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Everything posted by JDK

  1. I was hoping to hear an Objectivist's view on the NYC transit union strike. I am new to the philosophy and was hoping to get some insight into your views. Are all union's immoral? If not, what makes one immoral? It seems the workers are in a bad spot. You have this union that is controlling the workers actions and a city trying to force the worker's back. Can the workers break line and just go back to work and just tell the union to go away? If they did this I believe they would lose their pension along with any other benefits the union provided. If a worker woke up this morning fully enlightened in O'ism, what would he/she do? Thanks for your insight.
  2. I think the justification of having the program would depend on the ROI that FEMA is expecting. If it will cost less in the long run then it is a smart business decision. Are we assuming they are doing this based on an irrational motive? Do you think it would be better if FEMA spent the money on what they felt was right or to put the money in the hands of the people and allow them to take responsibility of their own welfare? Of course that is assuming FEMA is offering the debit cards so that the families no longer need government shelter. It would be good if we could gain insight to all the things FEMA is doing instead of just this one program.
  3. Most of these people pay taxes in some form. Now they are going to be getting money back from the goverment that they have given thousands of dollars to over the years. The money is coming from the $13B FEMA Fund. If they are able to get a large number of people out of the shelters then it may actually cost less then keeping them in a shelter for a week or more. It would be helpful to see the numbers they are using to come up with this plan.
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