when I exercise and eat well, 100% of the health and well-being gains are mine, because the government does not attempt to force me to redistribute them somehow. If I devote much of my time to enjoying relationships with my family and friends, 100% of the pleasure is mine and is currently not taxed. Maybe in the future, the government might find that you are healthier than other people and force you to provide exercise classes to fat smokers, but not yet.

  6. I posted another thread on this in epistemology but I may as well repeat it here.

    Can one not validly make the *induction* that capitalist economies produce more material prosperity than statist economies, by looking at the wealth levels of free and unfree countries?

    Why or why not would that induction be unreliable?

    Is it senseless for me to cite data like the Freedom Of The World report? (Apart from simple validation).

    Isn't this the same type of induction we make when studying history?

  7. Of course using the praxeological method does not have to preclude being "empirical" in the broad sense of the term at all. Don't let Mises' use of Kantian terms mislead you into thinking the two are incompatible.

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean here.

    Anyway, if praxeology allows data gathering to arrive at fundamental economics truths, then why do philosophically sound Austrian economists like George Reisman arrive at economic principles through deductive logic instead of intense data gathering?

    Take for example this article: http://mises.org/daily/2361 The response by a neoclassical or an academic Friedmanite would be, "WHERES YOUR HISTORICAL DATA???" They think Reisman would have to plot and compile data on every single good and whether their price decreased or whether wealth increased from year to year in order to prove his point. They think this is a "scientific" approach to economics. And note that I'm talking about a lot of economists who are almost always libertarian or close to it.

  8. There's really no other way to derive principles of economics except by the observation of reality. Even Mises does so. So, assuming that "empirical data" is a synonym for the observation of reality, I'd say that there is no other source for principles of economics except empirical data.

    Gathering empirical data is not a synonym for observation of reality. Isn't it pretty clear what I mean here? There is one approach to economics that primarily uses deduction from axioms (which are derived from empirical observation of one's own choices) and there is another approach to economics, common among economists today, which consists of piling up huge amounts of statistics to try and prove whether free trade works from the 1947-1953 period in apples and chalk but not automobiles.
  9. If I look at the economic Freedom of the World report, for example. Or if I know about several free countries (like Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand) including experience with their laws and levels of prosperity, and I see (through experience traveling there) several poor countries that have restrictive governments, is that enough information for me to induce the productive superiority of capitalism?

    Or can I only properly be certain of it by using chains of logic, as suggested by Mises.

  10. I've heard Objectivsts reject "praxeology," but praxeology itself includes a lot of things, not just the value-free aspects. What I wonder is whether the empirical approach to economics (the data gathering you see today, often this is called "positive economics") is rejected on epistemological grounds similar to that of Mises, or whether Objectivist economists believe we should perform economics or obtain economic principles from gathered empirical data?

  11. Inflation is definitely a big deal.

    China is experiencing a lot of inflation. However, notice that their protests are rather small and are not about toppling the government since their standard of living is rising dramatically every year.

    In the case of Egypt, the average man spent 50% of his income on food. Egypt is a major wheat importer and when commodity prices went up that meant either being hungry for a meal a day or being late with your rent.

    When people get hungry or lose their money they start to get angry more easily. When the times are good they are more likely to put up with their dictatorships. Inflation has radicalized populations in the past. Look at Germany for example. They inflated their currency and made everyone absolutely destitute, then those people blamed their poverty on Jewish financiers and bankers and slaughtered them all.

    The cause of the inflation is Bernanke dramatically increasing the money supply, and other central banks attempting to run a peg with the US dollar. They could fix all of their problems by not printing and letting their currency rise against the dollar.

  12. This is ridiculously circular reasoning.

    The issue is "are there non-physical existents (specifically, is Man's nature partially non-physical)?"

    There are certainly existents that operate according to non-mechanistic causation. The one existent I can think of that qualifies is the faculty of free will. Whether it is also physical or not is up for science to discover in the future. In that case we would have to properly define what we mean by physical, because if it were physical it would be an entity behaving in a causal manner different from mechanistic causation.

  13. "Free" does not apply to metaphysics. There is no freedom from identity or causality. Expecting that it should is wrong and dumb.

    "Free" does apply to epistemology and fields beyond that. Even presuming to ask "should I believe in free will?" assumes you have a choice.

    If free will exists in our minds (in epistemology) and our minds are things that exist, then free will also exists metaphysically.

  14. This is a contradiction. "Free" to any extent at all in any respect whatever as you describe it is acausal. No, you can't have even a little bit of magic.

    He is actually stating something along the lines of the actual Objectivist position.

    I disagree that what he describes is a-causal. Define your terms here--what do you mean by causality? Because it certainly seems to be something different than what Objectivism defines as causality.

  15. It is not a matter for debate. It is a fact that man's nature is entirely physical.

    Why is that a fact?

    What do you mean by physical?

    Man's nature is entirely real (non-supernatural) but it is most certainly not entirely ruled by mechanistic causation as seen in the material. Evidence of this: volition.

  16. I agree that Japan and Korea haven't been proactive enough, but they are USA's lapdogs, militarily, so I think responsibility for not being tough enough on the China/NK axis falls on US diplomacy lacking the nuts to challenge China.

    I don't think South Korea is weak because of the US, but because of their own philosophy. North Korea was set to collapse just like the rest of the communist states until the Kim Dae Jung and Rho Mu Hyun governments went on a massive spending spree to bring up Kim Jung Il's standard of living. But it certainly doesn't help that the US under Clinton gave the North light water nuclear reactors, fertilizer, and oil to run their tanks.

    The current administration is almost Ghandi-esque in its passivity in response to the recent murders of over 50 young sailors aboard the Cheonan and the shelling of a small island town. To its credit this administration has stopped massive aid payments although it still allows production in the multi-billion dollar South Korean built Gaesong industrial complex. Recently it started sending propaganda leaflets on balloons over to the North with information on the fall of the Arab dictatorships. Yesterday the North responded saying that they will retaliate with force in response to our "psychological war tactics" that are attempts to undermine their socialist state.

    If you read Xinhua (the Chinese internet news agency), their reports on the DPRK are nearly word for word what the DPRK state news agency puts out. That gives you an idea on China's position with regard to the North still. Every Chinese exchange student I meet here is a deluded and ignorant idiot; they don't know anything about politics or their country's government. The defeat of the Americans and the South with their bloody wave of disposable human corpses in the Korean war is still a source of pride for them and represents China's coming of age after its long period of shame on the international scene (following their defeat by Britain a hundred years earlier).

  17. Well I found out that the bulk of the economic development in North Korea is done by a division (which is separately publicly traded) known as Hyundai Asan. Hyundai car, Hyundai construction and other major divisions are not developing the Kaesong complex and bringing tourists to Pyeongyang, from my understanding. At least not to any large degree.

    The other thing is that my sweetheart might get a job at a company that does a lot of manufacturing in Myanmar. I don't think that's as bad since Myanmar is not really threatening me, just its own people. And they can escape in the millions and have done so. I met a lot of Burmese people in Thailand. They aren't able to get citizenship there and thus cannot go to government schools and are forced into underground economy jobs, but they were able to leave Myanmar which is different than North Korea.

    Burma is a scary place. I went there for a day, armed military with automatic weapons attempted to seize my passport but I said no and I guess they went to someone else easier to deal with. And I forgot to bring enough money to bribe them but an American girl came to my rescue and paid for me.

  18. North Korea currently has tonnes of missiles and artillery pointed at me. However, a lot of the companies here do direct investment in North Korea which feeds their army. One of the biggest supporters is Hyundai, which is also the biggest conglomerate in my country. Apartments are manufactured by Hyundai, our appliances, cars and other things. Would it be wrong to buy from a company like this?

  19. Objectivism is not about rules, it's about values and principles. It's not about the laws of society, it's about who you are. Your concern (if you see Objectivism as the right philosophy) should not be to follow the perceived rules of Objectivism. Instead, it should be to become an Objectivist.

    My main concern is neither. It is to be happy and achieve my values. So when I ask a question about whether something is right or wrong, I am not asking whether I should follow a rule in itself. I'm asking whether I will benefit from following it. Right now, because of the intricacy of this subject and how it relates to special property contracts, it is hard for me to see the benefits and drawbacks. So I was never into following rules for themselves.

  20. I looked at the YouTube terms of service since Youtube is one of the sites I would use to occasionally access content that might not be available in my area. Once in a while, after a long time on Youtube I might find a video or two that say they are restricted in my area. Anyway I could not find anything that I thought was related to using a VPN.

    However I did find this:

    Content is provided to you AS IS. You may access Content for your information and personal use solely as intended through the provided functionality of the Service and as permitted under these Terms of Service. [qb]You shall not download any Content unless you see a “download” or similar link displayed by YouTube on the Service for that Content. You shall not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, or otherwise exploit any Content for any other purposes without the prior written consent of YouTube or the respective licensors of the Content. YouTube and its licensors reserve all rights not expressly granted in and to the Service and the Content.

    I have an application on my iPod and which is popular for the iPhone that allows one to save a video and watch it when they're away from an internet connection. Sometimes I find it tiring to be an Objectivist... haha, am I suppose to not save those videos then? I wonder what the damage to me would be. Would I be gaining an unearned value?

  21. Would it be moral to use a VPN to access blocked data while you are out of the country?

    For example, you have a Canadian Netflix subscription but are out of the country. You would pay the VPN to give you a Canadian IP address and you would connect to Netflix via your VPN. Netflix is doing business with your Canadian IP, which you agreed to and they have rights for, and you are sending your data from your VPN to your location wherever you are worldwide.

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