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Everything posted by Egoist_coder

  1. I just got back from seeing "Batman Begins". I thought it was very well done, and had some very good themes. Anyone else seen it yet?
  2. I suppose it may have been somewhat of a lapse in judgement going to see this movie, but I had hoped for more from Frank Miller. I've seen worse movies, and it certainly wasn't filled with liberal hogwash. There where three stories, each witha different hero. The bigest problem I had with it was that all three heros seemed very defeatist in a way, the classic "I will do this one thing, then I can die." attitude. They all fight for something, but even if they win, things don't realy seem any better off for anyone then they did before. Basically a realy lousy sense of life. The only redeeming qualities where possibly some sense of individualism, and an okay sense of justice.
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