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Posts posted by ithinklikeme

  1. Moraly. You are defrauding your spouse and as such you are moraly failing her by disguising her in your mind as someone else. Its that simple. If you would like to justify your immoral ways of thinking then it is simply best to remain with said spouse and continue your fantasy replacement until you tire of that and decide to either a.conclusively end your marriage and find someone that you can keep in your mind while you have sexual intercourse with her or b.have intercourse with the person who occupies your mind and continue with your spouse wthout her knowing about it until the guilt of what you have done causes your mistake to come forward at a much later date or your spouse leaves you because she feels your detachment to her during intercourse

  2. Whether you choose to participate or not the system continues and as such it is your responsibility to accept the system you are in until you and only you are able to exist as a self governing entity apart and different from this country. You cannot and should not expect to receive the protection that a system entitles you to while simultaneously denouncing such system while it keeps you safe. The secondary option you would have in order to separate yourself from having to participate in one program is to exclude yourself from all programs that this state provides you with, which quite frankly would make your life on this planet not only very expensive but quite impractical. You would not be able to afford college because it would be too expensive without -federal- financial aid. You would not be able to afford gasoline because you would have to pay the real price without government subsidies on various other things that make our price what it is. You would not be able to drive on roads because those are funded by wrongfully collected taxes. So unless you are willing to live on a self constructed boat on international waters then you are pretty much responsible for participating to the best of your ability in lowering the costs that you force upon any other individual since you are not self supporting or self governing and cannot most definitely self exist on a planet of our size and political structure.

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