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Arab Society and Schizophrenia

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By Gus Van Horn from Gus Van Horn,cross-posted by MetaBlog

Over at MEMRI is a fascinating parallel drawn by Abd al-Khaleq Hussein, an Iraqi reformist, between some of the characteristics of Arab society and the symptoms of schizophrenia. Here is just a small sample. (While I am not a mental health professional, the symptoms Hussein ticks off sound correct to me.)

Delusions of Grandeur

A [schizophrenia] patient believes that he is exceptional and that others should treat him as though he is an important person. The Arabs also believe that they are more important than others in every respect. They [believe that they] are the best among nations..., and regard other nations with contempt. They acknowledge no religion [but their own] and are unwilling to coexist peacefully with other religions. [They believe] that their faith is the only faith that mankind should embrace, and that whoever fails to embrace it is an infidel.

In other words, all other religions are heathen, heretical and fabricated, and their followers should abandon them and embrace the Arabs' religion - Islam. If they fail to embrace Islam, the Muslims are entitled to wage war upon them, to kill their men or convert them by force, to take their women hostage, to sell their children in the slave market and to plunder their property...

This disparaging view applies not only to non-Muslims, but also to other schools of thought within Islam. Each Islamic school of thought is full of contempt and hostility towards the others. The Salafis and Wahhabis, for example, are convinced that the Shiites must be killed, and that whoever kills them will be rewarded in the world to come...


Somatic Delusions

The patient imagines strange and illogical things, for instance that foreign bodies are moving inside him, even though there is no evidence to suggest this. Similarly, Arab societies and governments suffer from the illness of [constantly suspecting] espionage by foreign agents. This is why the Arab jails are full of political prisoners and oppositionists accused of spying for other [countries]. In the eyes of the Arab governments and societies, the political opposition and the liberal intellectuals are traitors and agents of foreign intelligence [apparatuses] ...

Disorganized Speech

A [schizophrenic] patient's speech makes no sense. There is no connection between the sentences, and the hearer or reader cannot understand what [the patient] means to say. The Arab societies display the same symptom - [it is] even [displayed by] people who present themselves as intellectuals and writers. We read them with the hope of understanding what they mean to say, but to no avail... And when you dispute [their claims], they say that the problem lies not with the writer but with the reader, since he is shallow and insufficiently educated, and that is why he fails to understand the ideas of the important writers and intellectuals...


Mental Paralysis

A [schizophrenia] patient is utterly convinced that his notions are correct, to the point of [mental] paralysis... The same [phenomenon] is also widespread in the Arab society, which believes that only its own culture and notions - which have been handed down from generation to generation - are valid, and tries to eliminate those who think differently... [schizophrenia] patients are unable to understand abstract ideas according to their context, and take everything literally.... [some formatting added, minor changes to punctuation]

While not all of this is supported with detailed analysis, it is useful to consider the dictionary definition of schizophrenia:

Any of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual disturbances.... [bold added]

Consider the high priority placed on tribal bonds (over independent judgement) and religious dicta (to be accepted over logic and evidence) in the Arab world for even a few moments and all of this starts making a huge amount of sense. That is a society that systematically pressures its members to sever all ties with reality.

-- CAV


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