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nick s

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Everything posted by nick s

  1. Just some more. If people missed the first hit on the north tower, perhaps due to the surprise of the thing, don't you consider that thousands would be watching and filming when the second plane flew the circuit and hit. Do you really believe that nobody could see and identify a 767. I and many other aviation enthusiasts, and there would be thousands in the Manhatten area, can recognize a plane and its livery, even when the thing is flying at 30,000 feet, let alone less than 1000. Please stop this nonsense. You can prove a bumble bee can't fly if you work at it. And people have. But a 2 year old will tell you it can fly.
  2. If what hit WTC was not planes, where are the planes? There has to be planes because United and American airlines lost them? The conspracy has to involve them, doesn't it. Or are you really fool enough to think masses of United and American personnel were in on the thing. And if it involves them, where are the passengers? How were they squirreled away? It is unbelievable that anyone could think it possible to pull off something so complex, and so seemless. Just give it a little thought and you will come to your senses.
  3. I picked the following paragraph up from a site at: http://www.no911conspiracy.com/911commonsense.html This web page says a lot of the common sense things I needed to say, but didn’t have the time. But especially this paragraph, and especially, especially the part I have highlighted.: *******When you consider the number of individuals involved in planning and execution, the explosive experts, the demolition professionals, the building engineers, the missile launch and maintenance personnel, the air traffic controllers and air base personnel, the kidnappers who had to remove the civilians from the planes and kill or hide them forever, the aircraft maintenance personnel who modified the planes, the agencies or organizations that provided the explosives, missiles, and planes, the pilots or robotic flight programmers to fly the planes, and God knows who else… the number of direct conspirators would have to be in hundreds.********* It is perfectly ludicrous to need to go into the science of explosives and whether the towers should have fallen after a jet fuel fire. Just look at that highlighted passage. The conspiracy theory involving controlled explosions still needs airliners to have hit the towers of the WTC, as the eye-witness evidence is overwhelming, and the fact is that American and United airlines personnel know that their planes went missing. So, in order to use Boeing 767s to bring down the towers, they had to be the ones that left Boston that morning (American 11 and United 175), as the airlines reported them missing. Where are the passengers? Where are their bodies? How did they get squirreled away, It couldn’t be at the airports, someone would have noticed, obviously. Is anyone fool enough to believe that anyone had the ability to surreptitiously hijack those airliners, take the passengers somewhere, and fit the planes out with some kind of auto-guidance and direct them perfectly back to the two towers? But forget all the technicalities argued over and over again. Forget all the other horrendous complexities that would be required to pull off this feat so perfectly that hardly anyone noticed. You only need one piece of this bizarre claim to fall down, that the WTC collapses were controlled explosions, and the whole thing becomes nonsense. And that is, where are the passengers of those planes? Are the conspiracy inventors fool enough not to consider this? American and United Airlines personnel checked in 157 passengers and crew on those two planes. Where are they? How could they be disposed of without anyone knowing? It could not be done at Boston airport without masses of people noticing, and how in God’s name could those planes have landed somewhere, disembarked the passengers, and then been set off automatically to rendez-vous with the towers, and all in just over 45 minutes for each plane. This is not a sparsely populated region. It would have to be a military runway to land fully fueled planes. There are thousands of people in this region that would be inquisitive enough to have noticed commercial airlines approaching and landing at a non-commercial airport. People who are interested in aviation notice the comings and goings of airliners all the time – I would know the moment a plane from my local airport deviated from its normal path, and there are thousands like me, especially in the USA. And, again, where are the people? Where is just one witness to the disappearance of all those passengers? This makes nonsense of any government conspiracy regarding the hits on the WTC, and anyone with half a brain would have to agree. So, it also makes nonsense of the other two hijackings, because it is ridiculous to think that with an Al Qaida operation on the WTC that some other outfit (the government) would be doing a couple of similar acts on the same day. Come on, folks, this debacle is so ridiculous, the only reason anyone with any sense comes back on these conspiracy theories is the disbelief that anyone could be fool enough to think anyone could pull of something so massively complex; something that would have required years and years of planning followed by 100% faultless execution. And if it was pulled off with controlled detonations and guided planes, where are those passengers?
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