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Everything posted by ragnargalt

  1. Aside from having FIVE chances to reason out that 'more kids=more $$' here's the fix; -Move out of new york(rent is nuts) -Stop eating burgers and shop around for decent STAPLES...rice, corn, beans, BASIC CHEAP staples that are more nutritious and better than overpriced 'street-corner' burgers. ..because she didn't use REASON to say to herself "maybe I should save some money for a rainy day" I see this 'crockumentary' stuff all the time...oh woe is the poor, poor (single mom/minority/disabled person) who can barely afford (expensive burgers/pizza/frozen food) for their 3-8 (children/pets/mooching relatives)...meanwhile you see the big-screen TV just off to the side of the bare plate dining room shot. At this point there's usually a reference for some 'non-profit' organization that demands 'something must be done!'...which usually means more wealth redistribution. As if somehow everyone else should pay for their mistakes, and that they'll never let it happen again.....until they figure out that they can keep being irresponsible, and everyone else will bail them out! The "she was a bigtime accountant" is only an attempt to say "It could happen to ANYONE, even you, mister 'cushy job' "...when actually it can't... 90% of people who can figure out a way to get a decent job, keep it, and be moderately successful can usually figure to save for a rainy day. Aside from knowing ANY country that is truly laissez-faire, poverty usually dominates in africa due to mysticism, tribalism, dictators, and corruption. You could sit there and cry 'woe is me'...OR you could reason that a better life can be found pretty much ANYWHERE else, and move. Moving out of that type of poverty is harder than moving around North America looking for a decent job, of course, but the rewards are much greater as well(ie; not starving) Put it this way...without reason, what are you left with...hunches? feeeeelings? guessing? How do you go to work in the morning, for example..."gee, I dunno, walk in some random direction until you're there??" NO! You use reason to say..."well, the building should still be where it was yesterday, so I'll go there" I mean...reason has produced science, progress, EVERYTHING since the discovery of FIRE itself!! EVERYONE uses reason EVERY SECOND OF THEIR LIVES...otherwise they'd walk off cliffs, against traffic lights...and well...just die of stupidity, really...
  2. Ok, I'm sorry, but no-one seems to be hitting the basic premises here... I think "lifeboat" scenarios have been covered before...ie;scenarios that have nothing to do with reality, but are made to prop up a incorrect premise...that aside, let's see... Why? Why do they HAVE to work for those wages? Are they forced to by the state?(ie; communism, ergo not reason?) Why not move? Retrain? Work longer hours? Get a 2nd..5th job? Cut back spending? No way at all?!?! They can't be better than someone else at the same job? Why not open a new market for something? The market isn't a zero-sum game...otherwise no-one after..say..the 1700's would be able to get a job because they were all 'taken'. Well, if you're looking at this imaginary example as if poverty were a force of nature, like the sun burning, then no amount of ANYTHING will help...surely... Don't have to...been there, done that...looked around for opportunities, found none at the time(didn't look too hard), so I made my own. Without reason, you can't think straight(ie;REASON things through), you could PRETEND the world owes you a living, but that won't make it true. 2 things; 1) There is an INFINTIE demand for goods...newer, better, faster...always has been, always will be. How are these goods made?...labour. An oversupply of a SPECIFIC labour skillset in a SPECIFIC location may occur...that's when you move or change jobs. 2) It doesn't matter if 'EVERYONE' can't find a well-paying job in the real world. That's a false premise that's used WAY too often in my opinion. It's a "If EVERYONE can't do 'X' , then no-one should do 'X'" argument. It ignores the individual for the sake of the collective. Really? Tell that to all the businessmen out there who started with nothing and now make billions. Because they freely chose to not use reason. If you wanted to just hunt for a living, instead of the options I've listed above, then reason would probably help by telling you to bring a weapon, use stealth, track your prey, and maybe set up ambushes.
  3. ragnargalt


    I call it a death spiral myself, but that's just me. ...and the NDP isn't the ACTUAL communist party (I've found out)...there is an actual COMMUNIST party AND a MARXIST-LENINIST party!! Oh, by their policies they're obviously insane communists, but they just don't come out and SAY they are...that'd be too obvious..take the greens for example...luddites! according to their website, but they're not going to SAY it... Heh, , I've heard people say that they found the conservatives 'too scary' TOO SCARY?!?!? billions of taxpayer dollars pocketed/lost on HRDC scandals, gun registries, and ad-scam...and the OTHER guys are too scary?! That's what I told a co-worker today when he asked if I voted..."No, I'm going to vote with my feet". It's the only way I can see to bring myself out of this socialist collective(canada) and seems to ME to be the BEST way to accomplish actual change. You'll NEVER convince the socialist hordes to change their ways...theirs is the cult of compromise...right down into a communist gulag. Now just where to go... Nice list here, and they even mention Atlas Shrugged!
  4. ragnargalt delurking...first post Thank you, objectivismonline, for being a beacon in the darkness of today's world.
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