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Posts posted by claire

  1. D'kian, I think we need to be realistic. Yes, the romance(s) will be played up. A movie concentrating on philosophic speeches just isn't going to draw people. At the moment, I can't think of any movie that was able to sustain itself on ideas alone. And these will be NEW and CONTRARY ideas to the viewers. Sorry, but I think the romance will be the draw. The spread of ideas will be the effect of having people come in and see the movie. (BTW, I never did see Michael Douglas in Wall Street. Did that have a romantic element?)

  2. A Keating is someone who derives his or her values from others. A Keating reads the books everyone is reading, holds the same opinion as the majority around him, and acts so that people will like him/her, etc. But take a deep breath and relax. Rand's Keating is an absraction.

    There's nothing wrong in wanting people to like you, as long as you are yourself. It's perfectly normal to want approval. (You'd rather have disapproval?) You can do all those things and still remain honest.

    As for being aware of the opinion of others and acting accordingly - that can be okay, too. Years ago, I remembere seeing everyone on the bus/subway reading Harry Potter. It's not a book I'd have picked up myself. However, I became curious and bought a copy simply because I saw everyone reading it. Am I ever glad I did!!!

    So - relax. Learn what you can from Rand's characters, but remember they aren't people. They are abstractions. Be the best you can be and stop trying to be a fictional Rand character.

  3. Well, there seems to be some harsh opinions on the cast. I don't agree they're bad. At least, let's give them a chance. Also, some good arguments have been made for an unknown cast that won't distract from the message. I mean, take Angelina Jolie. I think she could have played the part well, but between her looks, her kids, her affairs, her travels (by then, probably her split from Brad) .... her movies become secondary.

  4. Dagny Taggart. Bargain basement actress.

    I am totally disappointed at the news of this movie's development! A total disaster!

    Jaskin, I'm curious why you consider the actress portraying Dagny as Bargain basement. Are you familiar with her work. If so, what do you not like about it? What exactly makes her so bad?

  5. I'm glad you posted MoralParadise. You're an excellent example for women out there of how low some men can sink. There are women who think some of the men in Atlas Shrugged are low; it can be a shock to realize just how low some men are - Ayn Rand couldn't even have imagined someone like you on her worst day.

    So, thanks for posting. Certainly educational.

  6. Yes, Howard, that was a generalization, but a pretty accurate one, based on experience. People who are comfortable with their sexuality are usually able to maintain a good relationship and don't need to prove anything by sleeping around. I've never seen unrestrained promiscuity as a sign of self-esteem. Of course, people who can't handle their sexuality and abstain usually (yes, a generalization) have the same problem.

  7. What is it that makes it nice ... well, that will be different with each person. Peopel react differently. For some, sex before "the one" works, for others not. This is a decision that has to be made on a personal level; it's not one size fits all.

    What I mean by the above is, for example, I thoroughly enjoy sex. It's a tremendous pleasure. I like men who feel comfortable with themselves and sex and are not uptight. But that's me. It isn't for everyone. Each person needs to go with his or her comfort level.

  8. What is it that makes it nice, though? I guess I'm not helping the OP here, but I never understood this. I can see the merits of both extremes, but what are you getting in the middle? I can (sort of) relate to having sex with whomever you find hot, I can certainly relate to having sex with the one woman you love the most, but I could never do this "you're good for now, but it isn't forever" thing.

    I mean, the two values you can derive from sleeping with a woman are 1, having a great sexual experience and 2, consummating a romantic relationship. If you are focusing on #1, the way to gain the greatest amount of value is to sleep with as many attractive women as you find. If you are going for #2 (which comes with #1 included, of course), then it has to be a real romantic relationship, with a woman you're in love with, not just some temporary "like you but don't quite really love you" kind of arrangement.

    What is it that makes it nice ... well, that will be different with each person. Peopel react differently. For some, sex before "the one" works, for others not. This is a decision that has to be made on a personal level; it's not one size fits all.

  9. While there are some people on this threat who regret having sex before they met "the one," I don't think waiting is necessary. Whie you probably/hopefully will enjoy sex to the fullest when you meet your sourmate, there is plenty of opportunity here to enjoy sex with someone nice and attractive who you know you'll never marry.

    Sex was meant to be enjoyed, not fret over. And Startrooper is so right - you probably will fail along the line of woing a nice girl. So what? Learn from it. We all get rejected at some point. It's ultimatel no big deal.

    Oh, and you say you're not nervous. That's terrific. But being nervous is okay too. It's perfectly normal.

    Go for it.

  10. Wow. Looks like this argument is going to go on for quite a bit. Hmmmm ... to be there are no duels and won't be any duels and all of this is word salad. Guess this is within the comfort zone of a lot of people. Keeps from dealing with something called reality.

  11. Is it really an issue of second-handedness (well, yes, asking a question like this on a forum is.) But getting a Harvard degree certainly isn't. Pure and simple, a degree from Harvard (assuming it offers the courses one wants) will get a person more opportunities than a degree from Iowa State. Better opportunities and taking advantage of them can't possible be considered a bad thing. It means grasping at what life has to offer!

  12. The speeches would be a huge problem. Since they are merely a recapitulation of action already shown or discussed, it might be better to omit the speeches altogether. Galt's speech can be implied by the amassed people listening, and maybe a few highlights can be heard, otherwise, I think it's best to omit. Sometimes, a movie just can't follow a book that closely. This is one of those times.

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