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Israelo-Palestinian Conflict: 2023 Edition

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17 minutes ago, tadmjones said:

Or perhaps witnessing a change of premise in real time. 

So, in fact you do not confirm that you did not fully meant what you wrote. OK then.

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2 hours ago, tadmjones said:

I am not sure why identifying my sarcasm in this instance is important to you.

Any sarcasm for the idea would be in deference to the loss of any productive livinghoods some Gazans may have , heroically, cobbled together in order to enjoy their own fulfillment, that would be realized in a quasi forced relocation.

As to the idea the population is relatively young , I think that does contribute to a more humane view , that removed from that specific environment and its associated conditions the youth as a whole has a better chance for flourishing.

The endless cycle of parent-to-child indoctrination on, and Jihadist resistance to, the evil Zionist entity could gradually be broken.

However this program will be presented, the "Israeli-genociders" will continue their clamor. This is merely another means, they will spout. If they are not already.

I saw, in another framing of the voluntary relocation plan, that there is being considered a fund to pay for each Gazan's moving-settling expenses. Doesn't matter: that will be viewed as a bribe or inducement - and still "ethnic cleansing". You can't win with some.

Because no perfect answer to the quandary suggests itself, I don't think it's rationalizing to take the viewpoint that here is a value for value, trade-off. Those who cannot tolerate being administered/governed by Israel and whose Islamist ideology will not be moderated--are equally those whom the Israelis will willingly pay to be rid of. And other countries who've been extolling them so highly, will be welcome to take them in... 

Others, who quickly recognize the economic and living standards improving their lives, outside the never-ending Gazan/Hamas death spiral, and who begin a reconciliation with Israel would surely be welcomed to remain on by most Israelis and the Knesset.

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13 hours ago, tadmjones said:

Israel would not stand for an Islamic fundamentalist state in Gaza, so what could be a possible solution ?

A separation of religion and state, and a requirement that any laws that exist have to be justified based on objective reality and reason and nothing else.

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4 minutes ago, whYNOT said:


Others, who quickly recognize the economic and living standards improving their lives, outside the never-ending Gazan/Hamas death spiral, and who begin a reconciliation with Israel would surely be welcomed to remain on by most Israelis.

Morris does mention a growing right ward shift in the demographics which will/could play out in the governance going forward. I do not think 'right wing' Israelis would welcome even "repentant" Gazans, but I think the label 'most' would still qualify as descriptive of the entire current population, but I do not know obviously.

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35 minutes ago, necrovore said:

A separation of religion and state, and a requirement that any laws that exist have to be justified based on objective reality and reason and nothing else.

I don't know but perhaps, again that word, they would or could countenance a Christian theocracy, not that any such thing is remotely possible.

I was thinking more the impossibility of a non belligerent state toward Israel emerging from the current Gazan milieu.

Moses took forty years to get the Egypt 'out of' the Israelis , how long should we expect it to take to get the Gaza out of the Gazans , if at all possible?

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24 minutes ago, tadmjones said:

No I think then and now that perhaps he was right.

Do you think he/I is/am right ?

My subject was only the ambiguity of your comment.

As to the subject itself: Who is "he"? Ben-Gvir?

If it  is Ben-Gvir, I'll first wait for @SpookyKitty to answer my request for clarification (see here) and afterwards... maybe...

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30 minutes ago, tadmjones said:

Morris does mention a growing right ward shift in the demographics which will/could play out in the governance going forward. I do not think 'right wing' Israelis would welcome even "repentant" Gazans, but I think the label 'most' would still qualify as descriptive of the entire current population, but I do not know obviously.

The 'ultras' cannot be taken lightly, but - they have a long way to go to gain a majority. Their present influence is completely owed to a coalition. The country is much more secularist than people imagine

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It can't be stressed enough: the "Jewish" identity is both a race and a religion.

One can be A. Jewish by birth (one or both parent/s Jews) - and not at all be a practicing Jew. (An atheist, say). 

B. one can be both.

With another small category, C. those of another ethnicity who convert to Judaism and practice the religion.

This is hardly heard of in other religions, e.g. one can be Christian or Muslim and be of any race.

The point being that Zionism and a Jewish homeland was not predominantly designed for the religious.

The Zionists knew one did not have to be, say, a rabbi, to fall prey to persecution; secularists were included: the Nazis didn't discriminate, but researched an individual's background a few generations back to prove Jewish ethnicity, irrespective of religiosity.

Of course, determinism lies under this.

The criticism about Israel being Zionist-apartheid, rests on this, at times deliberate by those who know better.  The nation is condemned for its "discriminatory" and/or "supremacist-racist" practice of being highly selective on who immigrates there, for the large part, limited to ethnic or ethnic-religious or converted Jews. Since a free and protective homeland for international Jews of all sorts was its intended identity. Open the borders to all comers and that identity disappears and the Jewish population would flee and make for easier targets in other countries. With the new resurgence of racism, original Zionism has proved its necessity again.

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58 minutes ago, whYNOT said:

It can't be stressed enough: the "Jewish" identity is both a race and a religion.

It should also be emphasized that the political Left wrongly conflates the two; i.e., they hold that your race determines your ideas (including religion), or perhaps that your race ought to determine your ideas, which is to say, if you don't share the ideas of your race then you're a traitor to your race, or, to put it another way, "if you don't vote for Biden, you ain't Black."

This is the kind of thinking that makes things like genocide -- killing people solely because of their race -- seem necessary. If ideas are determined by race, then the only way to kill an idea is to wipe out the race that it belongs to. This can also be played the other way, and used to say that, since committing genocide is immoral, the only thing you can do if people are ideologically motivated to kill you, is to accept it, since their ideology is a product of their race and rejecting it would supposedly require committing genocide, and morally (according to this theory) it's better to be a victim of genocide than a perpetrator.

If you want to live, that choice requires proper self-defense, not acquiescence to one's own murder. So it's important to keep race and ideas separate. It's not race but ideas (including religious ideas) that cause people to want to kill each other. So sometimes the ideas need to be changed or eliminated, and if people can't be talked out of those ideas, they will act on them, and then force may be necessary in self-defense -- but a race as such is never a threat to anybody.

People whose ideas motivate them to kill large numbers of others tend to form or find governments that either look the other way, or actively assist them in killing. A government that does either is committing an act of war. It is proper for another government to recognize it as such, in self-defense and the defense of its people.

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The full text of South Africa's application to the ICJ is now available:


It is 84 pages of documentation that details the endless list of abuses that Palestinians have been forced to endure by Israel, and how those abuses constitute genocide. The important stuff begins around page 17.

The really important stuff, however, evidence of specific intent for genocide, begins on page 59 and I will reproduce some of it here:


Prime Minister of Israel: On 7 October 2023, in a televised address by the Government
Press Office, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to “operate forcefully
everywhere”.439 On 13 October 2023, he confirmed that “[w]e are striking our enemies with
unprecedented might . . .”.440 On 15 October 2023, when Israeli airstrikes had already killed
over 2,670 Palestinians, including 724 children,441 the Prime Minister stated that Israeli soldiers
“understand the scope of the mission” and stand ready “to defeat the bloodthirsty monsters who 60
have risen against [Israel] to destroy us”.442 On 16 October 2023, in a formal address to the
Israeli Knesset, he described situation as “a struggle between the children of light and the
children of darkness, between humanity and the law of the jungle”,443 a dehumanising theme to
which he returned on various occasions, including: on 3 November 2023, in a letter to Israeli
soldiers and officers also published on the platform ‘X’ (formerly Twitter); the letter asserted
that: “[t]his is the war between the sons of light and the sons of darkness. We will not let up on
our mission until the light overcomes the darkness — the good will defeat the extreme evil that
threatens us and the entire world.”444 The Israeli Prime Minister also returned to the theme in
his ‘Christmas message’, stating: “we’re facing monsters, monsters who murdered children in
front of their parents . . . This is a battle not only of Israel against these barbarians, it’s a battle
of civilization against barbarism”.445 On 28 October 2023, as Israeli forces prepared their land
invasion of Gaza, the Prime Minister invoked the Biblical story of the total destruction of
Amalek by the Israelites, stating: “you must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our
Holy Bible. And we do remember”.
446 The Prime Minister referred again to Amalek in the letter
sent on 3 November 2023 to Israeli soldiers and officers.447 The relevant biblical passage reads
as follows: “Now go, attack Amalek, and proscribe all that belongs to him. Spare no one, but
kill alike men and women, infants and sucklings, oxen and sheep, camels and asses”.



President of Israel: On 12 October 2023, President Isaac Herzog made clear that Israel
was not distinguishing between militants and civilians in Gaza, stating in a press conference to
foreign media — in relation Palestinians in Gaza, over one million of whom are children: “It’s
an entire nation out there that is responsible. It’s not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware
not involved. It’s absolutely not true. … and we will fight until we break their backbone.”
On 15 October 2023, echoing the words of Prime Minister Netanyahu, the President told foreign
media that “we will uproot evil so that there will be good for the entire region and the world.”450
The Israeli President is one of many Israelis to have handwritten ‘messages’ on bombs to be
dropped on Gaza.451



Israeli Minister of Defence: On 9 October 2023, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant in an
Israeli Army ‘situation update’ advised that Israel was “imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No
electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.”
452 He also informed troops on the Gaza border that he had “released
all the restraints”,453 stating in terms that: “Gaza won’t return to what it was before. We will
eliminate everything. If it doesn’t take one day, it will take a week. It will take weeks or even
months, we will reach all places.”
454 He further announced that Israel was moving to “a full-
scale response” and that he had “removed every restriction” on Israeli forces.455



Israeli Minister for National Security: On 10 November 2023, Itamar Ben-Gvir
clarified the government’s position in a televised address, stating: “[t]o be clear, when we say
that Hamas should be destroyed, it also means those who celebrate, those who support, and
those who hand out candy — they’re all terrorists, and they should also be destroyed.”



Israeli Minister of Energy and Infrastructure: ‘Tweeting’ on 13 October 2023, Israel
Katz stated: “All the civilian population in Gaza is ordered to leave immediately. We will win.
They will not receive a drop of water or a single battery until they leave the world.”
457 On 12
October 2023, he ‘tweeted’: “Humanitarian aid to Gaza? No electrical switch will be turned on,
no water hydrant will be opened and no fuel truck will enter until the Israeli abductees are
returned home. Humanitarianism for humanitarianism. And no one will preach us morality.”



Israeli Minister of Heritage: On 1 November 2023, Amichai Eliyahu posted on
Facebook: “The north of the Gaza Strip, more beautiful than ever. Everything is blown up and
flattened, simply a pleasure for the eyes … We must talk about the day after. In my mind, we
will hand over lots to all those who fought for Gaza over the years and to those evicted from
Gush Katif” [a former Israeli settlement].460 He later argued against humanitarian aid as “[w]e
wouldn’t hand the Nazis humanitarian aid”, and “there is no such thing as uninvolved civilians
in Gaza”.461 He also posited a nuclear attack on the Gaza Strip.462



Israeli Minister of Agriculture: On 11 November 2023, Avi Dichter in a television
interview recalled the Nakba of 1948, in which over 80 percent of the Palestinian population of
the new Israeli State was forced from or fled their homes, stating that “[w]e are now actually
rolling out the Gaza Nakba”.



Deputy Speaker of the Knesset and Member of the Foreign Affairs and Security
On 7 October 2023, Nissim Vaturi ‘tweeted’ that: “[n]ow we all have one common
goal — erasing the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth. Those who are unable will be



Israeli Army Reservist Major General, former Head of the Israeli National Security
Council, and adviser to the Defence Minister:
466 On 7 October 2023, Giora Eiland, describing
the Israeli order to cut off water and electricity to Gaza, wrote in an online journal: “This is
what Israel has begun to do — we cut the supply of energy, water and diesel to the Strip . . .
But it’s not enough. In order to make the siege effective, we have to prevent others from giving
assistance to Gaza . . . The people should be told that they have two choices; to stay and to
starve, or to leave. If Egypt and other countries prefer that these people will perish in Gaza, this is their choice.”
467 On the same day, he asserted in a national newspaper that “[w]hen you are
at war with another country you don't feed them, you don't provide them electricity or gas or
water or anything else . . . A country can be attacked in a much broader way, to bring the
country to the brink of dysfunction. This is the necessary outcome of events” in Gaza.468 He has
repeatedly asserted the benefits for Israel of the creation of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, stating
that “Israel has no interest in the Gaza Strip being rehabilitated and this is an important point
that needs to be made clear to the Americans”,
469 and that f we ever want to see the hostages
alive, the only way is to create a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza”
.470 He has indicated that
water should be targeted, noting that water in Gaza “comes from wells with salt water unfit for
consumption. They have water treatment plants, Israel should hit those plants. When the entire
world says we have gone insane and this is a humanitarian disaster — we will say, it’s not an
end, it’s a means.”
471 In a Times radio interview on 12 October 2023, he reiterated the army

“[C]reate such a huge pressure on Gaza, that Gaza will become an area where people
cannot live. People cannot live, until Hamas is destroyed, which means that Israel not
only stops to supply energy, diesel, water, food … as we did in the last twenty years …
but we should prevent any possible assistance by others, and to create in Gaza such a
terrible, unbearable situation, that can last weeks and months”.

Giora Eiland has repeatedly been given a media platform to call for Gaza to be made
uninhabitable, declaring “the State of Israel has no choice but to make Gaza a place that is
temporarily, or permanently, impossible to live in.”
473 In an interview on 6 November 2023, he
suggested that, “if there is an intention for a military action at Shifa [Hospital], which I think is
inescapable, I hope that the head of the CIA got an explanation of why this is necessary, and
why the US must ultimately back even an operation like this, even if there are thousands of
bodies of civilians in the streets afterward.”474 Further he proposed that “Israel needs to create
a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, compelling tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands to
seek refuge in Egypt or the Gulf . . . Gaza will become a place where no human being can

Echoing the words of President Herzog, he has repeatedly underscored that there
should be no distinction between Hamas combatants and Palestinian civilians,

“Who are the ‘poor’ women of Gaza? They are all the mothers, sisters or wives of Hamas
murderers. On the one hand, they are part of the infrastructure that supports the
organization, and on the other hand, if they experience a humanitarian disaster, then it
can be assumed that some of the Hamas fighters and the more junior commanders will
begin to understand that the war is futile . . . The international community warns us of a
humanitarian disaster in Gaza and of severe epidemics. We must not shy away from this,
as difficult as that may be. After all, severe epidemics in the south of the Gaza Strip will
bring victory closer . . . It is precisely its civil collapse that will bring the end of the war
closer. When senior Israeli figures say in the media ‘It's either us or them’ we should
clarify the question of who is ‘them’. ‘They’ are not only Hamas fighters with weapons,
but also all the ‘civilian’ officials, including hospital administrators and school
administrators, and also the entire Gaza population who enthusiastically supported
Hamas and cheered on its atrocities on October 7th.”




Israeli Army reservist “motivational speech”: On 11 October 2023, 95-year old Israeli
army reservist Ezra Yachin — a veteran of the Deir Yassin massacre during the 1948 Nakba —
reportedly called up for reserve duty to “boost morale” amongst Israeli troops ahead of the
ground invasion, was broadcast on social media inciting other soldiers to genocide as follows,
while being driven around in an Israeli army vehicle, dressed in Israeli army fatigues:

“Be triumphant and finish them off and don’t leave anyone behind. Erase the memory of
them. Erase them, their families, mothers and children. These animals can no longer live
. . . Every Jew with a weapon should go out and kill them. If you have an Arab neighbour,
don't wait, go to his home and shoot him . . . We want to invade, not like before, we want
to enter and destroy what’s in front of us, and destroy houses, then destroy the one after
it. With all of our forces, complete destruction, enter and destroy. As you can see, we
will witness things we’ve never dreamed of. Let them drop bombs on them and erase



Commander in the 2908th Battalion of the Israeli army: In a video posted online on
21 December 2023, Yair Ben David said that the Israeli army had “entered Beit Hanoun and
did there as Shimon and Levi did in Nablus,” and that “[t]he entire Gaza should resemble Beit
referring to the city in northern Gaza which has been entirely devastated by the Israeli
army..479 The biblical passage in issue reads: “On the third day, when they were in pain, Simeon and Levi, two of Jacob’s sons, brothers of Dinah, took each his sword, came upon the city
unmolested, and slew all the males”.


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Forced to endure ? 

The post Hamas atrocities rhetoric is inflammatory but not without understanding what motivated it. The ferocity of the reprisals is brutal but again not without understanding the lethality is directed toward members of Hamas and whatever those speakers deem connected to providing Hamas the means to exist. 

Hamas has put Israel in the best position to orchestrate the complete depopulation of Gaza , even allowing for brutal means that surely impact the civilian populations, means that would not have been condoned by the ‘community of nations’ without the attacks. 

Reading an article on the water situation in Gaza , it mentioned that so many people have moved to the southern portion that a desalination plant that severed a regional population of 300k , now has to produce water for a population of 1.5 million since Oct 7. If Israel’s intent was actual genocide instead of removal the military action would be against that sector in particular , but the article states the new influx is made of Gazans fleeing the military actions against Hamas armed forces in other areas.

I think the repeated reference to the biblical story that ‘proves’ the genocidal intent is a story told as a reminder to vanquish an enemy or you will never be free of reprisals. The moral I think being to be rid  wholly of an enemy , didn’t Saul get in trouble for not killing all the Amaleks and their cattle? 

Hamas raped and murdered Jews and then said they would continue until Israel was no more , the call to remember the Amalek is a call to end the threat entirely, not sure I blame them as far as reprisals meted out. 

But it is clear, or clearer that statehood for Gazans is not a feasible outcome and as refugees the civilians in the region need to be relocated , or accept perpetual forced confinement and deprivation.

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7 minutes ago, tadmjones said:

But it is clear, or clearer that statehood for Gazans is not a feasible outcome and as refugees the civilians in the region need to be relocated , or accept perpetual forced confinement and deprivation.

That you are fully behind the idea of ethnic cleansing is all I need to hear to know what kind of scum you are. Goodbye.

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15 hours ago, necrovore said:

It should also be emphasized that the political Left wrongly conflates the two; i.e., they hold that your race determines your ideas (including religion), or perhaps that your race ought to determine your ideas, which is to say, if you don't share the ideas of your race then you're a traitor to your race, or, to put it another way, "if you don't vote for Biden, you ain't Black."

This is the kind of thinking that makes things like genocide -- killing people solely because of their race -- seem necessary.

Well of course ethnicity (and race) count not a jot to Objectivism, and I've brought it up because it counts as ~everything~ to neo-marxists, critical race theorists, woke-ists and the Leftist collectivists.

Ethnicity and various race groups exist, sure, and as a scientific study - I suppose named "ethnology" - it is worthwhile.

But isn't it remarkable how, in their anti-intellectualism, the collectivists formed an entire philosophy, ethics and, consistently, a politics - out of what is no more than an academic and scientific pursuit?

Then - "we" are determined in our acts and characters by our ancestors: and what they did to another tribe, or what another tribe did to them.

I'd say with experience and observation that there is more than usual cultural individualism and diversity among Jews, but their long mistreatment as "a collective", by anti-Jewish collectivists is what forced them to unify in common security, collectively in one place.

The racists who call themselves "anti-racists", one sees, cannot stand that. Thus by projection and deflection, the historical victims of collectivism who feared for their survival and longed for personal liberty to self-determine their lives as they saw fit, can themselves be made into the brutal repressors of other 'victim' groups.

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3 hours ago, whYNOT said:

And the beat goes on. The Grand Mufti and Hitler found a common cause, just as the Islamist terrorists and the (fascist) "pro-Palestinians" have presently.

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On 1/1/2024 at 10:26 PM, SpookyKitty said:

Ben-Gvir calls for Gaza to be ethnically cleansed.

No comment to this older comment of mine? Then you should repudiate and retract your claim.

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On 1/2/2024 at 1:37 PM, whYNOT said:

The criticism about Israel being Zionist-apartheid, rests on this, at times deliberate by those who know better.  The nation is condemned for its "discriminatory" and/or "supremacist-racist" practice of being highly selective on who immigrates there, for the large part, limited to ethnic or ethnic-religious or converted Jews. Since a free and protective homeland for international Jews of all sorts was its intended identity. Open the borders to all comers and that identity disappears and the Jewish population would flee and make for easier targets in other countries. With the new resurgence of racism, original Zionism has proved its necessity again.

But it is such a mystery, why do people keep picking on the Jews?




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Rather -- collectivist. "Behavior" per group is a hard one to pin down, it's logic that every group has its obnoxious to likable to admirable folk, and one can't fault "the group". Or conclude that one person ~defines~ the group. The Jews seem to be "out there" and more successful, so many esp. Lefties in politics, media, academia and entertainment are annoying, I admit. The *ethnic* non religious Jews-by-birth who have been and would at present again be identified, targeted and violated by racist, anti-semites--for having no more than a Jewish name? As would be the many ethnic Jewish intellectuals who are well-represented in Objectivism. One Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum? I think it's more that Jews are made keenly aware early on of their small and vulnerable tribe's repressed history and know there forever will be prejudices against them, individually and collectively, making them be convenient go-to culprits for outsiders' failures, varying only in how covert or overt the prejudice is. The effect, often one of acute sensitivity to others, over-compensation or pushiness.


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On 1/3/2024 at 2:16 PM, AlexL said:

From the Ayn Rand Center UK: South Africa's application to the ICJ, genocide, etc


Congrats, you've found out that a black President can be as racist as anyone!

Fittingly, considering Cyril Ramaphosa's ANC party and its cadres are essentially neo-Marxist.

I guess you thought this miscarriage of justice prompted by our virtue-signaler President reflected on me. 

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