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Reblogged:Four Random Things

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A Friday Hodgepodge

1. I am no proponent of the leftish fad of pushing insects as a major source of protein, but I am both an adventurous eater and a fan of cicadas.

So it is that the next time we take the kids to the local aquarium, I will be looking for cicadas on the snack bar menu of the neighboring insectarium.

I agree with the chef on the short video that the odds of these being good are high in New Orleans. But I wonder if I've missed my chance, given that we are now past a long-anticipated, historic emergence of cicadas.

2. If you've never taken an IQ test, but have taken the SAT or the ACT these tables for converting SAT and ACT scores to IQ might give you an idea. (Note that the SAT conversions are for older versions of the exam.) Since college entrance exams measure fewer abilities than IQ tests, it's a rough estimate.

That said, my scores on the exams indicated an IQ in the 125-130 range. I guess, since I haven't taken an IQ test, they're about equally good or bad as an estimate!

3. If you've ever been perplexed by what I now know as sPoNgEbOb cAsE, here's your chance to learn what it is and why it's being used.

I bet principle is a less familiar term than differential these days...

4. Whether or not you've ever wondered how a car differential works -- or even know what one is for that matter -- this video (also embedded above) does a great job of explaining the problem it solves and how the device solves it.

-- CAV

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