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Everything posted by Juxtys

  1. Homeless people is a major problem of Lithuania. They don't work, they beg for change that they will probably sell on booze. I never give them my money, not even a single dime. But if somebody asks it for charity, I will give some. At least they ain't spend on alcohol sold in 'black market shops' or drugs on 'drug points'.
  2. In Lithuania, there are about 350 orphanages(for 3,5 million population), so the number of orphans somehow increases. The only ones who get adopted are blond girls with blue eyes, because their future will be easier because of attention from boys then they reach maturity. That's very egoistic, from my opinion.
  3. 'natural balance' indeed is a floating abstraction, but for enviromentalist, it means the balance of ecosystems, by limiting or enlargening populations of animals, amounts of O2 and CO2 in the atmosphere and so on. You might call me an enviromentalist, thought I think technology will sooner or later fix everything it broken if people won't get too lazy.
  4. If I were you, I would get extremely angry for fooling around with me, it shouldn't matter to you what does she value about you, but what do you think about her, thought.
  5. he has a right to know. And you can give that right as much as you fight for your people's rights.
  6. Earth has a natural balance and we can't live like we don't do anything to it. We must act as we are a part of it, not the other way around. If birth regulations would exist in whole world, the problem wouldn't be so big. If in the future people woun't turn into greedy bastards who think about only their welfare and screw how their children and grandchildren will live, then there clearly isn't any good future for humankind.
  7. val·ue (vly) n. An amount, as of goods, services, or money, considered to be a fair and suitable equivalent for something else; a fair price or return. If we cut a tree, but don't seed another in it's place, that's not giving anything of the same value, although young trees produce more oxygen. 'natural flow' - the great wheel of life. Plants create nutrients for herbivores to eat, herbivores are eaten by predators, and their droppings and bodies, as well as paarts of plants are then turned into non-organic materials what are used later by plants to spin the wheel once again. 'biosphere balance' - biosphere is the area where all terrestrial life exists. Where were this experiment called 'Biosphere 2', a building in a middle of a desert where many kinds of landscapes and different biospheres' places where created - farmlands, forests, etc. Unfortunately, the 'Biosphere 2' survived only for two years and four months due to unbalance between O2 and CO2. Balance between these two gasses is the main part of 'biosphere balance', as well as water and heat circulation. 'regenerative capabilities' - a burnt down forest will eventually regrow by itself, river will get cleaned of it's pollution by microorganisms unless the pollution is too big, so it will regenerate. Regeneration is not Earth's ability, but of it's inhabitants. The difference between 'clean' and 'dirty' does exist. Not to Earth, but to it's inhabbitants. And about genetical engineering might make some unsuspected results, like it is said that eating genetically modified corn might result in cancer. But I must admit, that in Soviet Union, grain seeds used to be put inside a nuclear reactor before seeding and my parents and grandfathers, who used to eat 'nuclear bread', are quite healthy. My grandfather died then he was 83, thought he had to drink milk with lead dissolved inside it for about twenty years and so on.
  8. 1. Earth is not alive itself, but life on earth is. If we disrupt the natural flow of earth and unbalance the systems, our existence will have a huge impact on the earth as to a living body. 2. Earth's regenerative capabilities are ability's to clean atmosphere, enviroment itself, restoring biosphere balance and regrowing cut down forests - by the nature itself. 3. Better technology will make people adapt to live in almost all conditions possible, but not every human individual on Earth will be able to afford it. 4. Genetical engineering might have an impact for our own health. 5. Undisturbed nature is a value since we often harm the nature but do nothing in return.
  9. I voted for Genkhis Khan. The only force in Europe who actually stopped Mongols were Lithuanians. That's because they used the same military tactics, but Lithuanian horses and riders had an advantage in forests that steppe and grassland warriors found almost alien to them. But still, Mongols were the strongest military force ever.
  10. Now I will suggest you how to work out the future: meet other girls. Meet as many as you can. Nothing heals heart better than new relationships. talk to them just for fun. Thinking about other girl makes you not afraid of other girls. If Sarah was a b****, that doesn't mean other women are. Trust me, that worked for me. Feeling future not important to you makes it a good relationship. And now, stop worrying about Sarah. If you still live in the same apartment, invite your new female friends there. If Sarah sees them, that's even better. Show her you don't care about her and that insulting you was bad not to you, but her. That's her fault you broke up, not yours. So be the real man and move on.
  11. If my mother knew about my sexual experience, she would die from a heart attack. Some parents are just afraid that their children will learn where babies come from. That's why pornography and other adult material is off-limits for kids.
  12. Not involving the government in economy in Lithuania is like not involving the builder in the building of a house. That is sad, but true - we spent too much time in planned economy. My proposed solutions have no value since there are only two electricity companies(VST and RST) and only single oil refinery(Mazeikiu Nafta). They all belong to the country, so they are ruled by government. If private person could produce his electricity and sell it to VST or RST with no bureaucratic traps, he would. But those traps will exist as for as long as government does so.
  13. Not all humor about good is bad. Uncyclopedia tells about Lithuania(ns): From http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Penis : Some achievment for our president, especially when Lithuania did not existed as a country. From http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Lithuania : 'bambalis' means a bottle of beer; Lithuania was indeed mentioned in 1009. We did struck terror, but in a bad name. 'Pyragu Zeme' means 'Pie Land'. Yes, it is our army
  14. If this helps anybody at all, I can tell 'my first love' story and my own sollution. Then I was fourteen, I was stupid and experienceless. yet I still fell in (puppy) love with one girl I knew practically nothing about. Later it appeared to me what a small b*tch she was, without manners, without real friendship, it was like other people was her tools. There are people lke that in the world - some are better, some are worse. After crying for three months I realised that she was not the problem, problem was me - I gave too much attention to one girl. So I began talking to everyone - talk is cheap(like in Morrowind). By doing that, I found out some things I never knew about before: 1. Practise makes perfect; 2. The less you are affected by relationship, the easier to close it; 3. Relationships shouldn't be your passion; 4. You won't get hurt if you don't care; 5. Reject before you get rejected. So now I know I have nothing to lose and I don't care about success of relationship, I have my own point of view and it is pretty easy to live without a relationship at all. I just act like a friend with a girl, tell some jokes and etc. Girls fall in love with me so fast, I have to run from them Thaks for your attention and bad intentions(joke) reading this.
  15. Becoming a savage? And who do you think I am right now? You don't grow your own vegetables, do you? And I do Your enviroment - maybe, but do you know what the term 'Moon's Surface' means? It is coal mining, not coal burning, that highly damages the enviroment. And in Lithuania, we could make our own methane gas from organic waste, power from wood cutting waste, straws and fast regrowing bushes, therefore, potentially producing at least 40 percent of our power, but we don't, because the government is more or less purchased by Russian oil and gas companies, so there are no laws to encourage us using our own resources. It's nothing about enviromentalism at all - European countries want a market to sell their expensive electricity to. They also encourage us to reduce using plastic, therefore, European laws often prohibit not using it.
  16. Uncyclopedia is funny then article authors make complete misinformation and not insults. As example, they made fun of Geddy Lee(www.uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Geddy_Lee):
  17. I find Uncyclopedia, the content-free Encyclopedia a very interesting thing to exist. Some articles are written in a pretty scientific and sarcastic way, therefore, making you to check some articles about things you know very well. My favourite uncyclopedia articles include J.R.R. Tolien, AAAAAAAA, nobody cares, Objectivity(Redirected from Objectivism) and Age Of Empires - with diesel engine to run a game with:D
  18. I mean that for some(or even most) people the greener the product, the better. I would better buy Calcium/Alkaloid car battery than Lead/Acid one because thrown away acid battery will do much more harm to enviroment than alcaloid. I use strong pesticides who can harm bees and birds and takes hundreds of years to disolve in the atmosphere in my garden. I find coal power as a technology that is too old to use today, mainly for huge damage to the enviroment. Coal is a huge lot of carbon nature sealed below the ground for good, we shouldn't bring it back from there at all. In Lithuania, main source of energy is gained by Ignalina's Nuclear Power plant(about 1500MW, 75 percent of all power produced in Lithuania, other energy is produced by burning oil and by Hydro power plants). European Union wants us to shut down it by year 2009, leaving us with no power and a pile of nuclear waste big enough to make 112 Nuclear bombs for our stupid government to handle who wants to build a new Nuclear Power Plant while we could produce the same power by cleaner energy sources. The main problem is a huge influence to government by huge companies in order to secure their condition in the country and making people have no over way but to use their not-so-clean energy.
  19. If consumer rights would be so important, you might as well put a warning on this topic: WARNING: You might get a heart attack by reading discussion about nuts and peanuts. If my heart conditions were poorer, I could have died from laughing too much.
  20. Sincerely, none . But I am beginning to read The Fountainhead
  21. You shouldn't care about her - go out next evening and strike a conversation with at least 10 girls. Do you still feel the exact way? Hope not. This way I healed my wounds as well.
  22. I voted for Babylon, since it was one of the first civilizations. Some Greek achievements were actually made by Babylonians and Sumerians. Therefore, they even had heliocentric solar system and overwhelmed Western Civilizations in astronomy by at least four thousdant years. It is somewhat significant achievment to call them the greatest, althought conquered by Alexander the great.
  23. There will always be people who can't get on with other opinions but their. That should be their problem, not ours, althought misinformation in Wikipedia hurts the society.
  24. I wouldn't say that it is about morality. I began writing it just to entertain myself and learn how to write in a better style, but right now I am beginning to feel that a book like that is important to exist. I am writing it like a diary and but a lot of my personal life in it and analyse my daily events by my own logic. People who read what I have written(especially teenagers) reviewed it as a clear mirror of their own lives and as their own problems, and since nothing concerns people more than themselves, the book should appear interesting once it is finished. Maybe one day I will translate it to English in order for English speakers to read it.
  25. From my opinion, any philosophy can be applied for politics. Objectivists in charge of a country can be successful: It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. - Winston Churchill So why not try something new? I think that any politic party which can find the problems and offer good sollutions is worth voting for. For example, Lithuania would be a great country to live in if politicians wouldn't just talk with their sugar lips about progress while draining our budget, creating inflacion and corruption just because of too expensive governing mechanism that is barely working. If Capitalist/Objectivist Party takes charge of a country and satisfy people's goals, they are worth respect.
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