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Everything posted by Rearden_Steel

  1. That was my assertion. I just implied that I don’t have any evidence of it. Although I do believe that is what happened.
  2. I read the controversy about the girls too. Before I even heard of it though I saw them on tv and thought those girls look like they’re ten. Turns out they probably are. I couldn’t even watch the female gymnast match I was so disgusted. Only one of the girls is over five feet and the average weight I think was 77 lbs. One of the girls was even missing a tooth! I know the Chinese tend to be short but 4’ 70 lbs toothless high school girls? Apparently being lighter and shorter is an advantage in gymnastics. It makes you lighter on your feet so it’s easier to land and you’re much less prone to injury. The Chinese produced passports saying they are 16 but the matter is mute seeing how the people trying to cheat is the same people who make the passports. I think it was NBC who mentioned that they found official documents online saying the girls were significantly younger. I hope they do posses them and they get published. If it is true I hope the Olympic committee has the spine to stand up to China and make them give their medals back. I hope the media presses the issue.
  3. I enjoy watchig Michael Phelps. Three gold medals and three world records. His domination of his sport is inspiring.
  4. I’m not sure what is happining with the rebels in South Ossetia. What I am sure of is the evil intensions of Putin and the Russians. This is a land grab pure and simple. Putin is the same leader who says he’ll aim missiles at Poland supports dictators like Lushenko, cut gas to the Ukraine when the vote doesn’t go the kremlins way, declares murdered journalist work to be “uninfluential”, stops regional elections as a response to terrorism, nationalizes privet industries and nearly all the media, and shields KGB-style murders. I doubt Russia’s claim that it cares for the “poor people of South Ossetia”. When Georgia was told that it would not be let into NATO earlier this year it was a green light for Russia to invade. Putin just waited for the summer weather and the distractions of the Olympics in to invade. Having succumbed to Russia's tactics, Georgia will find its pipelines under Russian control as Russia plays its oil weapon card. I don’t k now enough about the rebels in Ossetia to claim that they are not morally superior to Georgia (all though I suspect its caused stirred and paid for by the Russians). But I do know that the Russia has no more justified intensions in “liberating” Ossetia” then Hitler did by bullying the annexation of Austria. "When the situation was manageable it was neglected, and now that it is thoroughly out of hand we apply too late the remedies which then might have effected a cure. There is nothing new in the story. It is as old as the sibylline books. It falls into that long, dismal catalogue of the fruitlessness of experience and the confirmed unteachability of mankind. Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong, these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history." Churchill 1936
  5. Perhaps the US should covertly supply the Georgians with tow and stinger missiles and create an entanglement for the Russians. If it becomes too much of a quagmire for Russia they’ll pull out. The Russians of course will know that we did it. When they confront us with it well tell give the same eye roll and shrug they are giving us now. We could also supply them with satellite imagery and intelligence. Keep in mind the Georgian troops were trained by the US.
  6. The researchers were professional doctors and scientist who do medical research in this field. The Researchers were: Nadine E Foster, senior lecturer in therapies (pain management) Elaine Thomas, senior lecturer in biostatistics Panos Barlas, research fellow Jonathan C Hill, arc lecturer in physiotherapy Julie Young, research nurse Elizabeth Mason research physiotherapist Elaine M Hay, professor of community rheumatology I don't think that reputable scientist and researchers would spend their time money and effort on a false report then publish it in one of the most respectable Medical journal in the world and have the finding sent to the House of Lords in parliament. This is a respectable university and research center. Most of the people listed here actually teach medical research. The great thing about science is that it must be reproducible. If you disagree you are more than welcome to read the study and reproduce it. At this point I don't think you are no longer listening to reason. I will leave you with the words of Winston Churchill who said "I'd rather be right then consistent". Confucius says: "The object of the superior man is truth."
  7. Here is a study of the creation of double blind needles made just for this purpous. Design of double-blind needles We designed a double-blind (practitioner-patient) non-penetrating needle, the tip of which presses against the skin but cannot penetrate it, and a matched penetrating needle with a specified insertion depth to be used in acupuncture research [17]. The appearance and feel of the penetrating and non-penetrating needles were indistinguishable from one another " Double blind needle test Here is a study published in the British Medical Journal using these double blind needles. "Our trial addressed the three important questions recommended by the House of Lords report on complementary and alternative medicine in 2000. Firstly, true acupuncture did not show any greater therapeutic benefit than a credible control procedure in patients with a clinical diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis. Secondly, acupuncture was safe, with few, minor adverse events. Thirdly, acupuncture provided no additional improvement in pain scores compared with a course of six sessions of physiotherapy led advice and exercise. The small additional benefits from acupuncture were unlikely to be clinically significant, were limited to pain intensity and unpleasantness, were mostly short lived, and could not be attributed to specific acupuncture needling effects" This was a double blind test showing that acupuncture has no significant medical value published in a respectable medical journal. As far as I'm concerned the case is closed.
  8. I can't believe all the people voting for Obama! You might as well be supporting a Socialist or a Green party member while your at it. There is no way McCain would screw up the economy as much as Obama would. Like its been said elsewhere on the site the man is a "blank out" and a "zero". He has no ideas and is just the puppet of a large mob of socialist and greens. Are these people the people you want running the economy? Not to mention his ideas of socialized medicine and labor ideas. Who knows maybe he will rise the minimum wage to $100,000 an hour. We'll all be millionaires! Brilliant!!!!
  9. Hmm... Maybe I've just been lucky and have ran into more Objective Libertarians. One day when I have more time I would like to be more politically active and test the waters so to speak.
  10. Its easy to point out a vocal minority with bad ideas. But my experience with most libertarians has been a positive one. I honestly believe that that there are more people in the LP that would go along the Objectivism than those who would not. I guess it may depend on were you live. Also, I have found that those that do dissent are usually easily persuaded. A lot of the time I find that they have just never heard of a rational alternative explained out before. Again this goes back to their need for Philosophy and a Objectivist lead. I've sold many an Atlas Shrugged this way. Don't Give up! Fight!!
  11. Rather then turning our backs on the Libertarians why don't we try to influence them with Objectivism. I see a lot of good still in the LP. Many of their ideas are very closely related to Objectivism. I know there are some in the LP that don't fall into that line or are starting to deviate from it. But a injection of Objectivisim and reason could set the party straight. It seems to me that there is still a lot of good and intelligent people in the LP, but they need a philosophical direction. Objectivist should rise up and take that helm that could steer them on to a correct course. I know there are dissenters in the LP, but every party does. I think a boost of Objectivism is just what the party needs. The name Ayn Rand still carries a lot of weight in the LP. After all this is a political party who core beliefs are supposed to be individual rights, right to property, and promotion of capitalism. No other party can say that. I believe that the majority of the LP would go along with an Objective lead. I like to think of a day where the Objectivism and rationality will be the philosophical back bone of the LP just as socialism is the back bone of the Democrats and Christianity is the backbone of the Republicans. Let the ARI take care of influencing society and the LP take care of Politics. That's my take anyways. I don't see why we should throw out a whole bushel just because of a few bad apples.
  12. Did anybody read his latest interview? I always thought that Cramer was a complete Jackass and here is the proof. But this is hardly surprising coming from a man who is basically the clown of Wall Street. With all the strangle holds on todays economy he thinks its still too free? Like I said what a jackass. Cramer needs to come back down to reality. Now wait here while I get my rope.
  13. Why the hell did I call you Dan? I was a IS (Intelligence Specialist). I was a IS1 a year ago but I got out to go to school.
  14. Hi Dan! My brother is a Corpsman and I myself served in the Navy for 6 years.
  15. Bruce Wayne is also a successful businessman. That alone makes him a hero to me.
  16. I think this episode was to make fun of the Writer's Guild of America strike. It was brilliantly done. Canada goes on strike for "some of that Internet money" .
  17. They are all so beautifully done. But why are they so thin? It makes me want to give them a sandwich.
  18. I wondered about that myself. I know that Jefferson was a bit on the quite side and disliked speaking in public. However, I think they made him a little too reserved. For instance when Adams and Franklin are questioning him about his draft of the Declaration of Independence he just shrugs and says "well that's I feel". I don't think that when he submitted his work he was so tranquil as to act as if he didn't care. I did notice in the later episodes he kind of opened up and started speaking a bit more firmly and often.
  19. Has any one seen the HBO mini series "John Adams"? There are so very few good movies or shows that take place in colonial America.
  20. I fail to see what you can get out of this except a very long and drawn out explanation. Conveying and conversing ideas between humans is hard enough without bringing all this baggage to the table. "I have never needed any other tool than reason, and I trust I never shall." - Thomas Paine
  21. Shackling the individual by imposing racist pride Here is a good article that discusses Obama and Multiculturalism. Its kind of a strange hodgepodge of ideas and quotes, but it does have some Andrew Bernstien remarks in it.
  22. I mean, that annoyed me but I didn't find it disgusting, I just felt it was unnecessary and incomprehensible why Ian McEwan went that route. I can see and understand your point.
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