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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. In Atlas shrugged it was aid that the most evil man in the world is the man wh doesnt think. Therefore person A would be the most evil of the two because he has the capacity to think, to change his ideas and to influence those around him, but he doesnt. He continues on allowing person B to leech off others. Without person A Person B would not exist.
  2. in order to avoid irrational behavior and ideas then we would have to pull something like they did in the hitchhikers guide and send all the stupid(irrational) people to a different planet, unless the idea is to curb irrational behaviors when you see them happening. Then you run into the problem that it is impossible to eliminate irrational behaviors and you would have a trickle effect, therefore causing small amounts of random destruction for eternity and the thinking men of the world will constantly be at battle to restore that wich was destroyed and still be productive. Ayn Rand may have been right in Atlas Shrugged with the only way to stop the wide spread destruction of irrational behaviors being to stop the motor world. In the ral world, without a Galt's Gulch, only survivalists would be able to exist and the world would regress back to a more primitive state until a time when the thinking men found it fit to take back controll.
  3. Eiuol, if we were to allow others to make their own decisions even if they are irrational then wouldnt we be inviting our own destruction?
  4. There are some good points in your post, but I will have to say that there are numerous problems that have led to the current economical crisis we ae facing. One is that men have lost sight of the work ethic that they once had in the leave it to beaver era, the idea that america was worth working for and thru hard work and doing the job right one could gain status and money, and they have embraced a sense of entitlement where they believe they need only to show up to their job to recieve a paycheck. Now, the rational man who lives with a purpose is partially to blame for this due to his impotence in being able to relieve these men of their obligation to work and therefore forcing them to learn to be good employees. The rational man has slowly given in to the altruistic belief that all men need a job so all men deserve to have a job, this is not true. Any man who is capable of doing a job well and follows thru with those capabilities deserves a job, any man who does less than that does not. If we were to turn to a fully rational process of hiring and firing then I believe we would turn the economical crisis around and in the process create a more rational society.
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