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A Friday Hodgepodge

Every sentient being needs a break now and then...

1. Future poet laureate John Betjeman wrote the poem "Summer" as a prep exercise at the age of 13.

A stanza:
Whatever will rhyme with Summer?
There only is "plumber" and "drummer": Why! the cleverest bard
Would find it quite hard
To connect with the Summer -- a plumber!
2. An article in Irish Archaeology, a publication from the other side of the Pond, remarks on "remarkably modern looking haircuts in Albrecht Druer's woodcut of 1521 AD."

The piece is over a decade old, but an American forum resurfaced it recently, as the style is now current among tweens and teens over here.

As soon as I saw the woodcut, I thought, "My son has this haircut!"

3. I bookmarked this list of "Funny Photos Taken Just Seconds Before Disaster Strikes" ages ago, but at least the first several live up to the promise. A description of the first:
He looks like he is holding himself up, so he doesn't hit the water as if [the water] is solid.
4. Another I ran into a while back, which I am sure is a classic, is "Now Hiring: Not You."

Under Location:
Bryerson Global's headquarters is located in a major metropolitan area just far enough away from your parents that you could see them occasionally without feeling obligated to see them all the time. Our offices are an easy commute from a very hip, up-and-coming neighborhood you haven't heard of yet, with an exciting night-life scene and extremely affordable rent. Your soul mate presently resides there. She's everything you ever wanted in a partner, and she's currently enduring the local dating scene but longing for you. Soon she'll grow tired of waiting and settle for someone else, and, on her wedding day, as she's walking down the aisle toward him, she'll wonder if she's doing the right thing, before deciding that she should be happy that she found anyone at all. He's not perfect, but he'll do. Actually, that guy is exactly who we're looking for to fill this position.
-- CAV

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