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  1. Age of Consent. For those of you who think you had consent, did you have the consent of your parents? Did the girl have the consent of hers? Probably not. The purpose of consent is to maintain the right of the parent to protect their child from all the problems associated with sexual relations that arise from sex with people whatever their age. It is not about the child having the right to give consent, but the right of the parent to keep others off the child. (There is also the parallel, but deeper, issue of voluntary consent to sexual activity.) Imagine being a parent and your daughter has become pregnant. Do you force your daughter to have an abortion? What if she says no! Who is to support that child? How is the parent -child relationship to go on in that situation? How is the child supposed to raise the child? What job can she get? And how is she supposed to grow into a normal self-supporting adult, if she forgoes education to wipe ass for the rest of her teenage years? What in the world can a teenager teach a child, when she herself has learned little or nothing of adult life? Your family is effectively ruined. The spiral into the slavery of teen pregnancy begins with pretending that teens are adults. The issue of parental consent is the core of age of consent. The parent has the right to negate any sexual activity of their child because they have the obligation to raise any children of their underage children. If you believe in abortion rights, you should equally believe in parental consent as a requirement for your teens sexual activity. In the name of individual rights, do not pretend teens are more than teens. Even if the parent said yes, there is the issue of the child-teen's adult informed consent—which is not fully effective until they are adult. That is why the perverts behind these arranged marriage cults have grievously violated the rights of the under-aged person. A child or teen is not a barnyard animal—even if it works out to be a long-term marriage. Serfdom lasted for 800 years in Europe, but it didn't justify it. The activities of a teen marriage or teen pregnancy entirely throw off one's life course, into things that otherwise undermine your personal sovereignty. Is teen parenthood or teen marriage really valid? No. Once you are an adult, you could just say, well, "I was young, here's my baby, or my teen marriage isn't valid now," which you would expect they have ever right to do. You become a (contractual-capable) person before the law at 18. It is for the sake of your perspective as an adult that your rights to consensual sex become effective only as an adult. It is the obligation of parents and the law to preserve a child's integrity, as much as possible, until they can make adult (life-impacting) decisions for which they as adults can be morally responsible for, and obligated to bear the long-term financial responsibilities for, such as children. This is why it is wrong for adult women to get pregnant through sex with teen boys. Is the boy responsible for child support at age 18? Isn't that slavery? The issue of consent generally is the right of adults to make informed voluntary decisions, where adult responsibility can be expected. That's simply not possible with teens. They have free will. They can change their mind 1000 different ways by the time they are 18 and usually do. For every teen who was thrilled to have sex at age 14, 15, and 16, there are equal numbers or better who wished they had made that decision as an adult. All teens have the right to enter adulthood as virgins. The two protections for that are age of consent (giving the parent a veto with legal protections) and voluntary consent (vetoing rapists and vetoing your own teen silliness until you are an adult).
  2. Legitimizing sexual interaction between adults and children is a symptom of Pragmatism. Notice that sexual abuse parallels the rise of Pragmatism. In the absence of moral principles, you have just "what works." Years ago, two child molesters were on the Sally Jesse Raphael show. She asked them why they did it. Their answer was that the child would respond sexually to them. Therefore, "it was OK." What if you bashed these guys with a sled hammer on their bear feet? They would respond. They might even think twice about doing it next time. Must be OK. (At least in their case, it is.) The idea that "if you touch a child's genitals and you get a response, therefore it is OK" to go further and further, is an invasion of the child's privacy, at the very least, as well as preying on the child's physiological functions which they have no control over. Their body betrays them and that is why there is so much guilt associated with being molested. That mind/body confusion rests on their inner voice saying "no," but their body not following suit. No one can predict the long-term or short-term psychological reaction of child to what is abuse—the abuse of your access and the abuse of their life, both physical and mental integrity. What right do you have to "teach" them anything? Are you the saintly altruist that must go out of your way to teach children about their sex organs? No child needs a lesson on what they can and should discover on their own. Adult help is not needed. Before you can love others, or have relations, you must learn to love yourself and your own identity. Your first long-term sexual experience must be your own self-discovery. SELF. The only reason for sex ed is to avoid disease and pregnancy. The reason for sexual morality is to give young adults the tools to find a long-term relationship with a partner that enhances their life by giving them guidance to judge character and the knowledge of how sex relates to their widest values. Do you seriously believe that you will provide a long-term relationship with a child, while you are rotting in prison? Or that your lessons will have any genuine benefit to the child's health and character? A girl that has sexual activity with others as a child is much more likely to be sexually active in her early teens, thus inviting the threats of death by AIDS. You don't have a choice in being sexual stimulated, if you are stimulated by physical action, just as if someone put out the aroma of fresh bread. You would take a deeper breathe to sniff more. It is strictly a physiological phenomenon. Pouring a bucket of stinking vomit on the floor to the sounds of someone's vomiting throws would equally stimulate the regurgitative response. Does that mean we need more of it? Even if adult-child sex was an immediate pleasure, so perhaps is a toy or a ice cream cone. There are plenty of ways to entertain children in their innocence, without destroying it. Certainly, we could engineer a drug with no side effects that could give a great high. But that doesn't mean you are not evading some very basic moral thinking that a civilized person should have, in contrast, to the modern savage, who gets a few kicks while omitting moral principles from his life. There are some disturbing statements in his threat that belie an honest interest in the topic. Under the guise of not wanting to corrupt a child's sexual outlook because of Christian Puritanism, one enters into a riff on engaging in sexual activity with children—and then proceeds to justify it in pragmatic and vulgar terms, such as "there was a society in which people porked their kids." This I submit is not something of an honest inquiry, but comes from someone who is a real danger, a threat to the children around him, someone who is seeking to self-legitimize a fantasy by publicly appealing to others and preying on their ignorance/reluctance to mount a firm moral response. If he doesn't get that, what do you imagine he will do? It is a fantasy to imagine a child who has no reluctance to have sexual activity, or a child who will later consent, or that such "consent" has any moral standing. There is no such child. Do not confuse "playfulness" or "curiosity," whatever that may mean to you, with consent. Do not confuse physiology with consent, or anticipated consent, or that you are helping altruistically out of the goodness of your heart, something that children have the right to learn on their own, without God or you, looking over their shoulder. "Before I can say I love you, I first must know how to say the I." Leave a kid's I alone. Get your own "I" and fix it. You should really blow your brains out if you want to do children a favor.
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