Objectivism Is The Everyman's Philosophy
In the universe, what you see is what you get,
figuring it out for yourself is the way to happiness,
and each person's independence is respected by all
Rand's Philosophy in Her Own Words
- "Metaphysics: Objective Reality" "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed/Wishing won’t make it so." "The universe exists independent of consciousness"
- "Epistemology: Reason" "You can’t eat your cake and have it, too." "Thinking is man’s only basic virtue"
- "Ethics: Self-interest" "Man is an end in himself." "Man must act for his own rational self-interest" "The purpose of morality is to teach you[...] to enjoy yourself and live"
- "Politics: Capitalism" "Give me liberty or give me death." "If life on earth is [a man's] purpose, he has a right to live as a rational being"
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How do I Register to the Wiki?
By shlomif,
Hi, I tried to register on the wiki in order to edit it, but there's no registration link anywhere, and I cannot edit without being registered. Even if the registration link is disabled, there should be a link with instructions on what to do - otherwise usability suffers and people are going to be frustrated, and ask many questions like that. For more information, see:
User Interface Design for Programmers - by Joel on Software.
Seven steps to remarkable customer service.
Trump Talking Up New US Imperialism - Any Visual-Show Greatness Will Do
By Boydstun,
Tony posted this interesting poll of people in Greenland in a thread on tariffs, and I think it needs this new thread topic.
Let's join the US
For some years, I've urged the merger of the US and Mexico.* The 31 States of Mexico would become additional US States. There's some resistance to my idea. I think the results would go along lines of the results from the reunification of West and East Germany. (West revolutionized East for the better.) Even without a US-Mex unification, the proh
Here's One for the Trump Fans Out There in OO Land
By Reidy,
'Ignorant': Trump gets schooled as he proposes new agency to collect tariffs
Reblogged:Four Random Things
By Gus Van Horn blog,
A Friday Hodgepodge 1. I am no proponent of the leftish fad of pushing insects as a major source of protein, but I am both an adventurous eater and a fan of cicadas. So it is that the next time we take the kids to the local aquarium, I will be looking for cicadas on the snack bar menu of the neighboring insectarium. I agree with the chef on the short video that the odds of these being good are high in New Orleans. But I wonder if I've missed my chance, given that we are now past a long-antic
Mathematics and Philosophy
By Boydstun,
At the entrance of Plato’s Academy was the inscription: LET NO ONE IGNORANT OF GEOMETRY ENTER HERE! I quite agree. No general epistemology having no competent epistemology of mathematics is a real competitor in general epistemology. Mathematical knowledge is crucial in the conceptual power of humans. These books are some of those I study in my quest for formulating a competent epistemology of mathematics, and some may be excellent for interest of some readers here.
COVID-19 Mass Vaccination is a Military Operation
By Dupin,
“As part of the Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics (ADEPT) program in 2011, DARPA began investing in nucleic acid vaccines. The hypothesis was that rather than delivering antigens to the immune system, we could deliver genes that encode the antigen and allow the human body to produce the antigen from its own cells, triggering a protective immune response. In December 2020, former ADEPT performer Moderna’s RNA vaccine received FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) appr
Reblogged:How to Get Fired as a Cat Sitter
By Gus Van Horn blog,
Short of Killing the Cats Yes. This is mostly a rant. tl;dr: Don't assume any job is as easy as you think it is? Make a point of using/advocating alternate communication channels when at an impasse? Emphasize the hell out of looking at instructions? *** Ahead of the holidays, I thought we'd bring our kitten, Seymour, with us and leave Lucinda at home, with a sitter to check in on her every few days. We ended up leaving both cats together with a sitter, though, because they get along so wel
Reblogged:Coming Soon: Trump Stickers on Pumps?
By Gus Van Horn blog,
Over at Reason is a piece about concerns within the incoming administration about the effects tariffs might have on gas prices, which Trump's favorite brand of snake oil is poised to increase:Not only will Trump have thrown a monkey wrench into energy prices, but everything else, since energy factors into manufacturing and transportation. Trump seems oblivious to the problem, but his advisors are concerned enough that a slower ratcheting up of Trump's new tax may be in the offing. -- CAVLink t
Universals and Measurement
By Boydstun,
This essay of mine was first published in V5N2 of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies – 2004.
Universals and Measurement
I. Orientation
Rand spoke of universals as abstractions that are concepts (1966, 1, 13). Quine spoke in the same vein of "conceptual integration—the integrating of particulars into a universal" (1961, 70). Those uses of universal engage one standard meaning of the term. Another standard meaning is the potential collection to which a concept refers. This is the colle