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  1. Another aspect: If you don't like the way Wal-Mart treat their workers, shop somewhere else. I don't live in the US, and I've never been in a Wal-Mart store. So my knowledge is limited.
  2. I'm now 53 years old, and english is'nt my first language, and when I was young, we did'nt learn that much in school. I was young in the late 60- and 70-, and became a communist when I was 19, at college. Until the late 80', I was quite "red". It's not a period I want to talk much about, but I learned much there - but I also closed at lot of doors in my brain. I have'nt been active in politics since early 90's, and from then, my social situation allowed me to study a lot more. The first thing I read, was "The Wealth of Nations". I think the book was quite facinating, and I began thinking about my point of view. Is communism the answer? For several years, I've been frustrated. The answer for me is either communism, or pure capitalism. Recently, I have'nt voted, because I don't belive in a "hybrid"-system - communism and capitalism combined, which all major partys support. Now, I don't know. I somehow support the freedom aspect of capitalism, but I also think "Das Kapital" is the best text ever written to explain the market. Just now, the thing that I hate most, is all the political parys that think communism and capitalism can be combined. Can anyone tell me - why is capitalism better than communism, if a system which Marx describled, existed?
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