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Status Updates posted by Prometheus98876

  1. EMPTY SPACE : [First of all : I would like to point out that I am not interested if you disagree with my conception of space. I am absolutely convinced that I am correct and I am not interested in debating this issue in this thread. If you do not agree, that is fine, I do not want to hear about it. Second of all : I do not care if anyone wishes to link/share this around, as long as I am attributed as the author). Space is a concept which is very rarely correctly understand by anybody, inclu...

  2. If true, this seems moronic. Why on Earth would Verizon want to do this? Isnt it better for them if customers can do this? Shouldnt they be ENCOURAGING people to pay in such ways as it is better/easier for both parties, despite the technical infrasctructure Verizon might require? "Well, it's true. Verizon has confirmed to us that it's adding the $2 convenience fee for paying your bill online or over the phone, and has posted a blurb in its News Center detailing the options available to so...

  3. To anyone in a part of the world where its Xmas Day already : HAPPY NEWTONMAS! Yeah, Christmas is awesome , but the 25th is when Newton was born ( by the pre Gregorian calander ) and Newton is pretty much the founder of modern physics. As well as the [co] discoverer of the laws of calculus, the one that gave us Newtons Method ( great for finding roots ( solutions ) to equations ( your computer probably uses this to find square roots ), someone that done seminal work in the field of optics,...

  4. HAPPY NEWTONMAS EVERYONE! So its not quite Xmas yet, but Im going to throw out some well wishes early in case Im away from my FB : Happy Newtonmas every one! Yeah, Christmas is awesome , but the 25th is when Newton was born ( by the pre Gregorian calander ) and Newton is pretty much the founder of modern physics. As well as the [co] discoverer of the laws of calculus, the one that gave us Newtons Method ( great for finding roots ( solutions ) to equations ( your computer probably uses this t...

  5. Completely Incorrect Fact of the Day : Picard Maneuver : When you do allow someone guilty of causing massive loss of life / damages to run free , on the basis that they have the right to choose to do so. Named after Captain Picard when he choose to let a crystal entity that was sucking all life off a planet go because it had "rights".

  6. This from an Occupy Auckland spokesman in response to a court order ordering their eviction in 48 hours : "It's important we don't limit the rights of people to protest." no no no you mean its impaortant not to limit the "right" of some people to violate everyone elses rights. I can seee how you would confuse the two, given that they are totally opposite things...

  7. So I finally saw some of Stargate Universe a while back ( yeah I know, super slow there ). Why is there so much surprise that it was canned? Lets see what this iterartion of SG did so wrong. Here are five of the major reasons : 1) Completely changed the central theme of Stargate. Bfore SG was always about mans struggle against slavery, his struggle to liberate himselfe and his allies from oppressive alien forces, to defend himself against grossly uneven odds and to advance the state of...

  8. "You know, there is something [wonderful ] about a man that can lick his own back...". Yeah, except its not wonderful, its really creepy and you are insane if you find this appealing. This has got to be...one of the most disturbingly idiotic movie lines ever.

    1. Black Wolf

      Black Wolf

      The best part about this is, I thought this was the opener for a profound idiom.

    2. patrik 7-2321
  9. I dont get the way US carriers charge for SMS plans ( or at least how Verizon does it). Why do they charge the person that RECEIVES the SMS instead of the sender? Surely they dont do both. Doesnt this create the potenital for someone to unfairly rack up HUGE charges if someone sends them 1000s of messages before that number can be blocked and other things like that? Can someone explain the logic of this to me?

  10. Having studied Laplace Transformations in greater depth than in Calc II , I can finally appreciate why apparently everyone just uses tables. Deriving these things can be seriously time-consuming and error-prone after a while!

  11. We are all mathematicians : Math is not inherently a complex science , it is the science of measurement, of identifying quantitative relationships between entities. Every time we estimate the distance from home to work, every time one figures out how long it will take to get from A to B, every time one measures with a ruler, one is doing math. The person that does not do math daily and does not rely upon it is the person that does not move, shuts down his brain and lives as though in a coma.

  12. You know you have programming on the brain when you are in an IM , you type "new" in an entirely non-programming related contect and you then for a second try to think which class constructor you meant to call.....

  13. Look people. If I dont say or imply that I think something, dont accuse me of saying or thinnking it. Especially when I alreadey made it clear that I do not. Reading comprehension is important.

  14. a just found $5.50 and a clothes peg inside his computer case. Well...yeah...not sure how that happened...

  15. Haha. So in the "Tom and Jerry" movie ( yeah, I dont know why they made a 90s remake of *that* either), Tom and Jerry are friends. This is a good example of Hollywood completely fucking with a concept for no good reason whatsoever. What is more, they can talk and sing about what great pals they are. Did any of the producers ever SEE Tom and Jerry before they made the movie?

  16. If you want to see the heart of evil, you do not need to open a history book , find reports of the latest dictator or visit a prison. One need only find any one of the vacant-minded, empty shells that attended your local Occupy Wherever. Most of these people have long ago abanboned thought, reason, logic, morality and values. They are not only blind, they refuse to see. They are not only ignorant, they refuse to learn. They are not only stupid, they refuse to think. They are mere agents of...

  17. The NZ Police are cowards. The idiotic Port of Auckland workers ( well some of them) are protesting. Ok fine, BUT they are preventing workers getting to work and otherwise costing thne Ports losses in excess of $1milion a day. Yet the police do not intervene. Look you fucking idiots, this is a gross violation of property rights and hence an initation of force. It is not a peaceful protest. Get out there and do your fucking jobs and arrest these people and disperse them. Use pepper spra...

  18. Oh for &()*& sake. Why do TV writers these days always think that if any of the main characters are smart, that they will automatically therefore know like 6 different languages and that they will find them easy to learn. I dont care how smart you are, learning another language is hard and time-consuming. One doesnt have time to become proficient with six of them while leading a demanding career with long hours (unless using those languages is a key part of your career). It does not pro...

  19. $US467 ( is the cheapest I can get an iPhone from the NZ Apple Store, without a contract which I just have no use for or interest in. And people wonder why I say the local Apple prices are insane, given thats the old 8GB 3G model. Severely overpriced.

  20. Anyone had much experience with optimising the output size of C++ exes ( on Windows specifically) that use the iostream headers? Not really something I have had much reason to care about before, but now I am tryhing to see if I can really squeeze the size down for my current project. Anyone got any hints?

  21. Designing a programming language /syntax with C++ is not easy work! But it is fun and it certainly does require me to use a few features of C++ I have not used for a while. Dont recall when the last time I use a variadic function in C++ was, but I am damn glad that I know of even relatively more obscure stuff like this!

  22. Something I never though I would have to do : Hook up two computers in order to read a single hard drive to see if it works. One to power it, the other to read it. Totally bizarre...

  23. Damn Javascript. Im convinced its a lot more important ( not just for webpages people, more on that in a sec ) than even most developers realize. Or at least it *should* be. Yet it still needs a lot of work. Whats so important? Well, its possible to use JS and HTML 5 to really easily make smartphone ande tablet apps for all the major platforms ( while supporting most features) using things like PhoneGap. This allows you to use easy to use and kinda powerful stuff like HTML5 and JS to r...

  24. Neato, the fingernail sized MicroSD card from my phone holds 65,536 times as much data as the memory in my first computer. Or well over 6,553.6 times as much as the bread sized floppy disks it used. If you let the looters win, you wont be able to say this sort of thing to your children / grandchildren.

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