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Filip Björner

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Everything posted by Filip Björner

  1. Spread the word about this petition. And sign it yourself, NOW!!! Mail friends about, write to several forums, write on blogs etc. Read the petition below, then sign here: http://www.petitiononline.com/vilks/petition.html Filip Björner ---------------------- To: The Swedish government We have with growing alarm watched the increase in Islamic terror during the past few years, and now that terror has reached Sweden. A reward has been posted by al-Qaida for the murder of Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who drew a caricature of Islam's prophet Muhammed. Ulf Johansson, the editor of Nerikes Allehanda, which published the drawing, has also been threatened. We consider this to be an attempt at limiting freedom of speech in Sweden by threatening with violence. We will not stand for this, nor will we stand for the demands for laws against "blasphemy" which have been put forward by certain Muslim groups during the debate surrounding Vilks' cartoon. We find all of these attacks on our freedom of speech to be totally morally reprehensible. We demand that the Swedish government reacts forcefully against all demands for religious laws, as well as direct threats from terrorists. We demand that our elected government defend the citizens of Sweden and their rights and freedoms. We therefore call upon the Swedish government to condemn the threats made against Lars Vilks and Ulf Johansson, and demand that they guarantee that the Swedish people and their rights and freedoms will be defended. Sincerely, The Undersigned ------------------------- Sign here: http://www.petitiononline.com/vilks/petition.html
  2. Hei / Hej / Hi David ! The last five years I have very often debated the claimed existence of God with Swedish Christians. And yes, I have many times heard the saying: "Except for God, all existents are limited". And I like to hear it, because it means that the religious person I am debating with confirms the premise that the entity which his personal God-concept is referring to in one or more ways is constituted by one or more unlimited attribute/s. I am always eager to get that premise on the table as fast as possible. So, even when I debate with a religious person who in the beginning defends his idea of an existing limited God, I do not stop this focus until that person admits: "Okey, God must be unlimited." I can concretize this with several arguments until the religious person I am debating with admits it. They always admit it, sooner or later, just like a religious person sooner or later has to sell out reason by admitting that his believing is just a belief. I also have a special interest in studying classical proofs of God's existence. And all of those proofs --- and there are NO exception from this -- rely on the premise that God is unlimited. (Often implicit, but also quite often explicit.) As you know, one cannot prove a negative. So my syllogism is not a "proof" for the non-existence of God. But it is a certain way of establish a firm knowledge about the fact that God do not exist. Because it is a way to show that the concept "God" is invalid. One cannot prove God's non-existence, but one can invalidate the concept "God", and the mental result of that invalidate process is a knowledge which actually is deeper than normal proof. A normal proof is a chain of arguments consisting of step by step evidence which is referring to a fact in reality. But an invalidation is a demonstration of the lack of certain facts in reality. In this case, it means pointing out that there is no room for a "God" anywhere inside the realm of existence. (And this is not only because every single existent inside existence is limited. It is also because existence as a whole is limited. This is so because even the total sum of existence is an existent.) ---------- The first premise in the syllogism is a crucial aspect of the law of identity. A thing is what it is. That means it is exactly what it is. That means it is limited. So, for an existent to exist it must be limited. Now, this is the argument in principle. I can add many ways to concretize it, because that is what I often do when I discuss my syllogism with Christians. Filip (I am the editor of a little Swedish magazine, Botulf-bladet, wherein I have debated this question with a few christians, and my main concern with that magazine is missionizing for Atheism. But mostly I have debated this question with Christians and other religious people on different web forums and also in daily life.)
  3. Hi Sandy! An Atheist (in the best sense of the word) is a person who denies the existence of God. There are many ways to discover that there is no God. And there are many ways to reach a firm knowledge about this fact. And from the exact moment when a person has reached that knowledge, that person has become an Atheist. Some years ago I wrote an article in Swedish, headed "God does not exist!". And here is the link: http://members.chello.se/debattsidan/wa3%5B3%5D.html That article contains my anti God-syllogism which points out the most essential metaphysical premises and the conclusion. Here it is: All existents are limited God is unlimited God is a non-existent Filip Björner
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