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  1. First, I'd like to point out I'm well aware that Objectivist Epistomology does not include Proper Nouns as concepts, and that I understand why (the short answer is that there is only one existant and so no integration is possible). However, I want to put forward (tentatively) the idea that concepts do not require two or more existants to be integrated, but rather can be formed by integrating one existant with itself at two or more points in time. For example, a person could come up with the concept of New York City by integrating the image of the city at the present, with the images of it in 1995, 1965, and/or 1925. Is there anything wrong with this idea, anyone?
  2. 'A priori' is Kantian nonsense; there is no possible knowledge before experience.
  3. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...insordothey&e=4 Here's a disgusting 'criticism' of the Life on Mars hypothesis. This reminds me of those articles blasting Readen Metal, without actually saying anything at all.
  4. I was wondering if anyone here knew of any good Objectivist comic books or comic strips. The best I've found is a comic book by the name of Girl Genius by Phil Foglio. It has a steampunk setting (a sort of 1880s version of cyberpunk) with very intellegent and independent main characters. It isn't Objectivism, but it's worth reading.
  5. Has anyone else see this news article yet? Apparently, Thompson committed suicide about 12 hours ago, by shooting himself; the logical end to someone who hated life so much. Hunter S. Thompson Dead
  6. I'm curious about something... Does the fact that a large percentage of people today are homosexual affect Ayn Rand's theory on sexual relations and their emotional consequences? I know that most of the whole 'Coming out of the closet' movement happened after she died; is there an official Objectivist position on this matter? (I have my own conclusion, but I wanted to check it against other's ideas.)
  7. On April 3rd, 2005 at 5:15pm, I'll be just finishing watching my 2nd most favorite movie. It is a movie about a man who starts with nothing: no property, no identity, not even the recognition of being human. He works and learns throughout his life, achieving goal after goal, making his life what he wants it to be. The movie follows this through his long and valuable life til its end; at which point he chooses to give it up in exchange for the achievement of one last (and to him, most important) goal. There are a few flaws with the philosophy spoken by the characters in the third Act of the movie, but other than that, the movie is a paragon of Objectivist values; which leaves me surprised at the fact that it hasn't been mentioned anywhere in the movie section of the message board. What is this wonderful movie? None other than: Bicentennial Man(1999), starring Robin Williams, Embeth Davidtz, Sam Neil, and Oliver Platt based off a short story and a novel both by Issac Asimov Why would I watch this movie at such a specific date and time? For no other reason than to celebrate the 'birth' of Andrew Martin (the main character), who was/will be first activated at that exact time. I'd like to ask as many of you as can do so, to watch this movie with me (by which I mean at the same time), if for no other reason than to celebrate the life of a wonderful, rational, selfish character.
  8. Fantasia 2000 is about my 5th or 6th most favorite movie, but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere in the movie catagory posts. At first, I thought it was because it didn't have any overtly Objectivist themes in it; however, I've just now watched it again and it turns out it does. They are most noticable in the 4th, 6th and 8th(final) segments (The Steadfast Tin Soldier piece, the Yo-yo/Flamingos piece and the metaphorical Mt. St. Helens piece based on The Firebird by Stravinsky, respectively). So with an almost unique idea (the original Fantasia being the only other in its catagory, that I know of at least), excellent animation skills, wonderful choices and performances in music, and even a few clearly Objectivist themes, the question is: Why hasn't anyone mentioned this among their favorite movies? Is there some major black mark that I've overlooked? Or is it merely a matter of personal taste? (It'd like to ask similar questions about my 1st and 2nd most favorite films, which are much more obviously Objectivist in nature. However, I think I'll hold on them until I can write reveiws that do them justice.)
  9. When I was reading the Letters of Ayn Rand a few months ago, I came across one from the late 40s or early 50s in which she says she won't have any women riding in any train engines, or insert herself, in her next novel (Atlas Shrugged). I found this funny, because not only does Dagny ride in the engine of the first train of the John Galt Line, but also because of something on page 660... John is showing Dagny around the valley and this (unnamed) woman comes up to them to say hi. Dagny asks John who she was, and John says she was a novelist on the outside who couldn't get published because 'she believed when you deal with words, you deal with the mind.' This quote (and the detail that the woman's hair was brown) leads me to suspect that this was a self-insertion by Ayn Rand. What do the rest of you think?
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