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Everything posted by universehead

  1. universehead


    I guess I stick to science with mine. Can't go wrong there. I have three. An Atom with electrons orbiting, a double helix wrapped around my arm, and a nice little spiral galaxy in between my shoulder blades. Although they mean so much to me and always will, I still have a hard time explaining them to people..."so you're like, a science guy or something?"
  2. It was such a great moment to watch the Live broadcast of the landing on the science channel, I got goosebumps...I was also yelling "shut up" outloud to my TV at the reporter/commentary/whatever he was while he was rudely enjoying the sound of his own voice. Speaking over the actual dialog of the scientists that had been working endless nights for years for this moment. Sorry, I know this isn't the best topic for a rant. It just made me a little angry for such an amazing moment in human accomplishment.
  3. I couldn't disagree more. In fact I think it was Anit-nihilistic (if that's a correct way to put it.) I think it showed how nihilism (Tyler Durden) can seem like a great way to go for someone who doesn't have a good moral grounding for their life, the "easy way out" if you will (The Narrator, and the rest of the "fighters"). Fincher (and I'll say Palunuk as well) Did a great job of actually including us (the audience) to be apart of this fight club and in a way aloud us to rout for all of them. But you'll notice that as "The Narrator" becomes more morally self aware, starts changing, finds a grounding, etc.. he becomes completely disenfranchised with the Fight Club group (as 'I' the audience member did as well) and does all he can to stop it. When he finds out it's actually himself doing all this he "kills" that part of his mind without hesitation. I just think it's great way to show that: When you get a bunch of dudes that have no self confidence, are bored with life, have no hope for anything, and are morally bankrupt, then any one that has just a teaspoon of any of those things, no matter how extreme and incredible, can be a lead them. (sorry for the run on sentence) My point is, it wasn't just a movie about how cool it is to not give a shit about anything. (Unless one is 14 years old) Plus I just like movies where people beat each other's asses. Call me a nihilist. And of course I'm mixing some of the movie themes with the book's, but they differ very little. As for the acting? Maybe you just have a grudge against Brad Pit and Ed Norton. Certainly not Meat Loaf right? Just note that it IS possible to be very good looking AND a good actor at the same time Those guys must be doing something right eh?
  4. Alfa, These schools are not like a university where they need your high school trascripts. (trust me I would've never gotten in to it if that was the case) I completely understand the financial struggles for something like this. I came in to the school with only a wee bit of knowledge in Photoshop and a student loan. And in 10 months I learned Maya, AfterEffects, Realflow (fluid simulations), just to name a few. So with your little knowledge of Blender, you'd be a fine student. I know I keep saying it but it is worth all the work and pain. It really is a dream come true. Here's a link to my website. I haven't updated it for quite a while so there's no new stuff in it. It's just a demo I did in the 9 month period I was at the school. This silly little Demo reel got me a job at Midway Games. As Miss Rand says: "Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplacable spark. In the hopeless swamps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all, do not let the hero in your soul perish and leave only frustration for the life you deserved, but never have been able to reach. The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours." (thanks for the quote Sophia.) www.universehead.com And TPS FAN, anything for a fellow Objectivist...at a reasonable, competitive price of course.
  5. Hey Alfa. I'm glad you posted this topic. Just to give you a bit of encouragement, I do Visual FX and 3D animation for a living and, though it is was a little difficult to start out (learning the 3d and 2d applications), it only got easier and more exciting as I went along. I went to a 10 month school in Canada for these things and got a job at a game company after 9 months of the course. There is a LOT of money to be made in this industry, whether it's in Movies, TV, or video games. It was completely worth every Canadian dollar to go to that school. I made that tuition back in 6 months. My point is, if you really want to work in the industry it won't take you even close to 5 years to get there. I would suggest finding a short intensive training program. It's worth it. Here are just some schools of that nature. Sorry if you've already seen these. http://www.lostboys-learning.com http://www.gnomonschool.com http://www.fullsail.com
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