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    Objectivism Is The Everyman's Philosophy

    In the universe, what you see is what you get,

    figuring it out for yourself is the way to happiness,

    and each person's independence is respected by all

  • Rand's Philosophy in Her Own Words

    • "Metaphysics: Objective Reality"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed/Wishing won’t make it so." "The universe exists independent of consciousness"
    • "Epistemology: Reason" "You can’t eat your cake and have it, too." "Thinking is man’s only basic virtue"
    • "Ethics: Self-interest" "Man is an end in himself." "Man must act for his own rational self-interest" "The purpose of morality is to teach you[...] to enjoy yourself and live"
    • "Politics: Capitalism" "Give me liberty or give me death." "If life on earth is [a man's] purpose, he has a right to live as a rational being"
  • Objectivism Online Chat

    My Verses

    By Boydstun,
    . These Words These words we read from some desire . . that someone live . . the this entire. Read is our reach, . . our grasp, our be . . life that is know . . wings that are free.   Copyright Stephen C. Boydstun 2016    

    Reblogged:Who 'Slow Walked' Trump's Immunity Claim?

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    An attorney, annoyed at the cacophony of clueless babbling about the court deliberations over Donald Trump's dubious immunity claim, explains (original thread) the "slow" timetable and identifies who is really to blame for the proximity of these proceedings to the election.Dilan Esper's commentary on these "delays" that actually aren't goes on in some detail, and make for educational reading. (And it was good to see that I wasn't imagining things when I recalled the glacial pace of other court p

    What Can One Do?

    By monart,
    [The following article is inspired by Ayn Rand's "'What Can One Do?'" and "Don't Let It Go" (in The Ayn Rand Letter Vol I-Nr7,4,5 republished in Philosophy: Who Needs It). This article is a philosophical, perpetually youthful, romantic resolution for real noble best living.] ===   What Can One Do?                                                                                      1 Jan 2024   When one is faced with the challenges of life, or when sometimes d

    Remembering the CG Computer-Generated Pandemic Tyranny

    By monart,
    Remembering the CG Computer-Generated Pandemic Tyranny   It's been nearly four years since the "Covid-19 pandemic" campaign was announced (March 11, 2020) by the WHO and subsequently implemented by governments throughout the world -- using fear and force to "lockdown" then "vaccinate" billions of misinformed and misled, confused and compliant masses. How did the Covid-19 pandemic come to be? How did such a pandemic tyranny get established so quickly and easily? For one's ment

    Implications of non-human species possessing language

    By Pokyt,
    Sort of a lighter topic, but it's something I find interesting. If Dolphins are capable of communicating abstract concepts through complex language, would that mean they have the capacity for rational thought? Would they be deserving of protections if this was discovered to be the case? Purely hypothetical as how complex their methods of communication are is not yet known, but I am interested in hearing some answers. I think this would apply to hypothetical alien life as well. Here's a shor

    Biologists Replicate Key Evolutionary Step

    By dream_weaver,
    Yeast not only gives rise to bread, it gave rise to an answer to a question that has eluded evolutionary biologists.   "To understand why the world is full of plants and animals, including humans, we need to know how one-celled organisms made the switch to living as a group, as multicelled organisms," said Sam Scheiner, program director in the National Science Foundation (NSF)'s Division of Environmental Biology. "This study is the first to experimentally observe that transition, provi

    Reblogged:Four Random Things

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    A Friday Hodgepodge Probably not as hot as it looks... (Image by Thembi Johnson, via Unsplash, license.)1. Some time ago, I tried a new recipe that called for jalapeño peppers and was surprised that the ones I bought weren't that spicy. Memory jogged, I also remembered having nachos with cheese and sliced jalapeños at a sporting event some months before and thinking that either the peppers weren't hot or I was just inured to spiciness. I bumped into the answer recently within "Here's Why Jal

    USA v. Donald J. Trump – Indictment 8/1/23

    By Boydstun,

    Notes and Sources on Slavery and Abolition in the US

    By Boydstun,
    Resource at the Library of Congress for Good Firsthand Recollections of Lives of Enslaved People

    Reblogged:Thoughts on Paper Notes

    Gus Van Horn blog
    By Gus Van Horn blog,
    Someone I take to be a recent-ish graduate puts forth thoughts about paper note-taking, prompted by the project of scanning in old notes and other materials from college. The post opens in part with the following disclaimer:The advice is very different from much of what I have encountered, but I found it well-considered and superior in certain ways to those cultures. I think the bullet points on preferring loose-leaf paper to notebooks are exemplary, because you get reasons along with the advi

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