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Reblogged:No Lie: I'll Consider It.

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Urban Diplomat counsels someone (scroll down) whose employer wants him to lie to get out of jury duty:
Image by Ken Lund, via Wikimedia Commons, license.
If you're not averse to white lies, the fastest way to shut your boss down is to direct one at her instead of the court. Thank her for her creative excuses, then don't use them. In Ontario, an employer is legally required to give you time off for jury duty, so the law is on your side, even if your boss is not. But take it from me: this particular act of civic duty is rarely a thrill. You'll likely find it less like watching Law and Order and more like crawling along the DVP.
I generally agree, but with a couple of issues.

First, one does not owe the truth to someone making a threat (implied here by the relationship as a work superior). Second, the I'll consider it implied by the pro forma thanks isn't a lie, white or otherwise anyway. The act of listening to the "advice" and deciding not to perjure oneself is the consideration.

In this context, thanking this lousy boss is the equivalent of I will consider it, and discard it, to borrow Jennifer Peepas's memorable phrasing from another (of many) contexts in which the phrase is surprisingly apt.

-- CAV

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