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Everything posted by lombas

  1. I hope Dick Morris is wrong. Communists should be banned to the Federal Republic of Micronesia.
  2. I didn't mean to intend that someone who believes that black and white are of a different race, eg, is a racist in the pejorative sense of the word. I was just mentioning the fact race is a synonym of subspecies, and that the homo sapiens is the only subspecies that still exists (of the genus homo). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_sapiens http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_%28genus%29
  3. In capitalism, voluntary aid, solidarity as it is meant to be, is your own choice. And, euhm, communism fails to be a persistent system for people to gain wealth. What you think people are, is you own business - let people be themselves, individuals. It is not up to you, you do not have the right, to make decisions in their places. That is, namely, a form of aggression.
  4. There is only one race: homo sapiens. All other races have disappeared (homo neanderthaliensis, homo florensis, &c). Yeah. Race = subspecies.
  5. If you think capitalism is about money and profit, think again. People are all about money and profit; capitalism is a philosophical, sociological and political movement based on the right to life, liberty and property, non-agression &c. People like profit, as shows even the simplest human relationship. Love is profit, and trade. Sex is profit, and trade. Friends are profit, and trade. And to some people, like Gates, computers and programming is profit, and trade. And if you don't want to trade, and don't want profit - or if you want to give away (some of) your profit, like Gates, what right does someone else have to judge?
  6. Anyone knows if there is/will be an arrangement for foreign students? Or the possibility of enrolling in particular courses?
  7. It took me exactly 17 minutes to download and install Norton Antivirus 2006 - and I don't even have one of those supersonic highspeed an ex USSR team of scientists backing you up kind of an internet connection.
  8. I don't think the USA rocks. New Hampshire and Nevada rock, but not the whole shabang. Furthermore, as a (semi-)country, I think Guernsey and Jersey rock. Of these Channel Islands, Sark is renowned to be the most free.
  9. My sincere greetings to everyone. I'm a history student from Antwerp (Flanders). Since a couple of years my interest in "the free thing" grew and, a former communist myself, I became convinced that a free society was the only moral, realistic and "good" society. So I started reading the early classical liberal authors like Bastiat, Molinari, Guyot, Ricardo, Say &c and trying to study the history of the free minded person back to Ancient times. Eventually, of course, I ended up reading Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, the more modern libertarian thinkers ... and Rand. I'm very fond of Rand because she can write (contrary to others) and is quite straight-minded. That's probably why not so many libertarians have any problems with Randian/objectivist ideas and concepts. As for the "hippies"-thing, I couldn't care less. Me is I and myself is my own opinion - whether you call me a classical liberal, a libertarian, a freethinker, a capitalist filthy swine of a traitor (as my former comrades called me) ... or an objectivist. Though I'm a member of a libertarian club and attend libertarian meetings in Flanders and the Netherlands regurarly (there aren't so many objectivist clubs over here, and socialism dominates politics), I get rather upset by the great dividedness amongst libertarians - some advocate political activism, others prefer being hermits, there are those who call libertarianism "the Path of Jesus and the Lord" (followed by a crowd screaming "halleluja" all over), &c I read here in a topic of someone else presenting him/herself that libertarianism is a very broad perspective and people don't know if you follow Bakunin, Makhno and Chomsky or Hayek or Rothbard or whatever person on earth has written a book on libertarianism and started his or her own sub-ideology. That's why, in very recent times, I became interested more in objectivism. Though amongst objectivists as well, there are those that vote and those that don't. The lesson, I guess, is that in the free thought, everyone makes up his or her own mind - and that ideologies, writers, guide you but don't own you. It would be a very bad thing that people who follow the cause of liberty, capitalism, voluntarism &c end up like Trotskists and Stalinists: messed up and scaring off others.
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