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AlexL last won the day on October 8 2024

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About AlexL

  • Birthday 02/08/1946

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    Alex Leibovici
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    M.Sc. Physics
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    Fribourg, Switzerland

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  1. Yaron Brook himself about his concept of the right US immigration policy, plus Q&A (scheduled for December 31)
  2. Trump will give them to Putin. The only thing that count to Trump is "to make a deal". What kind of a deal is less important.
  3. NATO Expansion is a LIE "34:44 don't repeat Kremlin propaganda about how this war was triggered by NATO when there's no evidence, there's no facts, and to reach that conclusion you have to be blind and ignore everything Russia has done since 1991..." Excellent summary! If the subject interests you, watch until the end—it’s worth it! Also https://www.brookings.edu/articles/did-nato-promise-not-to-enlarge-gorbachev-says-no/
  4. Asking you to justify your claims is not pettifoggery.
  5. 🤣🤣🤣 As I repeated dozen of times, I prefer ask people to justify their claims, rather then volunteer making my own. While perfectly legitimate, this is much easier for me—but people, including you, never seem to learn to make only claims they can support. "The ICC is corrupt" is a claim, not a question. However, won't ask you to justify it 😁, because I see that you intended it as a question, in your own obscure way😁 Yes, in my view, ICC is not an objective court of law - by its genesis, composition and legislation. As is the entire UN construct.
  6. This approach all wrong, AlexL, and fruitless. How much "evidence" and counter-evidence, back and forth is it going to require to "substantiate" one small thing? "Substantiate" means backing up a claim with arguments, it doesn't mean proving the claim. IOW, I wished to see @SpookyKitty's arguments. This is because. based on my experience debating these subjects, I suspect they are mostly based on misconceptions, on hearsay, not on facts. The above is for the record only: Although you are probably animated by goodwill, I am founding no value in your approach to argumentation. This concerns both the subject of Israel and of Ukraine. If you need explanations about why am I founding no value in your approach, feel free to ask.
  7. What I did was to ask you to substantiate your opinion that the individuals charged by the ICC did indeed "commit serious crimes". This is also an intellectually honest request. I was practically begging you to share with me the link to your answer... So, I was the one who approached the discussion calmly and in good faith, but you chose to respond with aggression and insults instead.
  8. I literally spent 10 second scanning the text in question, and found the answer. And have you also found out on what basis - legal, factual - does @SpookyKittypersonally believe the accused are guilty as charged? Because THIS was my main question ! Asking me to read her old posts instead is clear trolling The other question - what are the charges retained by the court? - was in order for me to avoid guessing what charges listed in the 2'000 word document does @SpookyKitty consider obvious.
  9. I asked you to simply list the accusations retained by ICC [like maybe (a) genocide, (b) war crimes etc.], and to explain on what factual and legal basis do you personally believe they are true. You declined to explain, saying that you did it many times on this forum. Then I kindly asked you to at least point me to a post of yours where you already did this. You then pretended that I am asking you to do my work, which I find ridiculous. [besides, as of today, only arrest warrants were issued, the case was not yet tried]
  10. No, I am not discussing whether @SpookyKittyprovided sufficient evidence for her claim. Instead, I am pointing out the fact that - she refuses to provide any evidence whatsoever for her claim - and that she insist that she doesn't have to
  11. Justifying your claims is not 'doing my work'; it is a fundamental requirement of any rational discussion.
  12. No, you are wrong, it is your work to justify your claims, if asked to. Anyone here can confirm you this. And the moderators have to remind you about it. @Eiuol, @William O, @Pokyt, @dream_weaver
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