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Posts posted by John

  1. I found out about the elf through a speach at aynrand.org and I've been looking for any information I could find about them since.

    I know that their main website is resource for their members and whenever a member does something they post it on the web. I saw an advertising in time once that was against the elf and peta but thats about it. I guess burning down buildings is enough advertising for them.

    Things I can't prove right now:

    peta sponsers their main web site.

    I think they sucked up all the members from the alf but I don't know how big they are.

    Other Information:

    I found out a few weeks ago that they have a network of mailing lists called frontline-news and I signed up for it but didn't get anything.

    This is the only thing that made me angry enough to make a speach about it for homework. I don't think anybody agreed with me of the reason the elf is wrong (man has the right to use his environment) and a few of them made a joke out of it. Since that speach I've been trying to identify who the people are in my class (mystic, savage, or rejector of axioms) and what makes them that way (belief in god, magic, or death). This is how I started using objectivism and started changing the way I think about life. My only problem now is telling my mom I don't believe in god and having her hate me for it. I know I could try to reason with her but she will probably kill me before I get the chance.

  2. When my class started learning about normalizing table our teacher told us the definitions of partial and transitive dependency. It took me a while to understand it but now that I do I'm starting to like it. Our class only goes up to third normal form but my teacher said there are five. Do you know anything about the other two?

  3. Is anyone interested in database design. I've been learning about databases for a few months and I think its like objectivism (identitys and relationships). I really like it but I'm alway arguing with people about things like difference between multi-valued attributes and composite attributes. For examply a date attribute is a single valued composite attribute. It represents one date but is a composite of day, month and year. The same is true for an address.

    So if your interested in database design I would like to discus it with you.

  4. I've never heard of the Adbusters. But it reminds me of the elf. They don't want their lives to get better they want it to get worse. They want everyone to be farmers but we can only own small farms and can't use any type of technology to improve the farming. Their main concern lately has been SUV's, urban sprawl and McDonalds. Their website is full of tips on how to make bombs and avoid the FBI. They think fire solves more problems than a reasonable argument.

    I wonder if adbusters do any advertising?

  5. I've always thought that an objectivist was someone who always had the right answers, never made any mistakes, and could prove any point in a minimal amount of words. I never thought of myself as an objectivist because of this and I now know why I was wrong. An objectivist is a person who uses only reason to obtain knowledge of reality and uses that knowledge to make his life better. An objectivist can make mistakes and have a wrong answer in the proccess but once he realizes the mistakes they are corrected. I still think one should prove a point in a minimal amount of words though but sometimes its hard to understand things that way.

    (If I am wrong or there is anything I should add to this tell me).

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