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Everything posted by Juxtys

  1. In Soviet Union, you could buy bannanas once a year if you was lucky enough to stand in a mile long line for them. Oh that was REALLY GREAT, compared to Capitalism?
  2. I think rich countries shouldn't interfere in the poorer country's business - let them have their way, no matter what they do with themselves.
  3. Happy Birthday GreedyCapitalist, althought I don't know you very well. I wish you longest, happiest and most profitable years, like Lithuanians often sing at Birthdays.
  4. But I feel bad about it, althought that was probably the only way to read that book. And who could sue me? I am not a citizen of USA and attempting to catch me would be just too expensive. But still, I should be more careful since I see what your government does with your tax payers' money.
  5. Also, you can a proposal to stop Governments interference into the market and get as many signatures at it as possible.
  6. It is sad that not many people knows anything about Ayn Rand in Lithuania. So I'm still waiting for my copy of 'Atlas Shrugged', because I don't want to read an illegal copy like I had to do with 'The Fountainhead', although I really enjoyed the book. I will do my homereading task about 'The Fountainhead' for my English homework.
  7. It might be that there aren't many 'Give me liberty or give me death' people in the US, but if your government continues to plan your economy, they will begin to here them, I think. Us, Lithuanians, lived pretty good under the planned economy, because it is within our blood to work like horses and eat like monkeys. But not many people in the world are like that. That's why Hitler wanted to make Lithuanians Germans' slaves. But it's not going to work out in USA, as I see.
  8. So you should only read articles about what you can't stand in there?
  9. Note that before Chinese Occupation, Tibetan government(Buddhist priest noblety) ussually violated people's rights and it is Chinese occupation made Tibetans freeier than in the 'free' Tibet. Before the occupation, 90 percent of Tibet's population were serfs who had no rights and were sold like property, and children for priesthood in monasteries were taken by force from their parents. That's something to take into account. even if Communistic China was bad for Tibet, Theocrasy would have been worse for most Tibetans.
  10. Words 'Central Europe' are pretty funny for us Lithuanians since the geographical center of the Europe is in Lithuania. By the way, our parliament elections will start the day after tomorrow. Among all the parties, there also is a new party full of pop stars and other famous people. I doubt that they could do anything good for us for that matter. What do you think of such party?
  11. So what's why I feel so sleepy at school. And as for lawyers, the government should pay them, althought I am not sure. If you hire a lawyer to claim the land that was given to you during Soviet times, you can end up paying him 5000 Lt(~2200$) for a land that's worth only 1000 Lt(~600$), so there must be a catch to this. As far as I understand, government should protect your rights, so a lawyer should be hired by the government. Or am I mistaken?
  12. *I meant 'deaf' in my post above.
  13. Free land? Where? In Antarctica? All other land is already claimed for some government in a one way or another. Of course, who could stop us from buying a huge space of land, establishing a settlement and letting it rise and expand, and then it our infrastructure is good and big enough, repeat what was done on July 4, 1776? If USA government continues to do worse, they wouldn't use aggresion against organised and well established Objectivist movement. Althought it is much easier to try to change the society we live, unless most of the people become death to our ideas.
  14. It is not a model of failure, but a game(Like SimCity). It is made in a way that the player is responsible for everything what's happening. In SimCity series, you build zones with assigned tasks, make road and energy lines, etc., while in LinCity you build Markets,Houses, Farms, Roads, etc. and try to make the city's system not to fail. If your citizens don't get enough food or jobs in their accessible market(s), they will be unemployed or will starve do death while in SimCity they would move to a more comfortable location or doing anything about it. that's what I would consider Communistic. Of course, the city won't go bankrupt if you are good player and there is no loan limit, so you might play it even with -billions of $.
  15. I know. But we shouldn't pill off the skin from a live cow. Animal's suffering is not something that makes you a productive person, unless you do it for a research beneficial to you in a long term. For example, I wouldn't cut cat's leg off and watch how it bleeds to death only for fun. Don't know and can't do anything about the rest of the people, thought.
  16. No, it is a game where you run a communist town and try not to suck like folks like Brezhnev did
  17. "A House is a House" is also a good alternative
  18. http://www.brothersoft.com/lincity-ng-71810.html < you can download it from here if you want. It is a free computer model that shows the failure of Comunism. You build a town and take care of everything in it: it's like planned economy. While it is small, it is pretty easy, but then the town reaches half of the map, it's stupid communistic society starts to die from starvation or unemployment. There is also this Shantie phenomenom I know nothing about yet. Some notes: *Building of something like a port might cost you millions; *Monuments look lame - who would build a monument for a penguin? *Bridgebuilding is costly in your given map; *Places to create iron and coal are called 'Communes'; *Let those communists be unhappy, burn them, kill them from starving, since they can't take care of themselves - it's free for you to decide. And remember: have fun!
  19. I've always had a problem with this. It is pretty difficult for me to find values in other people. It might be because they don't have the same values as I do or because I'm self-centered. Althought I don't exactly know which one. Are there any tests to know it? By the way, that article is great because it made me think about whether selfish or self-centered I am.
  20. Rights for plants is something as stupid as rights for cars or your alarm clock you hit(initiate force on it ) every morning. Plants(and cars, for that matter) don't feel pain and, therefore, never suffer. I could argue that animals should not be made to seriously suffer from bad conditions or injuries, but plants.... Will you ask a tree to sign 'a declaration of sacrifise' for you?
  21. The teacher put me in a group that has to prepare a project about paper consumption and recycling. Something unrelated to Global Warming, I think. I could argue with her(about 98 percent of Lithuanian teachers are women) for whole lesson(45 minutes) and yet she still clung to her idea. That really makes me scared of her. She is Physics teacher after all...
  22. windyfellow I am not a marxist. My parents lived in the USSR, so I know what marxism leads to. So does enviromentalists. People in this forum gave me the neccesary kick and I thank them for that. Lithuania would have had a three times more powerful Nuclear baby than it has now. If one remaining units satisfies 70 percent of our energy demands, all free of them would have produced two times the energy we needed. Thanks to enviromentalists, we don't have such a luxury.
  23. Seriously, it's just like Hitler's mania of camps:
  24. That's why reading in dark places is not recommended. If that was so simple. My sister is studying law. I don't know about USA, but here, in Lithuania, it is damn hard to learn.
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