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    Objectivism Is The Everyman's Philosophy

    In the universe, what you see is what you get,

    figuring it out for yourself is the way to happiness,

    and each person's independence is respected by all

  • Rand's Philosophy in Her Own Words

    • "Metaphysics: Objective Reality"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed/Wishing won’t make it so." "The universe exists independent of consciousness"
    • "Epistemology: Reason" "You can’t eat your cake and have it, too." "Thinking is man’s only basic virtue"
    • "Ethics: Self-interest" "Man is an end in himself." "Man must act for his own rational self-interest" "The purpose of morality is to teach you[...] to enjoy yourself and live"
    • "Politics: Capitalism" "Give me liberty or give me death." "If life on earth is [a man's] purpose, he has a right to live as a rational being"
  • Objectivism Online Chat

    Prescriptions for a Rationalist

    By HowardRoarkSpaceDetective,
    Rationalists of OOF, (recovered rationalists, that is) What did you start doing differently? Or what made things click? Or what did you decide to accept that you really didn't want to? Since discovering the Fountainhead during COVID, I've become all but fluent in Objectivism-as-a-system-of-thought. I keep getting the sense that I'm so close to hitting on the core of what I'm doing to keep myself from being happier and more productive, but every time I think I've found something fu

    Actor (Terrence Howard) Claims His New Theory of Everything Improves Physics

    By AlexL,


    By Boydstun,
    Campi Flegrei – Yikes!

    Reblogged:Four From the Someday/Maybe List

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    A Friday Hodgepodge It's time to leverage an overdue review of a list to make a blog entry. This week, I go through a few bookmarks on my someday/maybe list. *** 1. Not too long ago, I mentioned the versatility of Framework laptops and volunteered that when it comes time to replace my desktop, I will likely use Framework parts and 3-D printed open source components to create my own. As it turns out, someone did exactly that and wrote it up at Ars Technica. 2. Here's a short-term/easy and lo

    Israelo-Palestinian Conflict: 2023 Edition

    By AlexL,
    Breaking News -- Israel Under Attack     

    Given that there are limits to the rationality of chimpanzees, wolves, dogs, etc., does it not logically follow that there are limits to the rationality of homo sapiens?

    The Laws of Biology
    By The Laws of Biology,
    Within the last week I saw a news report that scientists have, for the first time, observed chimpanzees in the wild applying insects in a medicinal manner to wounds on fellow injured chimpanzees. For many years, scientists have observed chimpanzees creating tools with twigs to extract ants from tiny spaces, in order to eat the ants. So, animal species other than human beings, especially those close to humans in evolutionary terms, use reason to solve problems and attain goals, just like hum


    By rohintest,
    MAPPING FUTURE OF OBJECTIVISM   HOW CAN OBJECTIVISM BECOME A DOMINANT IDEOLOGY?   INTRODUCTION The article is for long time Objectivists only. I think at this point only long time Objectivists can clearly visualize the logistics for making the ideology mainstream. Philosophy of Kant, Christianity, and Islam being examples of mainstream ideologies. Personally, I have been reading Ayn Rand and Objectivist literature for more than 20 years now.  

    Reblogged:The Digital Equivalent of 'Asses in Seats'

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    Cal Newport got this Arsenal fan to smile this morning when he noted that the new owner of rival Manchester United has "embrace[d] pseudo-productivity:"I haven't read Newport's new book, but I would feel comfortable betting that he discusses another, more traditional proxy there: asses in seats. If this is how the new owner at United thinks, I can't see them harming Arsenal's title chances any time soon. On a more serious note, I have found Newport's thinking about email and other electronic c

    My Verses

    By Boydstun,
    . These Words These words we read from some desire . . that someone live . . the this entire. Read is our reach, . . our grasp, our be . . life that is know . . wings that are free.   Copyright Stephen C. Boydstun 2016    

    Reblogged:Which Running Mate?

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    The one unsettled question from the presidential rematch from hell is: Who will Trump choose as his running mate, given that Mike Pence ruled himself out by doing his job in January 2021? At RealClear Politics, Trumpist Sean Trende goes through his best guess at a top ten, ranking them according to how well they would help Trump's electoral cause. First, the good news: both leftist gadfly Tulsi Gabbard and J.D. Vance, who took all the wrong lessons from his hardscrabble childhood, rank only se

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