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Everything posted by Prometheus98876

  1. Is it just me, or does FB have a lot of short blackouts lately?

  2. (paraphrasing ) : "Eulers Identity [ e^(i * pi ) + 1 = 0] is magical". No, it is a neat trick, but it is hardly mystica.

  3. You say that modern physics is nearly complete? More like completely insane. Lets look at some ideas that were either once taken seriously in mainstream physics, or which still are. Parallel realties Infinite numbers of infinite universes "hidden" dimensions Laws of physics which vary depending on the "directon" in space one looks Particles coming in out of "outside of existence" Particles which a physical "properly" of probablity The universe being a "hologram" Undead zombie cats Curvatu...

  4. I am sick of people that do the following : Point out that you are in error, provide very shaky and false "evidence' for it and then accuse me of being "pretentious" when I do not accept that I have an error in my thinking simply because of unfounded assertions. Worse yet are those that then accuse me of being "preteniously rationalistic" on this basis. There is a difference. Not accepting shaky evidence or being mistaken and not accepting that you are wrong without evidence is not th...

  5. Anarcho-capitalism : An exercise in evasion. Enough said.

  6. "Capitalism is built on Reality, Government is built on Lies. " completely absurd over-generalisation. Ugh. It implies anarchy, which makes capitalism impossible.

  7. I remember how in my [introductory] Linear Algebra paper they of course taught us about matrix multiplication Did they tell us what it actually was , why it had beeen developed ( as a method for performing certain linear transformations) or what it could be viewed to be equivalent to ( hint, it is analogous to functional composition)? No, of course not. It was presented as though it was a axiomatic matrices arithemetic opertation. When actually it isnt. Good one! Mind you, this is the sa...

  8. What I want to know is why so many of the Anti-SOPA protestors fail to recognize the *actual* danger. The danger is the potential for NON-OBJECTIVE COPYRIGHT LAWS to be used to violate the rights of those that have legimitate rights to distrubute a certain material and to associate with a given organisation. It is not the intention of SOPA which si the threat. It is the non-objective laws upon which it relies upon which could be used to "justify" hightly immoral actions.

  9. The only thing worse than government controlled statism ruled by a dictator is the lawless state ruled by arbitrary whim and a thousand petty thugs. But this is what anarcho-capitalism is implicitly demanding. Do not be fooled.

  10. Barack Obama : Proof that sometimes real villians are far more ridicolous and sinister than cartoon villians.

  11. Hahah. To those following the Diablo 3 release fiasco : A friend of mine recently preordered Diablo III from Best Buy, when the site was claiming the release was Feb 1 ( you know, for NO reason given Blizzard have told them nothing about this ). Now they sent her a corrected date of December this year. What? That makes no sense at all. First Best Buy pull hopelessy optimistic figures out of their hat in order to sucker in pre-orders ( a dirty and dishonest tactic ), now they are making...

  12. Two mathematicians were having dinner in a restaurant, arguing about the average mathematical knowledge of the American public. One mathematician claimed that this average was woefully inadequate, the other maintained that it was surprisingly high. "I'll tell you what," said the cynic. "Ask that waitress a simple math question. If she gets it right, I'll pick up dinner. If not, you do." He then excused himself to visit the men's room, and the other called the waitress over. "When my friend re...

  13. All the music the young people ( teens - early twenties) listen to makes me feel way older than my real age ( 29). I wonder if this is normal or largely because the sense of life of their music is just so alien to me?

  14. To all those that think Diablo III is coming out on Feb 1, just because Best Buy have falsely claim this : You are mistaken. Here is why ( in the first comment below ):

  15. Quiz time : Top five amongst the more obscure Monty Python Flying Circus sketches! Come on, lets see if anyone can name some really obscure but good ones!

  16. I wonder what is wrong with the Steam Friends code. FIVE seconds after someone signs off, it claims that person has not been online for , say 42 hours. Or one minute its 55 minutes since theyve been on, less than half an hour later its 9 hours. How the the hell does this application get the math so wrong?

  17. So, for those that missed me being annoyed about this yesterday : Yes , in case you forget/missed it : The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy is coming out ..in 3D..starting with Phantom Menace this year. Oh my god, is Lucas really so devoid of anything of value to give us that he has to rerelease these JUST so that they are in 3d? 3D is a largely a gimmick really. Making them 3D does not really add anything of great value to these awful movies, nor does it magically transform them from the unwatche...

  18. Oh god...I tried to forget...the thought was just too horrible. But The Phantom Menace 3d Trailer is out at the cinemas ( in America anyway). Lucas, you already raped Star Wars four times ( including the Star Wars Holiday Special), you dont need to rape it another three times in 3D. You sadiastic bastard....

  19. EMPTY SPACE : [First of all : I would like to point out that I am not interested if you disagree with my conception of space. I am absolutely convinced that I am correct and I am not interested in debating this issue in this thread. If you do not agree, that is fine, I do not want to hear about it. Second of all : I do not care if anyone wishes to link/share this around, as long as I am attributed as the author). Space is a concept which is very rarely correctly understand by anybody, inclu...

  20. If true, this seems moronic. Why on Earth would Verizon want to do this? Isnt it better for them if customers can do this? Shouldnt they be ENCOURAGING people to pay in such ways as it is better/easier for both parties, despite the technical infrasctructure Verizon might require? "Well, it's true. Verizon has confirmed to us that it's adding the $2 convenience fee for paying your bill online or over the phone, and has posted a blurb in its News Center detailing the options available to so...

  21. To anyone in a part of the world where its Xmas Day already : HAPPY NEWTONMAS! Yeah, Christmas is awesome , but the 25th is when Newton was born ( by the pre Gregorian calander ) and Newton is pretty much the founder of modern physics. As well as the [co] discoverer of the laws of calculus, the one that gave us Newtons Method ( great for finding roots ( solutions ) to equations ( your computer probably uses this to find square roots ), someone that done seminal work in the field of optics,...

  22. HAPPY NEWTONMAS EVERYONE! So its not quite Xmas yet, but Im going to throw out some well wishes early in case Im away from my FB : Happy Newtonmas every one! Yeah, Christmas is awesome , but the 25th is when Newton was born ( by the pre Gregorian calander ) and Newton is pretty much the founder of modern physics. As well as the [co] discoverer of the laws of calculus, the one that gave us Newtons Method ( great for finding roots ( solutions ) to equations ( your computer probably uses this t...

  23. Completely Incorrect Fact of the Day : Picard Maneuver : When you do allow someone guilty of causing massive loss of life / damages to run free , on the basis that they have the right to choose to do so. Named after Captain Picard when he choose to let a crystal entity that was sucking all life off a planet go because it had "rights".

  24. This from an Occupy Auckland spokesman in response to a court order ordering their eviction in 48 hours : "It's important we don't limit the rights of people to protest." no no no you mean its impaortant not to limit the "right" of some people to violate everyone elses rights. I can seee how you would confuse the two, given that they are totally opposite things...

  25. So I finally saw some of Stargate Universe a while back ( yeah I know, super slow there ). Why is there so much surprise that it was canned? Lets see what this iterartion of SG did so wrong. Here are five of the major reasons : 1) Completely changed the central theme of Stargate. Bfore SG was always about mans struggle against slavery, his struggle to liberate himselfe and his allies from oppressive alien forces, to defend himself against grossly uneven odds and to advance the state of...

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