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Welcome to The One Minute Case

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The One Minute Case is a new collaborative blog which will present a

brief argument about a controversial issue that can be read in under a

minute. The goal is to publish one case per day. You can read the cases

to learn something new about an issue or use them as a source for

longer arguments of your own.

Why so short?

Some issues can be summarized in 60 seconds, while in other cases,

we’ll try to make you aware of a new perspective. The goal is to

encourage critical thinking and discussion rather than present an open

and shut case. If you disagree, or think something is missing, comment


Can I contribute?

Sure. Just register and a submit a case (such as one of the proposed topics) as a comment or email.

If we like your style, you’ll be given publishing privileges.

Edited by GreedyCapitalist
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