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Everything posted by TheEgoist

  1. I like being " radical " on foreign policy, especially when it comes to Iran. However, I am not a fan of extending executive powers so far out, and " imprisoning U.S Citizens without a just trial "
  2. Scarface, Batman and Team America: World Police.
  3. Hitchens owns Bill Maher and his dumb-as-cows audience.
  4. " Congratulations, you've made it to Superstardom on Guitar Hero. YOU ARE FAGS! "
  5. I am honestly not that worried about Abortion ever becoming illegal, even with the appointment of Pro-Life Supreme court leaders. He has a foolish definition of " Enemy ", a suicidal one that says we must be hit before ever attacking, no matter what the proof is that there is an attack coming our way. Also, we must allow obviously rogue nations who are rabidly anti-semitic and anti-west to develop Nuclear power. He wants to completely dismantle it, and replace it with a weaker entity. As a Libertarian he hates any strong government agencies. The CIA is not an excellent agency, but you don't completely trash it. Ron Paul claims he wants rid of the CIA and secret investigations, which is what the CIA does. I'm sure he'd be all up for spying as long as we're honest about it.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo6KIusCBoU ( Ignore the pretentious douche talking to Paul. The mere sound of his voice is painful
  6. Ron Paul is very much anti-immigration. He is possibly the most radical on the issue within the entire GOP. He wants an electrified wall put up, and servicemen across the 700 mile stretch. I think he has expressed a vision of this for the Canadian border which is a bit more than 700 miles...He wants abortion outlawed, but thinks it should be done state-by-state. His foreign policy is worse than that of a Democrat. Not only will he leave our enemies untouched, but he desires to dismantle the CIA and thus crippling us. These were just a few things I think you should know before simply saying Iran is the only situation you disagree with him on. He is not even a Libertarian, but a paleo-conservative with Free Market leanings.
  7. For the first one I got Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo ® 75.00% match For the latest, I got Rudy, McCain, then Paul. I did the second one before and got a different order, though the first 2 were the same. I think it might perceive me as more of a " moral conservative " because I don't support FEDERAL funding of stem cell research and alternative energy, although I support independent studies of both those things
  8. I'm enjoying this band, Epica. Though I could do without the growling from the male vocalist. It's like a smudge on a beautiful painting. As for Dragonforce, they are quite incredible, as are most Prog/Speed metal bands at least musically. Anyone who believes there isn't a connection between a lot of the metal scene and classical music is deaf or defying obvious facts. I can hardly imagine how beautiful a Symphony would sound from Beethoven transformed into a Symphonic Metal version.
  9. Capitalism And Freedom by Milton Friedman thrice. Fight Club by Chuck Palahiuk twice How Capitalism Saved America by Tom D'Lirenzo twice Atlas Shrugged Thrice. Fountainhead Twice. Anthem countless times These are the first books taht come to mind.
  10. Keuka College. A small private college in Upstate New York Finger Lakes area.
  11. A new accolade to hang proudly on the wall of " Nerd Accomplishments and Positions ". I'm in the midst of starting up a debate club on my campus, but I've really never been part of a debate team before. I've got a few people interested who know how set things up, though, and it looks like there are more than a couple more people interested in being a part of a debate club. Any helpful advice on how to manage a debate club, because really I am clueless ATM . I just know I've been interested in the concept since I started at college and the Campus is yet to have anything related to debate outside of mock court cases, which I may start doing next year since I'm a Pre-Law student. Anyway, I am the only tutor for Politics and soon I will be one of the heads of a debate team, so I feel as though I am doing well enough in spreading the message of reason throughout my campus.
  12. I admire classical as well. Not every fan of metal music is an uncivilized brute, and not everyone reacts the same to music or the release of feelings. Studies show many things, and that doesn't make those studies unequivocally true. And as I stated before, metal music can be just as complex and intellectually commanding as a piece from Mozart. I like most forms of music that have one form of melody or another.
  13. He once read from The Fountainhead at the end of Stewart's show where they kind of segway between. He was kind of mocking Objectivism, but it was funny nonetheless. " Jimmy, are you sharing a cookie? What did I tell you about sharing? It rewards the weak!"
  14. Screw A-Rod. Not one championship ring under that overhyped wimp. The Yankees will go and buy yet another whore like A-Rod and have yet another record breaker, cause that's what the Yankees do. Maybe he can actually lead them to the world series and make it through. Really, I hope he goes to the Sox so they don't win another series for the next hundred years.
  15. I've been fond of horror movies my whole life. Along with black/dark comedies, it's my favorite genre of film. I normally don't like the gore of a lot of modern horror films, but it isn't a deterrent. I just love being scared and jumping out of my seat. Horror Fest is going to hopefully be an annual Halloween tradition, or at least that is what it's shaping up to be. Basically, 8 horror films are selected that would otherwise not make it into mainstream movie theaters, and for one week selected movie plexes will play these overthetop horror flicks and you can get all-in-inclusive tickets which cover each movie, instead of paying for each individual film. It begins on the 9th of November and continues for a week or so. Is anyone else planning on attending Horrorfest '07, or are any of you fans of the Horror genre? Also, not to make everything a matter of debate, but do any of you think horror films are made to relate to our most base instincts and are at the least unintelligent and perhaps even sadistic? www.horrorfestonline.com is the link
  16. Have Heart - Armed With a Mind Its the absent minded fool who's afraid to think, to extend an open hand, to dare to earn a thing. its the gift inside our heads not to take for granted.. because an unexamined life is a seed unplanted. as the animals, they cant reason but as humans we can. so are you just a wild animal or a rational man? our bodies bring us nowhere, might does NOT make right. theres a gift inside your head
  17. I just think that some heinous ideas, presented by disgusting individuals, don't deserve any academic sanction whatsoever. The Holocaust happened, end of story. You can't let modern day Hitler's rant and rave. If Americans want to know what this man is like, they can just as easily watch the News and listen to his statements on Israel, or goto Tehran themselves and attend a Holocaust denial convention. The man shouldn't even be let onto American soil. He doesn't deserve it.
  18. And yet, there were cheers in the audience at some of his comments. Also, this man is a known murderer of U.S troops. Perhaps a speech followed by a hasty arrest and execution would be better? But then, I'm speaking like Ahmadinejad himself.
  19. This is about letting ideas being expressed freely. Unless there is a man on campus such as Mahmoud of Iran, who we know has slaughtered American soldiers and could very well have been involved in the 1979 Hostage crisis, I say let people speak. I simply think that the behavior of these protesters is very telling of the oppressive mentality of Leftists. I would not attend a lecture given by a Marxist, or perhaps I might. If I did, I would come with appropriate and well-mannered questions. I wouldn't demand he deny all that he believes or that he be chased off stage like some kind of irrational brute.
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