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Status Updates posted by Prometheus98876

  1. Trying to study philosophy without a reasonable grasp of history is like trying to do chemistry without a lab.

  2. I have more respect for the Mafia than the Occupy [Places] movement. The Mafia do not pretend to be champions of virtue and humanity in quite such a deceptive and offensive way. When they fuck you over, they are honest about it, they admit to fucking you over. They dont pretend to be doing it to save mankind. Given they are not spreading around a virulent ideological plague, they are also about a billion times less destructive.

    1. Thor


      Agreed. Though of course I do not agree with the workings of organized crime, I do see where you're coming from. Your statement also applies to most politicians insofar as I am concerned. They, too, can be much worse than the mob.

      I believe the national debt has now reached fifteen trillion dollars?

      But the politicians can't be the only ones to blame for all this. We can also blame the apathetic American citizens who do not understand how their government i...

    2. mdegges
  3. Wow, that was a a fairly unique experience. I went to the cinema and was not rolling my eyes half of the time. I guess not *all* movies made are totally stupid.

  4. If there are wolves outside howling and trying to get inside : You do not wait till they eat your family before acting, you kill the wolves. When wolves growl and show you their fangs, you do not stand there and try pass it off as "harmless posturing" or deny that they mean to kill you. You kill the wolves. The Middle East is fill of States that are wolves that wish to devour the Western world.

  5. I think at this point, it is so far beyond obvious that Iran want to set up a "Nuke All Infidels Button", that it is ridicollus to deny it. Any honest and informed person with a brain should see it. If you do not see it : You are not sufficently informed or maybe you do not have a brain.

  6. Anyone out there that still doubts Iran would love to be able to build nukes if possible and would then use them to *initiate* a conflict : You really need to wake up. Same for those that do not think that those in power in Iran largely agree with their figure-head President. Of course they do, they are Islamic zealots. What do you expect? Those that would flinch at starting a war in the Middle East : Wake up. The alternative is allowing the Middle East to continue the war they already star...

  7. Why do so many people think engineers are basically technicians? Engineers primairly *design* systems, thye generally do very little maintenance or repair of systems. This misconception is apparently so deeply ingrained that on shows like Star Trek, *all* the "engineers" seem to do is fix things or install systems. They almost never design anything. Yet the viewers do not generally question this> Engineers are not technicians, the two are very different lines of work Engineers do not...

  8. I have noticed a marked tendency for the general population to cut bad sci-fi movies a totally unreasonable amount of "slack". Idiotic writing mistakes/laziness which they will not accept in other genres, they will often accept in sci-fi. This is really quite non-objective and silly. For instance, people do not often enough condem Star Trek Generations as the peice of idiotic crap it is. They seem willing to overlook a lot of writing flaws due to the fact that it is science fiction. I...

  9. Pink Floyd : Learning to Fly. Possibly the closest any rock song can come to capturing *my* sense of life. How is that they can do this one song that does this so well, yet almost all of the rest badly clashes? Heh...

  10. So : Let me get this straight. You OWS madmen condemn the 1%. The same 1% that brought the 99% out of their caves. That brought the former cave-dwelling 99% civilization. The same 99% that rose the life expectancy of that 99% from under 30 to almost 80. The same 1% that allowed the world population to skyrocket to its current figure. You want to destroy that 1%, kill most of your 99%, prevent billions more being born and cast the 99% back into the caves, where if you were lucky you might live...

  11. Its kind of funny ( in a sad way) to watch people condemn nuclear power as dangerous, when they think half-life is "the number of years for which a radioactive mass remains dangerous". Occupy a library, get a clue...

  12. I have always said that you can judge the state of your society by looking at whom is listened to and whom is ignored. Today most people listen to the Occupiers and their implict demends to throw us back to the Dark Ages. Few that disagree on terms of principles are listened to. When your civilization makes heroes out of unwashed savages that want to rule by the might of the collective fist ( look, what do you think that loho means) , but demons out of those that elevate humanity out of...

  13. "Les Miserables is not about the policeman, it is about Jean Valjean : The victim of a monstrous injustice, a man that helps people, makes enormous sacrifices." *rolls eyes*

    1. Tomer Ravid

      Tomer Ravid

      A real quote: "The Fountainhead is a novel about a man who follows his truth even at the cost of self-sacrifice."

      I got a better idea:

      Howard Roark: Follows his own heart no matter what.

      Peter Keating: Greedy, selfish, Jewish capitalist.

      Ellsworth Toohey: Supposedly altruist, but it's just fiction. Represents the fact that USSR was called "communist" but it isn't really.

      Dominique: Oh, she's pretty neat, I guess.

  14. Gee, its a good thing Starfleet has security , especially given the secuirty officers can be easily beaten up by a 8 month pregnant woman...

  15. "The brain is like a muscle. When it is in use we feel very good. Understanding is joyous. " - Carl Sagan Some people do not like exercising though :(

  16. So , apparently [some] "tranhumanists" assume that advanced human-level ( or beyond ) AI is not only possible ( despite the total lack of evidene for this) but practically inevitable. Not only that, they think t hat if we are not careful, our AI machiens will take over the Universe. Not to mention, the whole thing about being " so advanced ethat one cannot be said to be human" anymore is meaningless nonsense. "Human" indicates that an organism is part of a particular species. As long as o...

  17. I am *hoping* that the following experiences I have had with some Apple fans is just a "freak thing" and that this is not common : I have noticed a tendency for Apple fans to jump to conclusions if you mention that you do not really care that much for Apple products or if you point out that they are just not what a large number of other users care about. They seem to take this as an attack on Apple or equivalent to me saying Apple stuff is really bad or that I think nobody should buy it...

  18. Got to love TV writers logic. Apparently they think that their characters are silly enough to think that a * painting* of a fabled city proves that actually once existed. Cause people cant paint fablede cities that do not actually exist? LOL!

  19. If Star Trek is anything to go by : Warships will not need armour-plating. Why have this when you use energy shielding? Energy shilelding which can be proven not to work in a large range of situations and which has pointless weaknesses to certain frequencies? Especially when it is almost always penetrated in any serious battle. Much better to have a ship which is very vulnerable to physical damage than to put some metal plates on the outside. That way Scotty and the other engineers gets to s...

  20. Look random internet people : I know it might seem tempting to think that everyone you talk to online is an American. But really a lot of people are not. So please do not get indignant when they do not know a certain fact about US law/history that you assume they should know. While it is sometimes / often useful to know some basic facts about such, most non-US citizens do not need to know a great deal about this ( unless they are planning to move there ). It makes no sense to accuse th...

  21. The essence of every freaking Star Trek : The Next Generation episode : "Captain, we are in some sort of weird situation which we could have easily avoided if we were not reckless idiots and if we showed the slighest trace of ever actually learning from our alleged military and scientific experience!" "Let me try to talk my way out of it! Nobody can resist my sexy British accent!" .... "Captain, it nearly worked , even though you simply paraphrased Shakespeare and threw in Federation prop...

  22. Seriously : How can anyone believe that in the Star Trek Next Generation era, the Federation is a capitalist socieity? They do not have money as we know it, "intelligent" Federation military leaders are baffled by the concepts of banking and investment both, they live in some sort of crazy alleged utopia which has no sign of large-scale private enterprise, a legal system which punishes citizens *before* they commit crimes ( according to the implications of what Picard has said ), they claim...

  23. I had forgotten how much Deep Space Nine smashed you over the head with the fact that the Klingons were space Vikings. Damn you writers! I liked the Klingions from TOS, you know, before they came animalistic savages.

  24. According to my math, my smartphone has about 8000 times as much RAM as my first computer. Pretty fun thought!

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