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Everything posted by cheongyei

  1. So, it seems certain folks within islam are willing to invoke psychiatry to resolve this one. As long as those sheeple who convert can be said to have done so simply because they are not 'sane' enough for islam, then the arrogant islamo-fascists imagine that they save face. It is both funny and appalling the ways stupid people stretch concepts and twist meainings until their mumbo-jumbo is all that is left. Moreover, I am so amazed by the utter stupidity of those who find contentment not in thinking, but rather in believing, and who proudly boast of having been given the 'gift' of faith by their maker.
  2. islam, judaism, christianity -- all proud to claim lineage to the alleged 'prophet' Abraham, the would-be child-killer who heard voices telling him to kill his son. The west is at war with islam; it is sad that most in the west cannot wrap their minds around this fact. Between the conservatives who share the same irrational abraham-based theology, and the liberals, whose multicultural longings forbid them from calling a spade a spade, it seems that only a few objectivist-atheist folks are able to see islam clearly.
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