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Everything posted by Eneiledam

  1. Eneiledam

    God exists

    Axiom, rather. It is, in fact, quite logical if one does put in the time to understand beyond the fact that "A = A". Rather than taking the word substance in such a literal manner (and, although carbon is a substance, it is more so defined as an element), if only one would look at the word substance and think of it as a singular matter (and once again don't take the word matter quite so literally), which of course is ultimately all in existence, for it is in existence. If it does not or is not, then it would not be in existence, and would therefor not be. Again on the subject of this singular matter: this singular matter must be singular, for there cannot be another of the same attribute as the singular matter. And where did it come from? Of course, one cannot get something out of nothing, which in turn asserts the factuality that all which is in existence has always been in existence, and will always been in existence. A bit more for thought of all in existence has always existed and will always been in existence: energy cannot be created nor destroyed. I can understand this being beyond comprehension to one who would be reading it, but if, instead of saying "This makes no sense" reaction, one really thinks about it, it does make sense. It does to me, at least.
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