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My sincere greetings to everyone. I'm a history student from Antwerp (Flanders). Since a couple of years my interest in "the free thing" grew and, a former communist myself, I became convinced that a free society was the only moral, realistic and "good" society. So I started reading the early classical liberal authors like Bastiat, Molinari, Guyot, Ricardo, Say &c and trying to study the history of the free minded person back to Ancient times. Eventually, of course, I ended up reading Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, the more modern libertarian thinkers ... and Rand. I'm very fond of Rand because she can write (contrary to others) and is quite straight-minded. That's probably why not so many libertarians have any problems with Randian/objectivist ideas and concepts. As for the "hippies"-thing, I couldn't care less. Me is I and myself is my own opinion - whether you call me a classical liberal, a libertarian, a freethinker, a capitalist filthy swine of a traitor (as my former comrades called me) ... or an objectivist. Though I'm a member of a libertarian club and attend libertarian meetings in Flanders and the Netherlands regurarly (there aren't so many objectivist clubs over here, and socialism dominates politics), I get rather upset by the great dividedness amongst libertarians - some advocate political activism, others prefer being hermits, there are those who call libertarianism "the Path of Jesus and the Lord" (followed by a crowd screaming "halleluja" all over), &c I read here in a topic of someone else presenting him/herself that libertarianism is a very broad perspective and people don't know if you follow Bakunin, Makhno and Chomsky or Hayek or Rothbard or whatever person on earth has written a book on libertarianism and started his or her own sub-ideology.

That's why, in very recent times, I became interested more in objectivism. Though amongst objectivists as well, there are those that vote and those that don't. The lesson, I guess, is that in the free thought, everyone makes up his or her own mind - and that ideologies, writers, guide you but don't own you. It would be a very bad thing that people who follow the cause of liberty, capitalism, voluntarism &c end up like Trotskists and Stalinists: messed up and scaring off others.

Edited by lombas
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