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Everything posted by capricorn

  1. I agree with you in principle, and I have been working towards that goal. Recently I have created rough drafts of two different business plans that are more in line with what I would like to be doing. However I just don't see how 'doing what I really want to do' is going to pay the bills.
  2. I'm looking for advice on keeping my level of work ethic and motivation high. I work a desk job, 40 hours a week. It compensates me well, and it involves an area of expertise that I am glad I have. The work is not bad and I do not necessarily dislike it. However over the last few years my main interests and likes have changed, and there are other things that I find more pleasing to do. The other things can not compensate me as well, and my mortgage and family situation leave me in a place where I need to be compensated at a certain level. Unfortunately, lately it has not been uncommon for me to feel completely unmotivated to actively accomplish the tasks before me. I have been able to keep doing enough to get buy, but I often feel bad that I am not doing more, as I know I am capable of. I do find I am more motivated and accomplish more when I am more organized, so I can turn to that to help (clean the desk, clean the office, organize my papers, etc). What do other people do to keep their motivation at work high? I post a list of goals for the week on the wall in front of me. Sometimes this can help. Maybe I should do the same with my list of values? Sometimes music helps, I guess I should listen to it more while working.. What do you do to keep your level of work ethic and motivation high?
  3. I use to-do lists for work. Mainly in the form of project management tracking software. I also started writing out a weekly calendar as well as my roles and my goals for those different roles (ala Covey). This covers my work items and my general appointments throughout the week. My wife and I have a general todo list about 3 pages long. She writes todo lists constantly. I could probably do a better job of to do lists for personal items. It is a good suggestion, thanks. Recently I suggested writing and displaying a general evening schedule for us, since some tasks aren't that bad if you can spend 10-20 minutes each night on them (finances, etc). I don't think there is an easy solution to my frustrations though, other then recognizing my conflict and changing my habits and desires (which admittedly is not easy)..
  4. In wanting to spend my time freely in pursuit of leisure activities. I have a full family and it often could easily take up 30 hours a day just dealing with things that need to happen around the home. After working and commuting, I come home and help with the kids, chores, etc., mostly until it is time to sleep, and do it all over again the next day. I would really like to sit back and drink a beer or two or three, browse the web, or pursue a hobby. But to really live up to what I hold value in, I need to help the kids, do chores, etc... Lately this has been difficult for me. Probably because I am trying to hold myself to higher standards. I assume that with time it will get easier, as I become more used to functioning at higher levels. But it can often be tough and frustrating.
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