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Everything posted by WeDontNeedGod

  1. Blue sat on the cold ground, propped up by a tombstone that was streaked with greenish grey mold. His expressionless face stared out past the cemetery. Still dark clouds were smeared low across the sky, blurring the lines between everything. The cemetery spread out down a hill and lead into the city below. Blue couldn’t tell the difference between the graveyard and the city in the fog.The skyline stood as a graveyard, with each building a tombstone to a stillborn idea. “Is there a difference?” he stood up and walked slowly among the rows of headstones. He paused at one that had lived and died some hundred years before he had even been born. The name and dates told him nothing beyond that fact. The person had lived to be seventy two years old. A whole life, he thought. This person had been born, gone to school, had lovers, owned houses and cars. He had been loved and hated. A whole life time worth of memories and events, and people. Now it was all forgotten and unknown to anyone. All that remained of an entire life is this stone, with a name and date. Blue’s long ears drooped. He suddenly thought how beautiful the old grey stone would look with his bloody brains splashed across it. He stood staring into the distance with that vision in his head, then abruptly moved on. He stopped when he reached a small, plain, black, marble tombstone. It belonged to a boy who was born dead on the same day that Blue had been born. Blue felt a sort of twisted kinship with the stillborn and thought they were very much alike. He thought how lucky it is to die without ever having had the pain of living. Blue continued on past tombstone after tombstone. He looked at how random the ages were. Sixteen, 73, 35, 3 months. No matter what you do, what kind of person you are, what kind of life you live, this is how everyone ends up. How can anything matter when natures goal for you is to to be rotting underground in a wooden box. All of mans aspirations and aims are futile in light of natures ultimate destiny. People spend millions on makeup, gyms and diets, but in the end they succumb to wrinkles, hair loss, sagging flesh, bulging veins. You lose your sight, your hearing and you die alone in the dark, silence. People spend decades on school, college and work place education to reach the point where they can’t remember their children’s names or how to take a shit by themselves. What’s the use in falling in love only to watch everything you loved about the person drain away with the years and leave you alone in the end anyways. Why go through the trouble, he thought. “What is the point of struggling and fighting when there is nothing to gain?” There is nothing anyone can do to stop it. All of man knowledge and ability, science, medicine and technology are powerless before entropy and death. People call life a rat race, like it is a game. What is the purpose of a game you can never win? Frustration and disappointment and a sense of helplessness. That is what Blue was thinking when it started to rain. He shivered as the small, cold drops rolled down his ears. He sighed in bitter resignation as he turned and walked with his head hung low toward a mausoleum. Cassius was laying flat on her back on top of a huge marble slab, one bare foot hanging lazily over the edge. She had pushed the skeleton from its rightful spot and was now resting her black haired head on the grinning skull. You have a lot to be happy about, she thought. This mousoleum belonged to a young couple who had been burned alive in a car wreck on their wedding day. Cassius stared at the looming stone ceiling, half dazed while she idy fingered herself. She had been trying to get off, but she had grown bored and was quickly losing interest. Besides, she kept thinking of being burned alive and whether or not that would be worse than drowning to death. It depends on what you drown in, she concluded. That is what Cassius was thinking of when Blue walked into the cold tomb, soaking wet. He smiled warily when he saw her and sat on the edge of her not-so-final resting place, his legs dangling off the side. Cassius’s ears perked up and she laid he head in Blue’s lap. He slowly ran his long fingers through her short black hair and over her ears. He did this absently, his mind preoccupied. At that moment he was thinking of when a baby bird tries to fly for the first time and it falls to the unforgiving earth, breaking every bone it its fragile little body. While he thought of that, Cassius unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. When Blue finally realized what the rabbit was doing he sighed, “Cassius, I really don’t feel like doing anything,” “So?” she said, sitting up and stuck out her bottom lip in a pouty frown, the next moment she smiled mischievously. She pushed him onto his back and hopped on top of him, straddling his body. Blue looked away and sighed, but put his hands on her thin hips. Cassius looked at his distant, lifeless expression and wondered for a moment as she felt her cunt grow wet, why she liked to do this so much with Blue when it was obvious that he didn’t want to. Well, she thought – that is the reason, I guess. The rabbit leaned down, putting her face close to his and rested her two fingers on his lips. They still smelled of her – to Blue it was a warm and familiar, like a tattered stuffed animal that manged to survive pass childhood. Cassius slid her finger’s into his mouth and began slowly pushing them in and out while breathing heavily into his ear. “You like that, don’t you little boy?” she said slyly. Blue had closed his eyes, resigned to his fate as a living masturbation toy. He slid his hands up her thin shirt onto her flat stomach and then onto her small breasts. She laughed at the mixed look on his face of torture and pleasure as she felt him grow hard beneath her ass, despite his protests. She began to rock her eager body against his hard cock and traced long pink lines down his chest with her sharp nails. Blue bit down on his bottom lip and opened his eyes. She took her fingers out of his mouth. “That always works, you little slut,” she said, Blue smiled sheepishly and shrugged as she pulled off her pants and threw them, rattling some dusty bones nearby. An expression of horror dominated Blue’s face as he noticed the grinning skull of the doomed bride and remembered what this place was. He was speechless, but he tried to fight his way from underneath the insane rabbit. She grinned from ear to long pointed ear at the look on his face and she pushed down on him, forcing his still hard cock inside of her dripping hole. She shuddered as it slid in easily, touching ever part. Blue closed his eyes again and tried to focus on the warm, wet, slippery sensation between his legs. Cassius started to rock against him, sliding him all the way in her and all the way out, over and over. She licked his closed mouth then bit down viciously on his lip, filling her mouth with the taste of old pennies. Blue moaned along and help her hips as she moved up and down. He looked up at Cassius’s face, she had her head leaned back and she was smiling – the kind of grin one gets from destroying something you love. He felt her body tense, the muscles contracting around his dick, felt like a million snakes coiled around it. She pulled a handful of his messy light brown hair and shoved her body down as hard as she could as she came on him. Blue laid back expectantly while she laid still for a moment. Then she sat up smiling maliciously as she pulled herself off his glistening, unsatisfied cock. “You didn’t want to do it anyways, right?” she said spitefully. Blue started to object as she pulled her pants on but knew it was useless to try and fight her. Besides he was thinking of how a parasite numbs you when it bites.
  2. is on google+ now. thats right, im a cool kid.

    1. ttime


      Hey can I get an invite? ;)

      [email protected]

  3. Q: Why did the Bayesian reasoner cross the road? A: More information is needed to answer this question.

  4. Suppose you try to construct a ten-step plan, where each of the ten steps is something seemingly simple, but is still something that you haven't done before. Will it work? Probably not. Even if the probability of success on each step is 90%, the probability of the whole plan working is only 0.9^10 = 0.35.

  5. Great day, or greatest day?

  6. yay! The baby isn't mine! muahahahah

  7. going to the club o_O

  8. "Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings."

  9. "I'd like to ask where you'd rather have been living for the last 235 years?" A free country
  10. I dont usually like to get into politics, but here I have compiled a list of grievances; instances of the violation of individual rights by the state. The United States Government has imposed laws abridging the right to free trade beginning with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and has misinterpreted the commerce clause to justify intruding into every economic decision made by Americans. The United States Government has used the legalized use of force to steal the wealth of its citizens via taxation, imposing a graduated scale of taxation with penalizes ability, effort and ambition. Acting in accordance with the communist principle "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" the United States Government has used that stolen income to support 'entitlement' programs such as welfare, unemployment insurance, social security, medicaid, housing subsidies, and food stamps. The United States Government has forced its citizen to financially support and attend a government education system. The United States Government has sacrificed the lives of its soldiers, not in defense of this nation, but in humanitarian and 'nation-building' missions. The United States Government has in the past imposed a draft on its citizens and to this day reserves the option to do so. The United States Government has nationalized roads, transportation, electricity, water, and sewage. The United States Government has stolen property from its citizens through abuses of eminent domain; thereby seizing millions of acres of its citizens' land. The United States Government has violated the second Amendment of its constitution by restricting the ownership of arms, and by allowing the states and localities to do so, and has jailed and massacred people who have stood on their rights as recognized in that Amendment. The United States Government has perpetrated massacres of its own citizens, most notably at Kent State, Ruby Ridge and Waco, Texas. The United States Government has imposed laws regulating private issues such as drug use, prostitution, seat belt and helmet laws; and where unable to pass such laws directly has browbeat the state governments into doing so, in an egregious violation of federalism. The United States Government has imposed further regulations barring private issues among its Service Members, to include homosexual conduct, Adultery, and sodomy. The United States Government has made laws respecting the establishment of a religion by establishing as a national motto "In God We Trust" and placing it on currency, by including the words "Under God" in the official pledge of allegiance, by maintaining a chaplain program in the armed forces, and by funding the 'faith-based initiates.' The United States Government has imposed laws restricting medical operations, including some abortions, has regulated other forms of medical care, and has imposed price fixing on healthcare providers in the form of the Medicare program. The United States Government has violated the first amendment of its own Constitution by imposing censorship on its citizens with indecency laws and the work of the Federal Communications Commission. The United States Government has perpetrated the use of warrantless wiretapping against its own citizens. The United States Government has 'indefinitely detained' its own citizens without charges or trials. The United States Government has operated secret prisons outside of its own borders, for the purposes of circumventing its own laws. The United States Government has imposed laws restricting assisted-suicide and suicide. The United States Government has established a swarm of regulatory agency's to harass its people and eat out their substance, to wit: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Employment Standards Administration (ESA) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Farm Credit Administration (FCA) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Federal Deposit Insurance Commission (FDIC) Food and Drug Administation (FDA) Federal Election Commission (FEC) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EREN) Federal Highway Administration (FHA) Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Federal Trade Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission Securities and Exchange Commission
  11. Just curious what the sex life of Objectivists is actually like.. Ive heard a lot of things like "Objectivists are prudes"
  12. “Those oil wells, Eddie thought suddenly, didn’t they have something in common with the blood vessels on the map? Wasn’t that the way the red stream of Taggart Transcontinental had shot across the country, years ago, a feat that seemed incredible now? He thought of the oil wells spouting a black stream that ran over a continent almost faster than the trains of the Phoenix-Durango could carry it. That oil field had been only a rocky patch in the mountains of Colorado, given up as exhausted long ago. Ellis Wyatt’s father had managed to squeeze an obscure living to the end of his days, out of the dying oil wells. Now it was as if somebody had given a shot of adrenalin to the heart of the mountain, the heart had started pumping, the black blood had burst through the rocks—of course it’s blood, thought Eddie Willers, because blood is supposed to feed, to give life, and that is what Wyatt Oil had done.” Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand Meta-blog cross-post
  13. Crazy storm suddenly; powers out. Getting hot already!

  14. "If you are expected to be monogamous and have one person be all things sexually for you, then you have to be whores for each other,” Savage says. “You have to be up for anything.”

  15. I posted a discussion of this article on reddit http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/idjpu/does_america_need_ayn_rand_or_jesus/
  16. The Road to Happiness I plan to have this printed and framed to hang on my wall.
  17. Hurt my nipple with an electric razor :(

  18. http://templeofthehumanspirit.wordpress.com/2011/06/26/the-heart-of-civilization/
  19. Click the picture for a larger, more readable, version. Inspired by “The Metaphysical and the Man-made” by Ayn Rand Meta-blog cross-post
  20. http://templeofthehumanspirit.wordpress.com/2010/12/25/to-the-glory-of-man/ This is an old post (one of my first), but I recently added some prose to it.
  21. http://templeofthehumanspirit.wordpress.com/2011/06/20/the-serenity-affirmation/
  22. Must escape from modern culture.

  23. You still have not provided an objective validation. How many people, and in what time span is "promiscuous?" How "high" must a persons value be before it is not being promiscuous to sleep with them? And how long and well must you know them? Is anyone less valuable that say, Ayn Rand, unacceptable? What is the standard here?
  24. Statistics are NOT valid. Noting what people actually do, in no way informs one about what they SHOULD do. "The terms promiscuous, slut, whore, etc are all just conceptual place holders for the realization that the person you are evaluating has low moral standards and poor discrimination and discernment." On what basis? Why would you say thay had low moral standards? By what standard?
  25. Can anyone provide an objective definition, criteria, or standard by which to judge one as "promiscuous?"
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