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"Blaming the Victim" on The New Versailles
The Silicon Valley start-up scene illustrates how progressives (and even some capitalists) misunderstand the true purpose and value of market systems. Capitalism is beautiful because it converts micro-irrational behaviors into macro-rational outcomes for the benefit of all. Deserve's Got Nothing to Do with It:
Is Parkinson's Law immutable? If not, how can we stop the natural growth of bureaucracies? Is there a policy solution?
A thought on the way to work this morning. Discussion welcome.
- I think the attitude that degrees are "worthless" or "say nothing" about a person is particularly common among Objectivists because they value real skills and addition of value above all else. They also tend to be more skeptical of common wisdom and conventional thinking in general. However, this position creates a paradox: if degrees really do mean nothing, then why do job creators - who Objectivists claim are rational, profit-seeking, and self-interested - almost invariably prefer applicants with higher education diplomas? In the above post, I argue it's because a degree serves as a proxy for other information about an applicant and is a highly valuable predictor of future stability on the job.
Objectivism has a long and intwined history with the self-help field, and I know many here are proponents of self-help to varying degrees. I've now seen a couple of prominent Objectivists mention convicted fraudster Jordan Belfort, the subject of the 2013 film The Wolf of Wall Street, positively on the forums in connection with his rebranding as a high-priced self-help guru and motivational speaker on "persuasion techniques." Many of his materials have to do with achieving business success and becoming a self-made individual, but I believe endorsing the man is a mistake. I see this as just another extension of his troubled history making false promises and bilking the gullible for money peddling snake oil - albeit legally this time. I discuss the topic in more depth at:
Today's Supreme Court ruling allowing a town meeting to open with a Christian-leaning prayer underscored just how far economic liberty has declined in comparison to religious freedoms: Wouldn't it be a wonderful problem to have if we were discussing whether politicians could merely suggest that Americans buy health insurance?
I have a new post up on the disturbing trend in exploding federal disability benefits, which I've been following for some time: The most intractable problem right now is that so few are aware of the exponential growth of the SSDI program, or understand the tacitly endorsed fraud taking place. Calling disability what it actually is - welfare - is a first step in the right direction to building the political capital necessary for much-need reforms.
"For Girls" Construction Set Exhibits Progressive Hypocrisy: GoldieBlox commits for women the same progressive disservice as affirmative action commits for ethnic minorities - pushing elitist control and paternalism under the guise of empowerment. In reality, all this protectionist messaging achieves is lower self-esteem and perpetuating collectivist divisiveness and resentment.
I launched a new liberty-oriented blog today. It is viewable at the following address: The site will focus on what can be done in light of declining liberty in America and identifying the forces causing the decline. My hope is that it will complement other sites such as OO, and that I can direct traffic here as appropriate. Please feel free to visit and leave comments.